CYPRUS -- FOREIGN AND BRITISH OFFICES Lombardy-Venetia stamps used with legible or centrally struck Larnacca di Cipro CDS in red or in black; the 5s shows large part of papermaker's watermark letter, 15s has short perf at foot, otherwise Fine+ and scarce (Scott 2A26-2A28)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- FOREIGN AND BRITISH OFFICES Austrian Offices in the Turkish Empire; the two distinctive printings with selected strikes of Larnacca de Cipro CDS, F-VF with VF strikes (Scott 2A32, 2A39)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- FOREIGN AND BRITISH OFFICES Austrian Offices in Turkish Empire 1867/1883 stamps (13), fine or coarse print with portion of Larnacca di Cipro CDS in black or red; singles 2s to 25s, and one pair 5s red on piece, light crease on left stamp; plus Austria 2kr yellow with CDS in black. Mixed quality to Fine or better
Est. $400+
CYPRUS -- FOREIGN AND BRITISH OFFICES block of four (Plate 195) tied by light oval grid '942' of Larnaca on cover front registered to Germany, clear oval Registered NO 19 79 Cyprus datestamp, scarce and attractive, Fine (Scott A14, A15; SG Z14, Z15)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- FOREIGN AND BRITISH OFFICES Ten stamps including '942' 1p red Plate 207 strip of three, horizontal crease, 2½p rosy mauve Plate 14 pair, '969' 1p red Plate ? and 201, '981' 1p red Plate 196, '975' 2½p rosy mauve Plate 16 and 'D47' 1p red (plate?). Mainly F-VF
Est. $400+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Selected mint examples with ½p Plates 12 and 15, 1p Plates 181 (better), 201, 205, 208, 215-218 & 220 (scarce), 2½p Plates 14-15, 4p, 6p & 1sh; ½p Plate 12 and 1sh unused, others all mint OG. A seldom seen group in sound condition, Fine or better centering (Scott 1/6 US$3,450; SG 1/6 £3,040)
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Selected used examples, includes ½p Plates 12, 15, 19 (scarce), 1p Plates 181, 201, 205, 208, 215-218 & 220 (scarce), 2½p Plates 14-15, 4p and 6p (also used 1sh with clever fake overprint; not counted). A nice group in sound condition, Fine or better (Scott 1/5 US$3,525; SG 1/5 £3,340)
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 1,A fresh mint block [OS-OT / PS-PT] with bright colour, full original gum lightly hinged at top, lower pair NH, Fine+ (SG 1 £480 as hinged singles)
Cat. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 1,Horizontal pair [PN-PO] with central oval grid '974' (Kyrenia), Fine (SG 1 £220)
Cat. $230+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 1,An unusually well centered [IF] example from the scarcer plate, lightly cancelled, VF (SG 1 £850)
Cat. $950
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,A fabulous mint sheet of 240 stamps, showing Plate "215" number in corners; perforations separated in places and supported by hinges; usual gum creasing and warping of perforations in places, overall of fresh appearance with full original gum, about two thirds of the stamps are NH. An extraordinary sheet, Fine (SG 2)
The constant Thick "C" variety in "CYPRUS" can be seen at Positions CC, DC, FK, MC, NC and PK.
We are only aware of one other GB "CYPRUS" overprinted sheet, from Plate 216, it is noticeably separated with various faults and toned; offered at auction in May 2010.
The constant Thick "C" variety in "CYPRUS" can be seen at Positions CC, DC, FK, MC, NC and PK.
We are only aware of one other GB "CYPRUS" overprinted sheet, from Plate 216, it is noticeably separated with various faults and toned; offered at auction in May 2010.
Est. $2,500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,A mint single [PG] of this scarcer plate number, bright shade, centered low, large part OG, Fine; 1978 APS cert. (SG 2 £1,400)
Cat. $1,500
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,A choice mint single [LD], bright colour and full original gum, barest trace of hinging; a beautiful stamp, VF VLH; 1987 BPA cert. (SG 2 £850)
Cat. $840
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,Quite well centered mint single [RE], bright shade with well pronounced watermark Imperial "Crown", full original gum, F-VF LH (SG 2 £850)
Cat. $840
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,A nicely centered unused example [OE], VF; 1998 Brandon cert. (stating small part OG) (SG 2 £750)
Cat. $725
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,Mint block of 36 [OA-OF / TA-TF] from the lower left corner of the sheet, plate inscriptions in lower margin; two stamps with thins, centered left with slight warping of vertical perfs in places, faint perf toning on a few, perf separation between "OF" and "PF" stamps, full original gum with most stamps NH, Fine (Scott US$865; SG 2 £900)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,Right margin mint block of 32 [HE-HL / KE-KL] with rich colour, in an excellent state of preservation with full crackly original gum, appears all NH; large part of plate inscription and "radial pattern" positional marking, Fine+ (SG 2 £765+)
Cat. $860+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 2,A quite well centered mint block of 24 [AA-AF / DA-DF] from top right corner of the sheet (part of selvedge removed), shows constant thick "C" variety on "CC" and "DC", order number "260" and large portion of plate inscription along top margin, hinged in selvedge only, stamps with full OG, VF NH; a nice block. (SG 2 £720+ as hinged singles)
Cat. $780+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 4,A fresh mint block in a delicate shade [DH-DI / EH-EI], lower pair is NH, a lovely block, F-VF H (SG 4 £560+ as hinged singles)
Cat. $600+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 4,Used block of six (2x3) [QK-QL-SK-ST], the lower right corner of the sheet, blurry but legible grid '942' cancels of Larnaca, light creasing from usage on lower pair, an elusive used multiple, Fine (Scott US$1,440; SG 4 £1,500 as singles)
Provenance: C.G. Constandinides, Feldman, November 1993; Lot 10300
Provenance: C.G. Constandinides, Feldman, November 1993; Lot 10300
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 6,Irregular used block of six [FI-FL / GI-GJ from UL corner of lower right pane, "POSTAGE ONE SHILLING." imprint at top, minute wrinkles and a few perf flaws on left stamps, blurry but legible grid '942' cancels of Larnaca; a rare used multiple, Fine (Scott US$3,150; SG 6 £3,000 as singles)
Provenance: C.G. Constandinides, Feldman, November 1993; Lot 10313
Provenance: C.G. Constandinides, Feldman, November 1993; Lot 10313
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 7,All four plates surcharged "30 PARAS", selected mint examples with large part to full OG, Fine+ (SG 10 £765)
Cat. $715
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 7,All four plates surcharged "30 PARAS", in sound used condition each with light squared circle or circular datestamps, Fine+ (SG 10 £585)
Cat. $600
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 7,Fresh block unused block [NG-NH / OG-OH], bright shade, Fine (Scott US$600; SG 10 £640)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 7b,Mint single lettered [SG] with double surcharge, one inverted at top, small perforation fault above "G" of POSTAGE, a very scarce stamp, Fine appearing with large part OG. (Scott US$2,000; SG 10aa £1,900)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 7b,A lightly cancelled example [ML] with double surcharge, one inverted shown at top, scarce, Fine; 1992 David Brandon cert. (SG 10aa £1,400)
Cat. $1,500
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8-10,Select used examples with 18mm surcharge on Plates 174, 181, 201, 205, 216 & 220, 16-16½mm on Plate 201 & 216; and 13mm surcharge on Plate 215, 217 & 218. Mainly oval numeral grid cancelled; a nice group in sound condition, Fine (Scott US$2,410; SG 7-9 £2,405)
Cat. $2,410
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,A nice lot of all ten known plates, selected mint unless noted, includes Plates 174, 181, 201, 205, 208, 215 (tiny thin), 216, 217 (no gum), 218 and 220 (no gum). Plates 174, 217 & 218 have surcharge misplaced horizontally. Mainly F-VF, OG to LH (Scott US$3,600; SG 7 £3,545)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,Top margin mint block of six [AC-AE / BC-BE[, faint toning and perf separation in margin only, large part plate inscription shown, natural gum crease on three stamps, full original gum with five NH; a rare multiple, Fine (Scott US$1,500+; SG 7 £1,500)
Est. $600+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,A brilliant, fresh mint block [DG-DH / EG-EH] with full original gum with light to barest trace of hinging, a nice block, Fine+ LH (Scott US$900+; SG 7 £900+ as singles)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,Mint upper right plate "201" block [AK-AL / BK-BL], perf separation supported by hinges at top, colour lightly oxidized, full OG with lower pair NH, Fine (Scott US$460; SG 7 £440)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,Mint block of four [PE-PF / QE-QF], couple shorter perfs at foot, fresh mint with large part OG, Fine+ (SG 7 £320+ as singles)
Cat. $330+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8a,A mint single [LG] showing surcharge variety "HALF-PENN" (missing "Y"), hinge remnant, yellowish crackly part OG, Fine and rare (SG 7a £3,000)
Cat. $3,250
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,An exceptionally fresh mint pair [AA-AB], the first two stamps of the sheet, large part OG, very scarce, Fine+ (SG 7 £1,600)
Cat. $1,680
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,An unusually well centered, fresh mint block [HJ-HK / IJ-IK], surcharged misplaced, light natural gum creases on left pair, lower pair NH, VF (Scott US$330+; SG 7 £320+ as hinged singles)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,Vertical strip of four [LD / OD] and single [ME] tied to piece by Larnaca AP 23 81 postmarks, centered left, a striking sound used multiple, Fine (Scott US$500; SG 7 £475)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8,An elusive used single [FL] centered lower right, Fine; 1979 BPA cert. (SG 7 £900)
Cat. $900
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 8 variety,Very scarce mint single [AG] showing variety "=" between "HALF PENNY", quite well centered with brilliant fresh colour, one trifle shorter perf at foot, small part OG, VF (SG 7 £950+ as a normal stamp)
Cat. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 9,Both plates [DC] and [KK] respectively, rich colour and large part OG, Fine+ (SG 8 £530)
Cat. $540
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 9 unlisted,A scarce used single [TI] showing subtype of the handstamp surcharge with "2mm" spacing between "HALF" and "PENNY", slight ageing, superb oval '942' cancel of Larnaca, Fine and seldom seen (SG 8b £800)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10,The four known plates mint - 205 (scarce) [TD], 215 [BD], 217 [NH] and 218 [MK], minor natural crease on Plate 205, part OG and Fine or better (SG 9 £715)
Cat. $740
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10c, 10e,Three mint singles, two with surcharge variety doubled -Plate 205 [MI] and Plate 215 [NC] and one trebled on Plate 215 [PH], each with minor creasing, Fine appearing with part OG; an elusive group (Scott US$2,300; SG 9aa, ab, ba £2,200)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10c,Mint single [OJ] with double surcharge variety, centered right, Fine with part OG; 1996 BPA cert. (SG 9aa £800)
Cat. $875
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10,A lovely trio of mint blocks of four with Plate 215 [EA-EB / FA-FB], Plate 217 [QD-QE / RD-RE] & Plate 218 [OE-OF / PE-PF], all with fresh colour and large part to full original gum, Fine+ (Scott US$1,270+; SG 9 £1,300+)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10c,A quite well centered used single [GC] with double surcharge variety, light oval numeral grid cancel, attractive, VF; 1982 BPA cert. (SG 9ab £550)
Cat. $700
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10e,Mint single [KC] with treble surcharge variety, couple minor gum creases, Fine part OG; clear 1974 BPA cert. (SG 9ba £850)
Cat. $875
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 10,An impressive vertical strip of five [BJ / FJ] tied to piece by clear Larnaca JU 1 81 postmarks on the First Day of Issue of this provisional issue, Fine (Scott US$550+; SG 9 £600+)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 13,A post office fresh mint single with large part white OG, scarce this nice, Fine+ hinged (SG 13 £475)
Cat. $525
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 14,Fabulous fresh mint single, full white original gum relatively lightly hinged, De La Rue plate number "1" at foot, light horizontal crease in margin only; a rare plate positional stamp, Fine+ LH (SG 14 £950+)
Cat. $1,050+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 14,A rare used pair, bold oval grid '969' cancel of Nicosia; Georg Buhler backstamps, Fine (SG 14 £700)
Est. $300+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 15,The key value; a brilliant fresh mint stamp with portion of its white original gum, hinge remnants; a difficult stamp, Fine+ OG (SG 15 £1,800)
Cat. $1,900
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 16 variety,Mint single showing spur on left "1", position 3 in the setting of six, couple perf tones, very scarce, Fine LH (SG 23c £1,600)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 17,A nice mint single, slight soiling on top perfs from previous hinging, large part white original gum, a scarce stamp, Fine+ (SG 24 £1,600)
Cat. $1,750
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 18 + variety,A fresh mint block, both stamps in left column show spur in left "1" variety, a few split perfs strengthened by hinges, large part original gum, a scarce surcharged block, F-VF OG (Scott US$760 for normal stamps; SG 25, 25c £1,040+)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Five different selected mint blocks with ½p, 30pa, 1pi, 2pi & 6pi, full original gum hinged to lightly hinged; 2pi NH one with light gum crease; 6pi lower pair NH; seldom seen in blocks, Fine+ (Scott 19a/24 US$1860; SG £1,860 as hinged singles)
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Six mint blocks of four (except ½pi block of 8), includes 30 paras, 1pi UR Plate 3, 2pi (gum crease), 4pi & the key 6pi, stamps are mainly NH, seldom seen, F-VF (Scott 19/24a US$1,480; SG 31/36 £1,520)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 19-25a,A selected mint set of seven with bright colours, F-VF OG (SG 31-37 £500)
Cat. $545
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 26 varieties,Four different surcharge varieties: large "1" at left, Small "1" at right (light diagonal crease), large "2" at left (small thin) and large "2" at right, Fine+ (SG 29a, b, c, d £1,250)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 27,A fresh used single with large portion of oval grid '974' (Kyrenia), Fine (SG 28 £475)
Cat. $500
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 28-37,A beautiful set of ten in fresh mint blocks, the ½pi to 9pi in plate numbered marginal blocks (2pi has two blocks - Plates 3 & 4), brilliant colours, full original gum with two or more in each NH; light gum crease on 4pi. A very attractive set, F-VF LH / NH (Scott US$1,290; SG 40-49 £1,000 as mint OG singles)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 28-37,A post office fresh mint set, selected for freshness and full original gum, VF VLH (SG 40-49 £250)
Cat. $320
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 28-37,A lovely used set of ten mainly with CDS or squared circle postmarks, F-VF (SG 40-49 £375)
Cat. $405
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 38-47, 38 variety,Complete used set of 10, plus ½p with large "S" in "PIASTRE" variety, F-VF (SG 50-59, 50a £1,175)
Cat. $1,340+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 38/46,Seven mint blocks of four with ½pi (two blocks; shades), 30pa, 1pi, 2pi, 4pi, 12pi and 18pi. Three show De La Rue plate number - 30pa UL "1", 2pi top "1" and 4pi LL "1"; two or more in each NH, difficult to find, F-VF (Scott US$1,550; SG 50/58 £1,450 as mint hinged singles)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 44,A fresh used block with central Limassol MY 27 04 squared circle, light crease on lower right stamp; a scarce multiple, Fine+ (Scott US$1,100; SG 56 £1,100)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 46,A well centered, fresh used block with central Larnaca MY 27 04 squared circle postmark, VF (Scott US$700; SG 58 £720)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 47,A nicely centered mint corner margin block with De La Rue Plate "1" at foot, lower pair NH; a scarce plate block of this high value, VF LH (Scott US$1,000+; SG 59 £900+ as hinged singles)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 48-59,An attractive set in mint blocks, fresh colours; De La Rue plate number on five values - 5pa, 10pa, 6pi, 9pi and 12pi, most with two or more NH, F-VF (Scott US$1,640; SG 60-71 £1,400 as mint OG singles)
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 48-59,Mint set of ten with fresh colours, most are LH, the key value 45pi with margin at foot is NH, F-VF (SG 60-71 £350)
Cat. $410
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 57 variety,A very scarce example of the broken top left triangle variety, well clear of postmark, couple short perfs at top, fresh colours and well centered; a key value with the constant variety, VF (SG 69a £1,000)
Est. $400+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 61-71,Complete mint set of 11 with SPECIMEN overprint, bright fresh colours, mint OG, F-VF hinged (SG 74s-84s £600)
Cat. $550
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 61-71, 61a, 64a,A fresh mint set of eleven blocks of four, four show De La Rue plate number including high value 18pi & 45pi. Most with two or more NH; includes as well shades of 10pa & 1pi, F-VF (SG 74-84, 74c, 77b £1,170+)
Cat. $1,220
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 61-71, 72-84,Fresh mint set of 12 and shades of 10pa, ½pi & 1pi. Plus KGV Script CA 10pa to 9pi, F-VF OG / LH (SG 74-84, 85-97 £480)
Cat. $565
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 70 variety,A fresh mint single showing broken top left triangle variety, F-VF hinged (SG 83a £850)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 72-86,Complete set of fifteen with SPECIMEN overprint (two types shown) with fresh colours, mostly LH, F-VF (SG 85s-99s £750)
Cat. $700
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 72-86,Complete set of 15 in fresh mint blocks, six show sheet DLR plate number, each with mainly two or more NH stamps. A nice set, F-VF (SG 85-99 £2,200 as hinged single)
Cat. $2,470+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 72-86,Mint set of 15 with bright colours and full original gum, F-VF LH (SG 85-99 £550)
Cat. $615
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 75, 81 variety,Lower right Plate 1 blocks showing broken bottom left triangle variety on lower right stamp, F-VF NH (SG 88a, 94a £500+)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 79 variety,Well centered, post office fresh mint block showing broken bottom left triangle variety at lower right, lower pair with the variety NH, VF LH (SG 92a £600+)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 84 variety,Mint single with SPECIMEN overprint and showing the broken bottom left triangle variety; very few exist with the SPECIMEN, F-VF LH (SG 97b specimen)
Est. $300+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 87,A fresh, well centered mint single, barest trace of hinging, VF VLH (SG 100 £400)
Cat. $425
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 87,A choice used single with intact perforations and central Larnaca 14 JY 24 CDS, VF (SG 100 £1,200)
Cat. $900
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 88,A quite well centered, fresh mint single, F-VF hinged (SG 101 £1,400)
Cat. $1,400
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 88,A well centered used example with part double ring datestamp, scarce, F-VF (SG 101 £3,500)
Cat. $3,250
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 109,A fiscally used single, customary manuscript & crayon lines to prevent fraudulent re-use, VF (SG 117a £350)
Cat. $275
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Forgeries, three sheetlets of 24 stamps with added perforations on lime yellow, dull yellow and bright yellow paper; first with no selvedge. Subject of article by Jack Forbes in Canadian Philatelist journal, May - June 2020 on pages 169-171.
Est. $200
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Forgeries - ten items related to this high value, includes "used" (4), a specimen, unused crudely watermarked, corner block and two usages on cover & card. Subject of article by Jack Forbes in Canadian Philatelist journal, May - June 2020 on pages 169-171.
Est. $150
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 110,A choice, well centered mint single with SPECIMEN overprint, VF VLH (SG 102s)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 114-123,The set of 10 with SPECIMEN overprint, gum evenly yellowed; a scarce set, F-VF H (SG 123s-132s £700)
Cat. $750
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 114-123,A lovely set of ten in fresh mint blocks, the three low values with full imprint in lower margin, 45pi faint gum crease on two, otherwise full original gum F-VF NH (SG 123-132 £1,200+ as hinged singles)
Cat. $1,645+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 114-123,A fresh mint set of ten, F-VF OG / LH (SG 123-132 £300)
Cat. $410
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 114-123,A selected used set of ten with CDS postmarks and fresh colours, F-VF (SG 123-132 £450)
Cat. $565
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 143-155,Beautiful mint set of 19 with Waterlow & Sons Limited imprint in lower margins (ex 4pi ultramarine a LR Plate 1 block), some LH on top two stamps, otherwise NH including the key 90pi & £1. Seldom seen imprint blocks, F-VF (SG 151-163)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 871 Footnote,Limited edition souvenir sheet of two, sold at the "Europhilex '95" only; the key item of modern Cyprus, not often seen, VF NH (SG MS821 footnote)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS 125,Duplicated range including mint imprint / plate number blocks, used blocks, mint and used singles including "flyspeck" varieties, CDS postmarks; a few covers noting single usage on wrapper with original folded circular, registered cover with 1953 Coronation stamps to Switzerland, etc. (Scott 125; SG 133)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Organized and identified by plate on stockpages, from ½p to 1sh with emphasis on 1p red's. Duplication but offering myriad letter combinations ideal for further study and specialization. Noted better items such as ½p Plate 19 used, 1p red Plate 181 (15; five are unused / mint), Plate 220 (4; two are mint), 4p (27 mint or unused; 7 used), 6p mint and used (3), 1sh unused (2) and used. Mixed condition to be expected, includes many sound examples. A wonderful lot for a specialist wanting a strong nucleus to build on.
Est. $3,500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Mint / unused multiples focusing on 1880 1p red and 2½p rosy mauve, noted 1p red Plate 201 block of 12, Plates 215, 217 & 218 blocks of four, also a Plate 218 reconstruction (177 of 240 positions) all from same sheet with discoloration but mainly in large multiples; various 2½p blocks (three with imprints). 1881 surcharges (18mm long) Plate 208 block of four, (16-16½mm long) Plate 201 blocks of four & eight. Mixed condition to fine, toning in places, unused to mint OG; useful for plating.
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Includes elongated "U" on ½p rose Plate 12 & 15, Thick "C" in "CYPRUS" on 1p Plate 201 mint and used, 215-218 mint (also in a Plate 216 mint block of six), 220 mint and used, 2½p large thin "C" on "BK" in a Plate 15 block of six, on "JK" in UR corner block of nine, etc. Also 1881 surcharge 18mm Plate 201 "HALF PENXY" used. The odd flaw, mainly Fine or better; a challenging group to assemble.
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS The four Queen Victoria series represented with various mint issues noting mint Die I 1881 Crown CC ½p, 1p, 1882 Crown CC 1p, 2p 4p, 12pi (2); Die II 1892-1894 ½pi-45pi set plus extras, 1894-1896 ½pi set plus extras, etc. Condition mixed in places, generally F-VF
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Organized on stockpages with used examples of the four series represented. Mixed condition but noted many nice postmarks with numeral, squared circles, shades, etc. Moderate to heavy duplication on lower values; noted better such as Die I 1881 Crown CC 4pi, 6pi (3), 1882 Crown CA 4pi (8), 6pi (13), 12pi (5), Die II 1893 12pi, 1894 18pi, etc. Useful for study; inspect.
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Mint or unused and identified by plate number on stockpages, excellent representation of different types (18mm, 16-16½mm & 13mm) noting 18mm long Plate 174 (4), Plate 181 (2), Plate 208 (10), Plate 215, Plate 218 (4), Plate 220 (2); 16-16½mm Plate 201 (6), Plate 216 (3); 13mm Plate 205 (3), Plate 217 (3); 30 paras surcharge Plate 201 (4), Plate 216 (2), Plate 217 (3), Plate 220 (7), etc. Duplication throughout, providing numerous items suitable for specialization. Condition mixed; a useful lot.
Est. $3,500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Identified by plates on stockpages, excellent representation of different types (18mm, 16-16½mm & 13mm) noting better such as 18mm long Plate 174, Plate 181 (4), Plate 208 (3), Plate 220; 16-16½mm Plate 201 (2) plus a very scarce used (faulty) 17mm long (SG 8b); 13mm Plate 218; 30 paras surcharge Plate 201 (5), Plate 216 (4) plus a strip of three, Plate 217 (2), Plate 220 (3), etc. Light to moderate duplication and provides numerous letter combinations, suitable for expansion. Usual mixed condition.
Est. $1,250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS A duplicated range organized on stockpages by surcharge position in the setting of six. First page holds watermark Crown CC stamps noting four used from Position 3 - spur in left-hand "1" variety; then watermark Crown CA on six pages from all six positions, noting a mint and 14 used singles from Position 3 - spur in left-hand "1" variety. Position (setting of six), a kiss print of the surcharge on a used single. Some colour changeling mostly noticeable on the Crown CC stamps; a few mint Crown CA stamps, mostly used with various cancels noted from oval numeral grids to squared circles. Mixed condition; a great lot for the specialist.
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS A lot of 17 used singles, seven were used for Postal Accountancy Purposes and initialed "JAB" (J.A. Bulmer) as well as blocks of six and of four. The other ten singles with range of squared circle or oval numeral cancels; one appears unused. Mainly F-VF; a useful lot to study the six known types of surcharge.
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Organized on three stockpages, with "1/2" 6mm apart watermark CA unused single and various used, "1/2" 8mm apart watermark CC used (4) and watermark CA with about 50 used, many with "flyspeck" varieties of the surcharges plus other listed (small or large numeral - different font), noted strip of three on postal card piece; some flaws to be expected but a sizeable lot worthy of further study on these complex surcharges.
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Three sets 1894-1896 (½pi-45pi), 1903 (½p-45pi) and 1907 (5pa & 10pa) with SPECIMEN overprints, part OG, many with hinge remains, some with paper adherence; 1903 45pi creased, 1904 45pi unused. Followed by 13 odd values with SPECIMEN overprints from KGV series 1912/1924. Perforated SPECIMEN on 1934 ½pi-45pi (less ¼pi to complete), 1937 Coronation and 1946 Peace sets; a few in mixed condition but mainly F-VF
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Thirteen different used stamps with varieties, includes large "S" in "PIASTRE" ½pi Victoria & KEVII, followed by Broken top left triangle on KEVII 30pa, 2pi, Broken bottom left triangle on KGV MCA 10pa, ½pi, 30pa, 1pi (wrinkle), 2pi, 4pi, 6pi, Script CA 10pa grey & yellow (small flaws) and 30pa green. Fine or better (SG cat. £1,715)
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS On stockpages with Crown CA issues noting mint to 45pi (key value off centre, hinged), used to 18pi; Multiple Crown CA mint and used sets, a few blocks. Broken top left frameline on low value mint 5pa, used 1pi, 2pi. Duplication of lower values but offers plenty for studying shades, cancels, etc. Mainly F-VF
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Displayed on 16 quadrilled pages with write-up, lower denominations well covered including various used (postmark types) singles and multiples from the 5pa to 2pi (on first nine pages of the collection), a few varieties among them with ½pi large "S" in "PIASTRE" (three singles); a few pairs or strips (and 4pi block) from 4pi to the 12pi. Many nice postmarked stamps and multiples to be found; followed by four postcard rates and two covers - one with three colour franking registered to Canada and a 2pi rate from Limassol to Denver. Overall condition quite nice throughout; an excellent and attractive overview of the issue with postmarks, multiples, etc.
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS On stockpages with Multiple Crown CA issue mint & used sets to 45pi, 10sh (regummed) and used; Script CA used set; several blocks from both watermarks. Broken top left frameline on MCA used 10pa (3), ½pi (5), 30pa (2), mint 4pi, Script CA mint 10pa, 30pa & used 30pa. Duplication of lower values with postmark interest, etc. Mainly F-VF
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Strong representation on stockpages with a duplicated range mint and used to the 90pi, plus mint 90pi (4), £1 (also a £1 fake cancel and one fiscally used), various mint / used blocks, several with DLR plate number. Postmark interest on the used, etc. Great lot for study and further specialization.
Est. $1,250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Duplicated range on stockpages, includes a mint set to the £1 and nice, postmarked examples to the 45pi; also mint blocks from ¾pi-9pi. Mainly F-VF
Est. $300+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS On stockpages and leaves including mint & used sets to the 45pi, plus a duplicated range of mint and used to the 9pi, also a few mint and used blocks some showing imprint. Cancellation interest with nice CDS postmarks. Mainly F-VF (See also Lot 95)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Duplicated range of mint and used 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937 KGVI Coronation, 1946 Peace, 1948 Silver Wedding and 1949 UPU. Includes cancels, multiples and some covers including FDC.
Est. $300+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Substantial hoard of mint and used stamps from the ¼pi to £1 organized by issue, every value present; the high value represented by mint (11) and used (43) singles. Followed by mint / used blocks to the 18pi. Also highly detailed plating collection on the 1p orange on pages with hand drawn diagram showing characteristic(s) of a given position, a few perf 13½x12½ sprinkled throughout. Plus 1947 Paris UPU Congress presentation booklet with partial mounted set of 12 & 1946 Peace issue. Great lot for study.
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS In five binders / stockbooks with duplicated parallel mint and used collections. Noted 1963 Boys Scout mint and used souvenir sheets, strong representation 1970s to early 1990s noting mint NH blocks, plus other odds & ends, F-VF
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS About 275 different stamps overprinted SPECIMEN on stockpages, all in sets (plus a few duplicates not counted), VF NH throughout
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Complete from 1971 to 2005 (ex 1972) consisting of year packs and additional commemorative / definitives series folders for some years, also two post office binders with issues for 1985, VF NH
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Assortment on stockpages from first issues to about 1981, many represented with a mint NH block plus mint & used singles. Also a few covers / cards / FDC, including 1973 (Oct. 29) set of 7 on FDC with scarce small emblem cachet.
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS Over 50 revenues, noting Cyprus Revenue 1878 1p/10sh (nine different) mint OG with SPECIMEN overprint; several postage stamps handstamped POSTAL SURCHARGE; 1924-1928 KGV "Shield" postage stamps with 90pi (3), £1 (3) and key £5 fiscally used, etc. Condition mixed to Fine
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- STAMPS An unusually strong showing with detailed write-up on pages, about 200 fakes & Great Britain line-engraved issues with fake or bogus CYPRUS overprints on the ½p, 1p stamps and half-penny surcharges. A great lot for the student; from crude to well executed.
Est. $500
CYPRUS -- STAMPS About 90 fakes & forgeries with focus on GB stamps with fake CYPRUS overprints, with detailed write-up on pages, plus 1882-1886 surcharges, noted as well unusual crude Keyplate, a Sperati 45pi KEVII, etc. Also genuine ½pi QV on part registered letter, quite convincingly bisected and tied by squared circle - a discussion piece. Another great lot for study, from the crude to the dangerous. Ideal reference.
Est. $350
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS A beautiful lot of 45 stamps with selected numeral strikes on ½p to 6p issues; noted ½p Plate 19 "975", 1p Plate 181 (3 different strikes), 4p three strikes, 6p pair "942" and single "969", etc. Mixed condition to Fine; clarity of strikes generally clear to superb.
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Selection of 18 stamps with different numeral grids, 18mm long surcharge Plate 174, 181 (2), 201 (2), 205 (2), 216, 13mm long Plate 215 (3), 218 (2), 30 paras Plate 216 strip of three, Plate 220 pair. Mixed to Fine condition; clarity of strikes generally quite clear to bold; a nice lot.
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Over 100 stamps picked for their clear strikes, mostly singles with emphasis on Victorian issues; mostly very clear strikes. Includes 942 (one in red), 974, 975, 981, 982, D47, D48. Includes a rare "098" from Platres on a faulty ½pi QV but has upright clear strike. Minor flaws in places.
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Selection of generally clear to superb strikes on various issues from the four series, noting better Die I 1881 Crown CC 1pi block of six "982" 6pi (toning), 1882 Crown CA 4pi "D47", 1894-1896 12pi, 45pi, etc. A few flaws, generally F-VF
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Over 100 stamps organized by Castle RPO types - 32 to 42 on two stockpages; KEVII and KGV issues, highly select strikes for the most part. The odd flaw but clarity of the strikes often VF to superb
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Mounted on leaves with simple write-up identifying cancellations - over 150 stamps from Queen Victoria to KGVI, a few more recent. The odd flaw, mainly Fine or better with legible to clear cancellations.
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS An exceptional collection offered nearly intact comprised of over 350 stamps, from Victorian Keyplates to KGVI issues, few multiples and some 1882-1886 provisional surcharges included; plus fifteen covers / cards / fronts. Quality of strikes generally very clear, a large percentage centrally struck with great visual appeal. Organized by offices from Larnaca to Zii and by code letters (noting a rare Nikosia code "D" on KGV ½pi), also several earliest or latest recorded dates, indicia errors, etc. Minor flaws to be expected but overall quality is selected, especially for clarity of the squared circle strikes. Years of combined searching and researching were required; a fabulous collection waiting to be taken to the next level.
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS 1896 (June 20) Greenish grey envelope mailed registered to Leipzig, Germany, franked with 4pi olive green Die II tied by superb strike of Nikosia code "B" squared circle, pays 2pi letter rate to Germany plus 2pi registration fee, Larnaca transit and German receiver backstamp, VF (Scott 23b; SG 35)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS 1914 (November 13) Costas Macrides cover from Nikosia to London, franked with KGV MCA 10pa & ½pi clearly tied by NIKOSIA "D" NO 13 14 squared circles; central vertical fold and corner crease away from stamps. The code "D" squared circle of Nikosia is a major rarity - the discovery copy (found in 1999) proved its existence; since the indicia "D" is struck lightly giving reason to believe it was very short-lived before squared circles were found without the code letter. An important exhibit piece, Fine (Scott 61, 62; SG 74, 75)
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Selection clear squared circle and circular datestamp postmarks, latter more prominent on last two series. Includes better Die I 1881 Crown CC 4pi, 1883-1886 Crown CA 4pi (2), 12pi, also 6pi Larnaca CDS in red (fiscal) block of nine, Die II 1892-1894 4pi (5), used blocks of ½pi and 30pa, 1894-18966pi, 9pi, used blocks of ½pi-2pi, etc. The odd flaw but mainly F-VF with nice strikes.
Est. $300+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Over 700 stamps on stockpages and album pages. From Queen Victoria keyplates to KGV, plus multiples, oddities, multiple frankings on piece, 1882-1886 surcharges, etc. Condition varies; strikes are for the most part clear to superb. A great lot for a specialist.
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- CANCELLATIONS Several hundred from Queen Victoria to KGVI , large percentage organized by Castle types on stockpages. Emphasis on small town CDS, rural cancels, etc. Mixed condition but an effort was made to acquire clear strikes. A great lot ideal for continuation and further study.
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Undated (1880s) Mourning cover to the Russian Consulate at Beyrouth, embossed crest on flap, bearing Die I, Crown CA 1pi rose, light overall ageing, faint surface abrasion tied by superb oval grid "982" cancel of Famagusta, scarce, Fine (Scott 21a; SG 18)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1895 (December 5) Clean, fresh wrapper franked with ½pi green, Die II tied by superb Nikosia "B" DE 5 92 squared circle, addressed to Kyrenia, VF (Scott 19; SG 31)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Three covers, all Die II Keyplates -½pi green and carmine block of four, 1902 Nicosia to Dardanelli, Turkey; 30pa mauve pair and single, 1895 Nicosia to Beyrouth, 2pi ultramarine, 1893 Larnaca to France; small flaws, otherwise Fine
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1894 (October 13) Clean and attractive Queen Victoria 2pi blue Registered Letter envelope uprated with pair and single of 1892 30pa violet, Die II tied by Larnaca squared circles to Bern, Switzerland, oval Registered Cyprus datestamp in red; backstamped with Italian transit and Bern 23.X.94 receiver, VF (Scott 20; SG 32)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Lot of five items, ½pi postal cards uprated with ½p Die II, squared circle Larnaca to England and one to Switzerland, two different ½pi cards with unused reply card attached, one uprated with Die II 30pa violet, Nikosia squared circle to Beyrouth, other with Die II pair 30pa violet & green to Germany; and 10pa red wrapper uprated with ½p Die II Larnaca squared circle to Rotterdam, Holland. Generally VF
Est. $300+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1895 (March 9) Envelope bearing 1892 2pi ultramarine, Die II tied by Larnaca "B" MR 9 95 squared circle datestamp to Marseille, France, VF (Scott 22; SG 34)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1898 (May 13) Joseph Cirilli & Fils advertising envelope bearing a choice pair of 1896 1pi carmine & blue superbly tied by Larnaca squared circles to Nimes, France with Paris transit and Nimes 21 Mai CDS receiver on back; minor edge wrinkles, otherwise VF (Scott 30; SG 42)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1899 (June 8) Queen Victoria 2pi blue Registered Letter envelope uprated with 1896 4pi sage green and purple tied by Larnaca squared circle, CDS dispatch on back, to London with oval Registered London 16 JUN 99 receivers, scarce, F-VF (Scott 32; SG 44)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Eleven covers and six cards, mostly different frankings & rates. Noted 1905 Limassol squared circle to Berlin, 1907 1pi (2) on advertising cover Nikosia squared circle to Germany, 1911 2pi (2) registered Larnaca to Germany, 1911 12pi on large advert envelope registered from Larnaca to Cairo part of addressee crossed out, etc. Mixed condition in places to F-VF
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1914 (February 5) King Edward VII 2pi Registered Letter envelope uprated with KGV 2pi tied by Larnaca squared circle, Registered label with "Larnaca" filled in, Banque Impériale Ottoman embossed seal affixed to Zurich, Switzerland (part of addressee erased), 12.II.14 receiver, VF (Scott 65; SG 78)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1915 (September 25) Registered cover from Nicosia to Switzerland, franked with 30pa and 1pi (2) KGV tied by CDS, opened and sealed by Italian censors, Bologna transit and Bouveret receiver; and 1916 (April) Registered cover from Larnaca to Oregon, USA, ½pi, 30pa (2) and 1pi (2) KGV, opened and sealed by English censors with London, Chicago transits. Very scarce duo, Fine (Scott 62-64; SG 75-77)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Lot of 46 covers and four cards, range of frankings & rates, some registered mail, noted mail to the US, Germany, France, England, etc. Mixed condition.
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY An appealing One-frame exhibit collection with detailed write-up on rates, plus supplementary material on stockpages. From rural and inland rates to foreign destinations, myriad non-letter mail, registration, multiple frankings, weight class, etc. Collection holds 90 covers / cards, noting scarcer destinations such as Yugoslavia, Spain, Australia, etc. Also a few first flights. An excellent starting point for further specialization or to upgrade an existing advanced collection.
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Six KGV 2½pi Envelopes all uprated with KGV "Shield" 1927 to 1934; to London with 1½pi, three uprated 2½pi to Paris, to Vienna and to Athens (stained); large covers to Austria, first one (toning) with 1pi (2) + 2½p (2), the other 2½pi + 1½pi. Seldom seen
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1928 series with 8 covers, six registered, noting 6pi & 9pi blocks on 1932 airmail registered covers to England; 1934 series with 20 covers and two cards, range of frankings & rates, six are registered mail. Mixed condition in places, Fine or better
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Inland Rates: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 38 covers / cards including printed matter noting greeting and mourning unsealed ½p rates, ¼pi & ½pi newspaper wrappers, a single 1p book post double rate, printed matter (non-letter mail), faulty but impressive registered / avis de réception parcel wrapper (22½pi rate - 13 stamp franking) addressed locally, a few Rural post items including envelope from Millia FA 1½p inland rate, etc. Mainly F-VF
Est. $600+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Registered Inland Rates: on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 11 covers with 90pi & £1 on cover (perhaps paste-up envelope to parcel) Limassol to Troodos, 3pi KGVI registered letter uprated 4½p Larnaca to Limassol, faulty & stained Avis de Reception handstamped registered 9½pi rated cover addressed locally to Nicosia. Some faults, generally F-VF; inland registered mail is difficult to find.
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY British Empire Rates: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 60 covers / cards, printed matter rates including 1pi to Penang Malaya, newspaper wrapper ½pi rates to Kenya, Egypt, postcard rates, a large faulty but elusive parcel wrapper with printed form affixed rated 29pi to England, various British empire rates & frankings to various destinations including Antigua, Australia, Barbados, British Guiana, Canada, India, Jamaica, Malaya, New Zealand, ten have censor handstamp, plus five covers opened and sealed by censor, an instructional marking "Insufficiently prepaid for transmission by Air Mail" on large cover rated 3pi to England, etc. Mainly F-VF
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Registered British Empire Rates: on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 18 covers including 2½p, 3p (2) & 4p KGVI Registered Letters uprated; six covers passed by censor, a rare British Wartime currency control 6pi franked registered cover incoming from Cyprus (believed to be the only one known) for clearance at London, Passed by BPA Ltd handstamp most unusual, Avis de Reception registered cover to Palestine. About a third are faulty but display elusive rates, otherwise F-VF
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Foreign Rates: on pages with detailed write-up on rates, over 90 covers / cards including printed matter and postcard rates, noting OHMS wrapper to US rated 2pi, 1950 2pi postcard rate to Ecuador, etc.; myriad foreign rates represented including unusual destinations such as Argentina, Belgian Congo, China, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Libya, Norway and various to the US. Fourteen covers have censor handstamp, another eleven opened and sealed by censor tape; two with foreign postage dues (Lebanon and Greece). A super lot of KGVI era postal history, F-VF
Est. $1,500+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Registered Foreign Rates: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 24 covers to eight different destinations, mainly to Europe, Turkey, one to Jordan; includes unusual rates such as 45pi + 1pi rate (franking on reverse) to the US, large 3p KGVI registered letter uprated with 6pi & 9pi to US redirected with postage dues and 3c (3) Prexy; seven covers opened and sealed by censor to different destinations, etc. Some faults, mainly F-VF
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Censored Mail: Lot of 23 covers, all opened and sealed by censor tape, eight are to Egypt, one to Lebanon, others to the US or England, one is registered. Various censor tapes and markings. Condition varies (usual on these), many are F-VF; an elusive group.
Est. $600+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY Nearly 200 covers, additional material to the exhibit collection, includes non-letter mail, rural post, registered rates, British empire and foreign destinations, various frankings & rates, etc. Mixed to generally F-VF condition
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1938 (May 12) Cover mailed on day of issue at double Empire rate (2½pi) to Suva, Fiji, stamps tied by Limassol 12 MAY 138 CDS postmark, Cyprus For A Holiday publicity handstamp, Port Said transit backstamp; an unusual destination, VF (Scott 143-146; SG 151-154)
Est. $100+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1940 (February 10) Cover from Nicosia to Tenke, Belgian Congo, 2½p ultramarine tied by dispatch CDS, Cyprus "10" and Egyptian censor marks, superb Aba 9-3-40 transit and faint 25-3-40 receiver backstamp, VF (Scott 148; SG 156)
Est. $100+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1940 (February 29 - leap year) Registered cover from Famagusta to Batavia, Java (Dutch East Indies), franked with 2½pi ultramarine pair lightly tied by oval registered dispatch, second clear strike below, Passed Censor "4" and Egyptian censor markings, light foxing, Batavia receiver on back; pays 2½pi single letter rate plus 2½pi registration, an elusive and exotic destination, F-VF (Scott 148; SG 156)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1941 (July 5) Cover with pair 1pi orange mailed to Capt. J Winders, The Cyprus Regiment, M.E.F. passed and (roughly) opened by censor with instructional marking "Certified to Contain Bank Correspondence Only" three-line Certified P.O.W. handstamp, Egyptian receiver & Returned Letter Office Nicosia 7 NO 41 backstamp. Some flaws but a seldom seen Cyprus POW mail with character, Fine (Scott 146; SG 154)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1946 (August 31) Brown envelope mailed registered from Limassol to Puente Alto, Chile - a rare destination, minor wrinkling to envelope, franked 1½p violet & 4½p KGVI tied by oval registered dispatch datestamp, single letter rate plus registration fee, New York and Santiago transits, partial Puente Alto receiver backstamp, F-VF (Scott 147A, 149; SG 155a, 157)
Est. $100+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1947 (October 8) Tanger picture postcard, ½pi green tied by Famagusta CDS to Sweden, shortpaid with green Swedish postage due label affixed, rated "25 ore" with Swedish coil stamp tied by Docksta 2.11 47 CDS, slight card creasing, attractive and most unusual, F-VF (Scott 144; SG 152)
Est. $100+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1950 (July 24) Registered cover from Nicosia to Horta, Azores, franked with 1p orange, 2p black and carmine & 3p ultramarine, tied by oval registered Nicosia datestamps, pays single letter rate plus registration, clear Ponta Delgada 17.8.50 transit and Horta 19.8.50 receiver backstamps. A very scarce destination, F-VF (Scott 146, 147B, 148A; SG 154, 155b, 156a)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1947 (July 30) Karaolos - Temporary Camp in Cyprus by the British Army after WWII, housing Jewish immigrants; cover franked with 2pi tied by clear large circular Karaolos (British Army post office) JY 30 47 datestamp, addressed to Tel Aviv, small sealed tear at top, pays single Empire rate, rare, Fine (Scott 147B; SG 155b)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1947 (October 20) A rare Xylotymbou Camp Mail cover franked with 1½pi violet (3) tied by double circle British Field Post Office "555", three-line "H.Q. 3 / 69 CAMP STAFF SPECIAL / 20 OCT 47" from a Jewish temporary internment camp, double foreign letter rate to Austria, F-VF (Scott 147A; SG 155a)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY 1947 (November 19) Xylotymbou Camp (No. 70) Mail cover franked with 2p tied by three-line "H.Q. 3 CAMP / 19 NOV 1947 / (SPECIAL) CYPRUS" from Jewish temporary internment camp (No. 70) to Haifa, Palestine, trial age spots, Fine (Scott 147B; SG 155b) Also KGVI 1p (2; one with perf flaws) and 2p (2) each with large portion of Jewish Camp cancels (Xylotymbou).
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to the UK: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 39 covers / cards, about a third sent registered, some passed or sealed by censors. Includes better rates such as 1938 (May 13) 9pi & 6pi second day of issue quadruple registered rate, 12½pi sealed by censor on new air service via Durban (August 5, 1940 - third day of service via South Africa), triple weight 1946 registered 18pi (2) franking, canvas bag fragment with 1948 Kyrenia customs seals 6-times rate, registered, 1951 2pi postcard uprated ½pi (2), etc. Mainly F-VF
Est. $600+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to the British Empire: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 47 covers with several registered and censored. Unusual rates / destinations noted such Nicosia Air Mail CDS on 6pi rate cover to India, Military postal censorship to Southern Rhodesia, 1944 registered 25pi rate to Kenya "A.V.2." handstamped, 1947 11pi rate to Malaya, 1948 registered 14pi rate to Gold Coast, 1951 double airmail 30pi rate to Sarawak, 1951 14pi rate to Singapore, 1952 9pi rate to Sudan, 1953 triple rate (36pi) to Australia, 1954 19pi rate to New Zealand, others to India, South Africa, Canada, etc. A lovely collection with strong representation; mainly F-VF
Est. $1,500+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to Europe (Lower Rate Zone Countries): displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 39 covers / cards, about a third sent registered or censored. Rates to Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland; wide range of rates & frankings, noting short-lived 1939 (November) 13½pi rate to Belgium, 1948 12pi to British Zone, Germany, 1949 triple weight registered (18pi + 3pi) to France, 1952 airmail postcard 4pi rate to Austria with ongoing censorship mark, 1954 2pi postal card uprated 2pi to Austria. Generally F-VF
Est. $600+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to Europe (Higher Rate Zone Countries): displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 54 covers / cards, about a third sent registered or passed / sealed by censors. Noted 1940 13½p rate opened / sealed by censor (at origin & at destination) to Hungary, 1947 triple weight registered (26pi + 3pi) to Czechoslovakia, 1949 14pi rate to Bulgaria with ongoing censor mark, 1949 15pi + 3pi registered to Yugoslavia, 1950 3pi KGVI registered letter uprated 40pi to Finland, 1952 8pi rate to Spain, 1952 4pi second class airmail printed matter rate to Sweden, 1952 3pi KGVI registered letter uprated 14½pi sample parcel tag to Finland, 1953 8pi plus Express fee 6pi to Sweden, 1955 9pi registered post card rate to Czechoslovakia; various to Scandinavia, Switzerland, etc. A few minor flaws but generally clean throughout, F-VF
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to Greece & Turkey: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 21 covers / cards, four are registered. Noted 1947 5pi to Greece "poste-restante" with Greek 50d stamp for the service, 1952 3pi registered letter uprated 1p & 6p to Turkey, 1953 2p postal card with 1p orange to Greece, some minor flaws to F-VF
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to the United States: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 65 covers / cards, a third sent registered or passed / sealed by censors. Wide range of rates and frankings, noted short-lived 1940 (Feb) 18pi rate airmail, 1942 38pi registered and sealed by censor via West Africa & Brazil, 1945 17pi registered and sealed by censor partially by air with double ring "R/M" military censor mark, two covers bear the high value 45pi, 1950 4½p aerogram + 3pi registration, 1951 large 3pi KGV registered letter (fee raised to 4pi) triple weight uprated with eleven stamps, 1952 Diplomatic Pouch mail, 1953 5½pi second class airmail. Minor flaws in places, mainly F-VF; a solid display of rates and frankings.
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to South America, Middle East, Asia & Africa: displayed on pages with detailed write-up on rates, 25 covers / cards, seven sent registered or passed / sealed by censors. Noted better destinations such as 1940 13½pi sealed by censor to Belgian Congo (airmail label dropped off), 1948-1949 12pi rates to Djibouti, Ethiopia, Iran and Iraq, 1951 2pi postcard rate to Israel assessed 6p with postage dues, 1952 17pi to Japan, 1953 21pi to Argentina, etc. Minor flaws in places, generally F-VF
Est. $1,000+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to United Kingdom: nearly 200 covers / cards - forming additional material to the exhibit collection, includes registered, range of weight, rate and franking combinations, commercial, advertising,, etc. Mixed condition to F-VF
Est. $1,500+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to the British Empire: over 30 covers / cards - forming additional material to the exhibit collection, includes mail to Australia, Canada (including one by Mule Post from Stavros Psokas to Polis, then airmail to Canada), India, South Africa, and a few to the Middle East. Various rates & frankings, registered mail. Mixed condition.
Est. $500+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to Europe: over 130 covers / cards - forming additional material to the exhibit / collection, noting registered, advertising, commercial mail, rates to Scandinavia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Switzerland and other Western European countries. Wide range of rates & frankings. Mixed condition to F-VF
Est. $1,250+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Air Mail to the United States: Lot of over 80 covers / cards - forming additional material to the exhibit collection, includes registered mail, postcards, a wide range of rates & frankings. Mixed condition to generally F-VF
Est. $750+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Censored Mail: 8 covers - forming additional material to the exhibit collection, all opened and sealed by censor tape to the US (5), Austria (2) and one to the UK. Usual mixed condition as expected for these censored covers.
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1938 (August 12) Cover franked with two 2½p ultramarine tied by a seldom seen Airmail CDS. Eight post offices received this type of cancelling device and usage was very sporadic - the owner found only five examples of this type of cancel among his 700+ airmail covers; this one tied by two Larnaca Cyprus Airmail dispatch CDS, alongside unusual airmail label and clear Cyprus For A Holiday publicity handstamp, light bends to cover, F-VF (Scott 148; SG 156)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1941 (February 5) 1½p KGVI postal card, uprated with 1pi, 2½pi & 18pi for the short-lived 23pi airmail postcard rate to Brooklyn, airmail label and Passed Censor "26" Cyprus, light creasing. Effective January 7 to March 16, 1941 - this rate only lasted 68 days, Fine and rare (Scott 146, 148, 152; SG 154, 156, 160)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1942 (December 11) Cover mailed from Kyrenia to Vernon, BC with a five-colour 32pi franking tied by Kyrenia CDS postmarks, opened and sealed by censor at top, Egyptian censor mark further ties 1½pi. The rare 32pi rate - in effect between November 30 and December 13, 1942. Some cover wrinkling, a very scarce airmail cover, Fine (Scott 144/152; SG 152//160)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1943 (December 14) Airmail registered cover from Marango's Hotel, Pedoulas used as temporary Jewish Internment, addressed to Santiago, Chile; opened and sealed by censor, cover faults, franked on reverse with 3pi & pair 6pi, tied by Pedoulas dispatch CDS for the 14pi partial by airmail rate to Chile, with Nicosia, Natal (Brazil) transits and superb Santiago 6 MAR 44 receiver backstamps. A well-travelled cover with interesting historical context, Fine (Scott 148A, 150; SG 156a, 158)
Sender was part of a group of Jews fleeing persecution, struggling off the coast of Turkey in a yacht. Picked up by Turkish sailors who gave the survivors over to the British, who then interned them at Marango's Hotel, Pedoulas.
Sender was part of a group of Jews fleeing persecution, struggling off the coast of Turkey in a yacht. Picked up by Turkish sailors who gave the survivors over to the British, who then interned them at Marango's Hotel, Pedoulas.
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1944 (March 27) Airmail envelope franked with ½pi green, 4½pi & 9pi for 14pi for partial air mail rate, stamps tied by Nicosia double ring dispatch CDS, sealed by censor in Egypt and in the US, Cairo transit and Guatemala City 18 JUN 44 receiver backstamps, light cover fold and edge wrinkles, Fine and rare (Scott 144, 149, 151; SG 152, 157, 159)
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1947 (August 25) Airmail cover to Shanghai, China, bearing 1pi, 9pi & 18pi tied by Nicosia double ring dispatch CDS for 28pi airmail rate; clear Shanghai receiver on back, slight wrinkling to cover. A very scarce destination, F-VF (Scott 146, 151, 152; SG 154, 159, 160)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL Karaolos - Temporary Camp in Cyprus by the British Army after WWII, housing Jewish Refugees; two very scarce airmail covers to Zurich, Switzerland - 1948 (January 20) 2pi (7) and 1948 (April 1) 2pi (6) shortpaid cover with Swiss 5c & 50c postage dues. Minor flaws - stamps tied by the elusive large circular Karaolos (British Army post office) datestamps. It has been reported that only low denominations stamps were available at this temporary post office, Fine (Scott 147B; SG 155b)
First cover has sender's return address on back and annotates name of the intercepted ship, the "Nau-York".
First cover has sender's return address on back and annotates name of the intercepted ship, the "Nau-York".
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1948 (April 16) Airmail registered commercial mail to Czechoslovakia, brown cover with light wrinkling paying quadruple weight (52pi) plus 3pi registration, franked on reverse with seldom seen usage of the 45pi along with 1p orange and 9pi tied by oval Registered Limassol datestamps, Czech receivers, F-VF (Scott 146, 151, 153; SG 154, 159, 161)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1948 (August 13) Business envelope sent airmail registered with "AR" (Avis de Reception) handstamp, 2pi & 9pi for 5pi airmail rate, 3pi & 3pi for registration and AR fees. A seldom seen usage of Avis de Reception service from Cyprus, F-VF (Scott 147B, 151; SG 155b, 159)
Est. $100+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1949 (December 2) Airmail cover to Arusha, Tanganyika, three-times the 11pi airmail rate franked of 4½pi (2), 6pi & 18pi tied by Limassol dispatch CDS postmarks, light edge wrinkling; an attractive franking to a very scarce destination, F-VF (Scott 149, 150, 152; SG 157, 158, 160)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1950 (June 16) Cover sent airmail to Kabul, Afghanistan, three colour franking for 13pi airmail rate tied by Nicosia double ring dispatch CDS; on reverse Peshawar 23 JUN and slightly blurry Kabul receiver, slight ageing and edge wrinkling. A very scarce commercial airmail cover to Afghanistan, Fine (Scott 146, 148A, 151; SG 154, 156a, 159)
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1954 (November 3) 4½p aerogram uprated with 4p deep ultramarine tied by clear oval Registered Nicosia datestamp, sent registered to Buenos Aires, minor wrinkling, a very scarce combination of registered rate and destination, F-VF (Scott 166; 156b)
Est. $100+
CYPRUS -- AIRMAIL 1955 (March 26) Very large envelope sent airmail registered from Famagusta to England, displaying the highest observed franking of Cyprus George VI issues - 1pi 18pi, 45pi & £1 (2) for a £2, 64pi airmail rate up to 84 ounces; envelope has several folds and peripheral faults (folded for presentation) from original heavy content, officially sealed at left by British customs with KEVIII E.R. post office tape (envelope was originally opened or damaged in transit). A unique airmail item, Fine (Scott 146, 152, 153, 155; SG 154, 160, 161, 163)
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY LARGE LOTS Lot of 39 covers showing the three known publicity handstamps - Cyprus for a Holiday (13), Visit Cyprus (10) and Cyprus Oranges (16), various rates, destinations. Condition ranges from faulty to VF (Cyprus Study Circle Paper No. 1 on Publicity Handstamps included).
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY LARGE LOTS Large assortment from early QEII definitives and Independence overprints to more modern mail including rural cancelled covers, meter mail, registered mail, philatelic bureau covers; British Forces in Cyprus, maximum cards, First Day Covers, etc.
Est. $150+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY LARGE LOTS Nice lot of over 90 unused postal cards, reply cards, wrappers, envelopes and aerograms. Victorian to modern era, latter noting surcharges, a few overprinted SPECIMEN, etc. Not often seen this comprehensive, generally clean and fresh throughout, F-VF
Est. $250+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY LARGE LOTS Group of 35 unused items 1880s to 1980s, nine from the Victorian era, a few KGV, nearly 20 different Cyprus Republic envelopes in different sizes including surcharges. A few earlier with ageing, others F-VF
Est. $200+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY LARGE LOTS Comprehensive lot of over 100 used postal cards, wrappers, registered envelopes, aerograms. From Victorian to modern era, latter includes surcharges. Light duplication but will offer different types, subtle differences in card stock, usages, cancels, destinations, etc. F-VF
Est. $350+
CYPRUS -- POSTAL HISTORY LARGE LOTS Group of ten items, mostly uprated; mixed condition from rough to F-VF; noted KEVII 2pi uprated with KGV 30pa to New Zealand (ageing), KGV 2pi uprated 2pi to France and another uprated 1½pi to Palestine, etc.
Est. $250+
ANTIGUA Folded entire datelined "Antigua April the 10th 1788" ex Tudway correspondence to Wells, Somersetshire, small internal tear, otherwise clean and fresh and displaying a well-struck widely spaced "ANTIGUA" straightline, endorsed "By Captn. Keys", rated "9" crossed out and re-rated "1/7" with two line "DOVER / SHIP-LRE" handstamp, most attractive, VF (R. Lowe HS-6a)
Illustrated in Robson Lowe "Encyclopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps - Volume VI Leeward Islands" handbook on page 6 (figure i)
Illustrated in Robson Lowe "Encyclopedia of British Empire Postage Stamps - Volume VI Leeward Islands" handbook on page 6 (figure i)
Est. $1,000+
ANTIGUA Folded entire in clean, fresh condition, from the Tudway correspondence to Wells, Somersetshire, superb strike of straightline "ANTIGUA / JAN 19 801", endorsed "By the Leicester Packet" and rated "1/8". An attractive and choice example of this early straightline, VF+ (R. Lowe HS-10b - last three figures "801") ex. Frederick Mayer (October 2004; Lot 2022)
Est. $750+
ANTIGUA Folded entire from the Tudway correspondence to Wells, Somersetshire with very fine strike of two-line "ANTIGUA / APR 25 801" straightline, endorsed "By the Townsend Packet", rated "1/8" crossed out and "1/10". A remarkably clean cover with VF strike (R. Lowe HS-10b - last three figures "801") ex. Frederick Mayer (October 2004; Lot 2023)
Est. $600+
ANTIGUA 1808 (March 17) Folded cover endorsed "by the packet", rated "4/8" double for transatlantic letter + Inland rate to Edinburgh, Scotland, superb two-line strike of "ANTIGUA / MAR 17 1808" (last digit in a different font), "G" APR 28 1808 receiver backstamp and rated additional "1" charge, VF and attractive (R. Lowe HS-10c)
Est. $500+
ANTIGUA 1850 (October) Clean bluish envelope mailed to Bath, redirected to Melksham with a desirable early usage of the British Crowned Circle "PAID AT ANTIGUA" in magenta - a most unusual colour, Antigua OC 29 1850 double arc dispatch on back, London 20 NO 1850 transit along with Bath receiver and dispatch, light Melksham backstamp. Quite likely the only known British Crowned Circle of Antigua in this distinctive colour, F-VF (Scott A1 variety; SG CC1 variety)
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2026
Dr. Reginald Urwick British West Indies, Robson Lowe, October 1964
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2026
Dr. Reginald Urwick British West Indies, Robson Lowe, October 1964
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 1861 (August 27) Blue cover to Liverpool showing a well-struck British Crowned Paid Circle "PAID AT ANTIGUA" handstamp in red, Antigua CDS dispatch at left, prepaid with red crayon "6" rate marking and London Paid SP 13 61 CDS transit, same-day CDS receiver on back, VF (Scott A1; SG CC1)
Est. $600+
ANTIGUA 1858 (October 30) A beautiful, fancy embossed lady's cover franked with GB 6p lilac tied by well-struck grid 'A02' of St. John's, bold Antigua double arc dispatch on back alongside London F.H. NO 20 58 split ring receiver in red. One of the nicest "A02" cancelled covers one can hope to find, VF (Scott A7; SG Z5)
Est. $2,500+
ANTIGUA Used single with socked-on-nose, complete strike of grid 'A18' cancellation of English Harbour, very rare, a Fine sound stamp with VF strike (Scott A11; SG Z9 £2,000)
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 1,A superior mint example of this challenging classic stamp, displaying better centering than most existing examples, with bright colour on fresh paper and large part white original gum. A hard stamp to find, VF OG (Scott US$950+; SG 1 £800+)
Est. $1,000+
ANTIGUA 1b,A remarkably well centered unused single in flawless condition, intact trial perforations all around, a very rare stamp, certainly among the finest of the handful known to exist, VF+ (SG 3 £3,250)
Expertization: 1964 BPA certificate signed by experts A. Pemberton & R. Lowe
Expertization: 1964 BPA certificate signed by experts A. Pemberton & R. Lowe
Est. $3,500+
ANTIGUA 1c,A very well centered mint example of this very elusive stamp displaying trial perforations, large part original gum. Only a few examples exist, this one possessing superior centering, VF (SG 4 £3,250)
Est. $3,500+
ANTIGUA 2,A fabulous mint block of twelve (6x2) with part sheet margin at foot, amazing colour in a deeper shade than normally seen, full original gum lightly hinged on lower right stamp only, minor gum bend on stamps in right block, eleven stamps NEVER HINGED. A stunning block - one of the very nicest of the very few known large multiples of this stamp, Fine+ LH / NH (SG 6)
Est. $2,000+
ANTIGUA 2,A marvelous used block of nine neatly cancelled by grid 'A02' cancels, lower right stamp faulty at foot, otherwise sound, attractive and very rare - quite likely the largest known used multiple extant, Fine (SG 6)
Provenance: The Colonel J.R. Danson Collection of British West Indies, R. Lowe Auction, June 1971
Frederick Mayer, British West Indies, Spink, October 2004; Lot 2120
Provenance: The Colonel J.R. Danson Collection of British West Indies, R. Lowe Auction, June 1971
Frederick Mayer, British West Indies, Spink, October 2004; Lot 2120
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 3 variety,A rare mint block of four, the scarcest colour among the One penny stamps, negligible perf stain at foot, lovely fresh colour and with large part original gum, Fine OG (SG7b)
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 4,1864 (June 10) Superb cover franked with an equally choice pair of 6p green, watermark Small Star rough perf 14-16, nicely tied by 'A02' grids, neat London Paid split ring in red at left; on reverse neat Antigua JU 10 64 dispatch CDS and Edingburgh JU 28 64 CDS on arrival. A superb cover, VF (SG 8)
Provenance: T. Charlton Henry, Harmer, Rooke & Co., April 1961; Lot 23
Provenance: T. Charlton Henry, Harmer, Rooke & Co., April 1961; Lot 23
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 1864 (July 27) Cover to Scotland bearing a pair of 6p green, watermark Small Star rough perf 14-16, each stamp nicely struck with grid 'A02' cancel, left stamp further tied by light London AU 12 64 CDS transit, Antigua dispatch CDS partly overstruck by Edinburg AU 13 64 CDS on arrival, an attractive cover, VF (Scott 4; SG 8)
Est. $750+
ANTIGUA 1874 (November 27) Folded cover from English Harbour to Liverpool franked with a well centered and fresh vertical pair of 6p blue green, Crown CC perf 12½, affixed sideways and tied by light grid 'A18' cancels, English Harbour rimless dispatch and Liverpool 14 DE 74 CDS receiver backstamp; light creases and couple small cover flaws, otherwise Fine with a VF and rare franking (Scott 7; SG 15)
Provenance: Y.B. Yardley, Harmers of London, September 1944
Frederick Mayer British West Indies, Spink, October 2004; Lot 2170
Provenance: Y.B. Yardley, Harmers of London, September 1944
Frederick Mayer British West Indies, Spink, October 2004; Lot 2170
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 8b variety,A very scarce used block with the reversed watermark variety, each stamp with grid 'A02' cancel of St. John's, F-VF (SG 17x)
Est. $400+
ANTIGUA 10,An exceptionally fresh and precisely centered mint example with large part white OG, as fresh as the day it was printed, XF OG (SG 20 £250+)
Cat. $290+
ANTIGUA 1884 (January 11) Cover bearing a sheet margin example of 4p blue, Crown CC perf 14, nicely tied by oval grid 'A02' cancel, Antigua JA 11 84 CDS dispatch at left, addressed to Langesund, Norway; red crayon "3" mark perhaps denotes delivery charge in Norway. A very scarce single-franking to an unusual destination, F-VF (Scott 10; SG 20)
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua Stamps and Postal History, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2099
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua Stamps and Postal History, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2099
Est. $1,000+
ANTIGUA 13,A beautiful mint block of four with deep rich colour, full original gum with barest trace of a hinging at top and lower pair NH. A seldom seen block in exceptional quality, F-VF (SG 22 £760 as hinged singles)
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2105
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2105
Est. $1,000+
ANTIGUA 13a,A well centered mint example clearly showing Large "2" in "2½" with sloping foot variety, bright colour with large part original gum. An outstanding example of this rarity, VF OG (SG 22b £3,500+)
Est. $3,500+
ANTIGUA 14a,A selected used example showing Large "2" in "2½" with slanting foot variety well clear of nicely truck May 1889 CDS postmark. Although quite easily found mint, this variety is elusive in nice used condition, VF (SG 27a £250+)
Est. $350+
ANTIGUA 15,A well centered, fresh mint single with full original gum with just a faint trace of hinging, VF+ VLH (SG 23 £275)
Cat. $350+
ANTIGUA 1887 (May 23) Registered cover to New York bearing Crown CA perf 14 pairs of 1p carmine red and 4p blue, one in each pair with minor flaws at top, centrally struck oval grid 'A02' cancels, oval "R" registry handstamp and Antigua dispatch CDS, on reverse with receiver "6 6 87 D" handstamp. (Scott 15, 18; SG 23, 25)
Provenance: Dr. Reginald Urwick British West Indies, Robson Lowe, October 1964
E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2112
Provenance: Dr. Reginald Urwick British West Indies, Robson Lowe, October 1964
E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2112
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA 16variety,A very well centered, fresh mint horizontal pair, left stamp shows top left triangle detached variety, full pristine original gum, seldom seen in such choice condition, XF NH (SG 28a for hinged £400+)
Est. $400+
ANTIGUA 18,Mint full sheet of 120 stamps showing Crown Agents for the Colonies watermark in selvedge, printed by De La Rue from Perkins Bacon plates, showing the two constant Major Re-entries found at Positions 8 & 20. Slight gum creasing and minor warping of vertical perforations at centre, trivial perf separation in margin only. An impressive and rarely seen intact sheet, F-VF NH (SG 25)
Est. $600+
ANTIGUA 30,Imperforate Colour Trial in black (?) and violet on Multiple Crown CA watermarked and gummed stamp paper, a grey-green centre is superimposed resulting in the issued colour combination; a rare and unusual example of De La Rue procedures, VF OG (SG 51)
Est. $500+
ANTIGUA 58-64,Specimen stamps originating from UPU distribution to the French Colony of Madagascar; the complete set of seven in horizontal strips of three, all with horizontal SPECIMEN overprints in black and cancelled by triple-ring circular "POSTES ET TELEGRAPHES / MADAGASCAR / COLLECTION DE BERNE" handstamps in red on archival ledger pieces. UNIQUE. (SG 55-61)
Est. $1,500+
ANTIGUA MR1-MR3,A set of three imperforate pairs on watermarked and gummed Multiple Crown CA stamp paper; from a plate of six stamps produced by De La Rue of the stamps printed until early 1920s; a couple with negligible gum crease hardly worth mentioning, from the personal collection of an Official of the company. One of only three possible sets in pairs, VF NH, very rare (SG 52-54)
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2171-2173
Frederick Mayer British West Indies, Spink, October 2004; Lot 2330-2332
Provenance: E.V. Toeg Collection of Antigua, Christie's Robson Lowe, December 1990; Lot 2171-2173
Frederick Mayer British West Indies, Spink, October 2004; Lot 2330-2332
Est. $6,000+
BARBADOS 1856 (October 12) Small mourning cover to Bristol, England bearing a full margined (1p) blue on blued paper tied by oval grid '1' cancel for local postage, on reverse five different backstamps including dispatch and NO 3 receiver, rated "6" due customary for mail to the United Kingdom (ship letter fee to be collected from recipient). Very scarce as most known One penny covers are mailed locally, to North America or to other Caribbean islands, VF (Scott 2a; SG 3)
Est. $300+
BARBADOS Mostly in clear mounts on Scott pages starting with 44 "Britannia" issues noting 1852 (½p) deep green used on bluish paper, unused (1p) dark blue on bluish paper block of nine, 1873 5sh used; 1916-1918 Seal of Colony used set of 13, etc. Minor flaws on earlier issues, mainly F-VF
Est. $500+
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1855 (January 27) Soldier's Concessionary folded letter endorsed "Richard Ryan 2nd Battn. 60th Royal Rifles, countersigned by Commanding Officer, mailed from King Williams Town to Ireland, bearing a 1p deep brick red on deeply blued paper, slightly touching frame in two places to extra large margins and tied to cover, paying the One penny Soldier's rate, handstamped "2" pence due Colonial rate (normal letters from CGH were charged 8 pence for Ship letter fee by the recipient), some ageing along cover edges; on reverse five different transit and receiver datestamps; an attractive and Fine cover (Scott 1b; SG 1a)
Est. $750+
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1853 (October 12) Folded lettersheet from Kabousie Post to England, some cover staining, franked at lower left with a pair of 4p blue on blued paper, trivial corner fault, tied by triangular "CGH" grid, rated 4p inland letter rate + 4 pence Port, prepaid and further rated "8" pence due in manuscript for Ship Letter fee charged to the recipient on arrival; on reverse large part clear double oval GPO "Crown" Cape of Good Hope and British DE 3 1853 CDS in red. An early usage of a Cape triangle on cover (stamps were issued September 1st, 1853), Fine (Scott 2b; SG 2)
Est. $300+
CEYLON 1860 (May 21) Blue folded lettersheet mailed from Galle endorsed "via Suez et Marseille", bearing an imperforate 1p ultramarine, small fault, tied by oval grid, paying the inland 1p rate and sent to Maligny, France (that allowed collect mail) with "8" (décimes) due from the recipient; part legible dispatch in red on back, clear double circle French 25 JUIN transit datestamp in red attractively struck next to franking and handstamped due marking, Fine and scarce (Scott 3; SG 2)
Est. $500+
CEYLON 1858 (August 19) Folded lettersheet endorsed "p. Str Australasian" bearing a 5p chestnut, large to clear margins except at top right barely touching, deep rich colour and cancelled by light mute grid, sealed cover tear at top in no way detracts; reverse with light Galle AU 19 and portion of Ship Letter GPO Victoria OC 11 receiver in red. A very scarce single-franking cover to Australia, F-VF (Scott 6; SG 5)
Est. $500+
CEYLON 1858 (March) Folded cover endorsed "via Galle" bearing an imperforate 5p chestnut, touching at foot to ample margins, central grid cancel, partially legible Kandy Post Paid, Steam Letter transit and partial Bombay small CDS in red on reverse, Fine (Scott 6; SG 5) ex. Joseph Hackmey (February 2009; Lot 99)
Est. $500+
CEYLON 1858 (October 30) Small envelope endorsed "via Southampton" bearing a 6p purple brown on white paper with well clear to large margins, tied by mute grid, back struck with clear Caltura dispatch with filled-in date and Galle NO 1 1858 Steamer Letter transit in red, Paid London DE 4 58 CDS in red. A pretty single-franking cover, VF (Scott 6A; SG 6)
Est. $350+
CEYLON 1860 (December) Blue folded cover endorsed "via Marseilles" to London bearing a full margined, choice 1sh slate violet neatly tied by mute grid, mostly clear Galle Steamer letter datestamp in red on back, backflap tear. Pays double weight rate to the UK franked, a lovely cover, VF; 1961 BPA cert. (Scott 11; SG 10)
Est. $750+
GREAT BRITAIN 2,An appealing used horizontal pair with ample to large margins, bright fresh colour, minute scissor cut between stamps, Maltese cross cancels in black, VF (Scott Classic cat. for pair; SG 5 £1,950)
Cat. $2,500
GREAT BRITAIN 74,A fabulous used single with uniformly rich colour on bright fresh paper, shows watermark line from right side of the sheet, postally used with superb Glasgow AP 27 82 postmark. A beautiful used stamp, Fine+ with no premium added for CDS postmark (SG 128 £3,000)
Cat. $3,750
GREAT BRITAIN 93,A well centered used single with bright colour on fresh white wove paper, intact perforations all around, used with oval Registered Threadneedle St. (London) 17 FE 88 datestamp; a flawless example of this key high value, VF (SG 137 £3,500)
Cat. $4,100
GREAT BRITAIN 142,A fabulous, post office fresh mint single, well centered and devoid of the usual gum bends so prevalent on these large stamps, amazing colour on fresh paper and full pristine original gum, never hinged. Very seldom seen in such top-quality, VF+ NH (SG 266 £3,000)
Cat. $3,450
GREAT BRITAIN 142,A quite well centered used single with bright colour, attractive with neat Brighton FE 26 03 CDS postmark; a nice stamp, F-VF (SG 266 £825)
Cat. $825
GREAT BRITAIN 209,A well centered and fresh mint single with full original gum, VF VLH; 1976 PF cert. (SG 438 £750)
Cat. $750
GREAT BRITAIN Predominantly used and mostly in mounts on album pages, excellent representation from Line-engraved issues to KGVI era. Surface-printed issues well represented in number and value as well including many of high values noting 1874 5sh rose Plate 2, two sound examples, one with "C38" (Callao, Peru) cancel, 1878 & 1883 10sh wmk Imperial Crown and Anchor respectively, former sound and latter with light wrinkle, 1882 £5 orange, clipped perfs and light pressed crease with revenue datestamp. 1884 & 1888 £1 brown violet (both watermarks) sound used, etc. Also various plate number stamps on line-engraved and surface-printed, many nicely postmarked; then various Seahorses to the £1; a corner margin £1 PUC (tone spots on gum, appears NH). A solid collection with enormous catalogue value; worth close examination.
Est. $3,000+
GRENADA A duplicated collection in clear mounts on quadrilled pages, including mint and used singles, various tête-bêche pairs (no 1p, 1sh) and blocks, some with DLR plate numbers, plus provisional surcharge issues. Includes postmarks, inverted watermarks, etc. A nice way to start a specialized collection, F-VF
Est. $350+
JAMAICA 1865 (May 5) Folded official court summons franked with diagonal bisect of 1p blue tied by grid 'A52' alongside clear Spanish Town dispatch CDS, addressed locally for ½p circular drop rate; cover with light splitting along fold, minor ageing, faint crease touching stamp, otherwise Fine and scarce (Scott 1a; SG 1d £750)
Est. $250+
JAMAICA 1860 (Dec. 3) 1p grid 'A01' with clear Kingston DE 3 1860 dispatch to faulty cover to Spanish Town, very early date (issued November 23; earliest observed usage Dec 1); 1862 (Dec 10) small clean cover 6p lilac grid 'A01" to England; 1874 (March 9) 2p rose & 1sh brown grid 'A50' of Malvern with CDS to Brussels, Belgium, London PAID 30 MR 74 transit CDS in red; small tear at top and part of backflap missing.
Est. $250+
MALTA 1862 (September 14) Envelope addressed locally bearing a wing margin ½p buff on blued paper, unwatermarked perf 14, neatly tied by Malta duplex "A25" grid, slight soiling. An elusive 1st printing on cover, F-VF; 1983 Peter Holcombe cert. (Scott 2; SG 1)
Est. $750+
NATAL Undated cover mailed from Pietermaritzberg for the interior Umsumduzi, franked with 3p rose colourless embossed stamp, placed sideways and tied by partly legible oval Post Office / P.M. Burg handstamp, Fine; also faulty cover bearing a sound example of 6p green colourless embossed tied by similar oval handstamp of Pietermaritzberg to London, rated "6" stg due manuscript on arrival, London FE 28 59 CDS receiver backstamp. Scarce covers. (Scott 1, 2; SG 4, 5)
Est. $500+
NAURU Housed in two stockbooks, early issues are mint including some shades noting 1916-1923 ½p-1sh, plus NAURU overprint centered set of 4, 2sh6p - 10sh Seahorses including shades, 1924-1948 Definitive sets on unsurfaced and glazed surfaced papers, also used set on glazed surfaced paper. Then from 1954 to 1993 very well presented used including souvenir sheets (at times mint NH also shown). Overall clean condition and with excellent coverage, F-VF
Est. $600+
NEW ZEALAND 1857 (March 9) Blue folded cover from Auckland to New Plymouth, bearing London Print 2p deep greenish blue on bluish paper with ample to large margins, tied by central grid '1' cancel, Auckland dispatch on back, complete New Plymouth MR 19 1857 receiver; cover slightly reduced at left and couple light file folds away from stamp. An attractive late usage of the London 2 pence printing, VF (Scott 2; SG 2)
Est. $750+
NEW ZEALAND 1859 (September 1) Folded cover from Petre to Wellington attractively franked with two roughly separated Auckland Print 1p red on deeply blue paper, each partly into design, and a 2p pale blue on soft white paper (may not belong), tied by oval grid '12' cancels, partial Petre dispatch on back, clearly struck Wellington SP 3 1859 receiver on front, couple light file folds away from stamps, lower backflap missing. Fine (Scott 4, 8e; SG 4, 9)
Est. $750+
NEW ZEALAND 1866 (August 6) Folded cover endorsed "Via Kingston - Jamaica" crossed out and "Panama" in place, bearing two Auckland Perf 12½, 6p red brown tied by grid '6' cancels of Riverton, quite clear dispatch backstamp and legible Invercargill, Southland AU 17 66 and London PAID 29 OC 66 transits, then carried by ship to Brazil, British Claim "1/-" manuscript, partly legible Rio de Janeiro arrival backstamp in blue; overall ageing and light wear but an important cover, believed to be the only Chalon cover addressed to anywhere in South America, Fine (Scott 36; SG 122)
Est. $1,500+
NEW ZEALAND In mounts on blank leaves in four binders, starts with a dozen Chalons and quite well represented thereafter to modern era; mint or used to the 1940s then mainly mint with much NH. Includes Sideface and Pictorial issues with high values, modern replete with souvenir sheets, booklet panes, etc. Minor flaws on earlies, mainly F-VF; a useful lot.
Est. $1,000+
NORTHERN RHODESIA 1-17,Complete mint set of nineteen, fresh and mainly well centered, F-VF H (SG 1-17 £800)
Cat. $920
ORANGE RIVER COLONY 1887 (March 20) Bloemfontein to Leipzig, Germany with three-colour franking 7½p rate (½p, 1p, 6p) tied by oval grid '1', British claim "2½" rate handstamp; also 1896 (Dec. 14) Winborg to Luxembourg with pair and two single 1p purple for 4p rate; both with receiver backstamps, F-VF (Scott 1/8a)
Est. $200+
PITCAIRN ISLANDS In mounts on blank leaves in a binder; mint H or NH sets to 1970s, then all NH onward including definitives, souvenir sheets, etc. Also a stockbook with covers and a duplicated assortment 1940s/1980s mint / used. Mainly F-VF
Est. $300+
SIERRA LEONE 1875 (July 7) Flimsy cover bearing two 1p rose, perf 12½ and 6p reddish lila neatly tied by clear "B31" of Freetown to Offenbach, Germany via Liverpool & London; cover with slight wrinkling, two small tears and light toning. Clear Paid at Sierra Leone double arc dispatch in red on back along with Offenbach 24 7 75 CDS receiver and on obverse bold Paid Liverpool Br Packet 22 JY 75 and London PAID 23 JY 75 transit datestamps in red. Despite the minor imperfections a scarce pre-UPU cover to Germany, Fine (Scott 5, 6 or 6a; SG 4, 7 or 11)
Est. $300+
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1867 (October) Folded cover from Penang to Livorno, Italy, endorsed "via Malta" and franked with 24c on 8a rose tied by double ring forwarding agent W M Hall & Co. handstamp and partial Penang CDS; addressee excised and expertly replaced, cover evenly toned. Backstamped Malta NO 12 67 and Livorno 17 NOV 67 CDS. A striking cover to an unusual destination, Fine (Scott 8; SG 8)
Est. $500+
TRINIDAD 1851 (September 13) Folded cover from Port of Spain to San Fernando, bearing a full margined (1p) purple brown on blued paper tied by socked-on-nose circular grid '1' cancel, Trinidad double arc SP 13 1851 backstamp, horizontal file fold away from stamp. A beautiful, early one penny local rate cover, VF (Scott 2; SG 2)
Est. $400+
TRINIDAD 1852 (December 14) Folded cover Port of Spain to Barbados, vertical file fold away from stamp - a clear to large margined (1p) purple brown on blued paper, just tied by grid '1' cancel, rated "4" for ship letter fee (to be collected from recipient), partly clear Trinidad and Barbados DE 16 1852 backstamps; file fold away from stamp, VF (Scott 2; SG 2) ex. Sir John Marriott Trinidad Collection (September 2001; Lot 77)
Est. $250+
TRINIDAD 1852 (July 25) Clean, immaculate entire lettersheet to Greenock, Scotland bearing a large margined (1p) blue on blued paper tied by light oval grid '1' cancel, rated "1/" denoting ship letter fee due as customary for mail to the U.K. (to be collected from recipient); on reverse Trinidad double arc dispatch, British circular 17 AU 1852 transit and Greenock AU 18 receiver. A beautiful "Britannia" trans-Atlantic cover, VF (Scott 3; SG 3)
Est. $350+
TRINIDAD 1853 (June 16) Folded cover from San Fernando to Port-of-Spain, bearing a full margined (1p) brownish grey tied by neat grid '2' cancel, paying local rate, clear circular JU 16 1853 dispatch on reverse. Light file folds and faint cover toning, an attractive numeral cancelled cover, F-VF (Scott 4; SG 6)
Est. $300+
TRINIDAD 1852 (November 26) Folded cover in clean condition to New York bearing Provisional Issue - First Issue, fine impression (1p) blue Lithographed on thicker yellowish paper, just clear to enormous margins, cancelled by oval grid '1', partially legible Trinidad double arc dispatch and blurry St. Thomas DE 1 transit backstamps, rated "1/-" ship letter due, circular "10" (cents) U.S. due marking to be collected from recipient; couple light file folds away from stamp. A visually striking and beautiful First Lithographed Printing on cover that once graced the famous Caspary collection, VF (Scott 9; SG 13)
Expertization: 1980 RPS of London certificate
Provenance: Alfred Caspary, British West Indies - Sale 9, H.R. Harmer, Inc., May 1957; Lot 599
Expertization: 1980 RPS of London certificate
Provenance: Alfred Caspary, British West Indies - Sale 9, H.R. Harmer, Inc., May 1957; Lot 599
Est. $1,000+
USA 17 variety,A selected used example with clear to remarkably large margins, shows part of adjacent stamp at left, clear Horizontal Stitch watermark (plainly visible without fluid), CDS postmark, VF
Cat. $260+
USA 91,A nicely centered used example with large margins, attractive with sharp grill and light unobtrusive cancel, VF; 1985 PF cert.
Cat. $575
USA 115,A well centered used example with rich colour, segmented cork cancel, VF
Cat. $225
USA 117,A superb used example with precise centering and large margins, sharp grill and red cork cancel, XF; 2000 PF cert.
Cat. $280+
USA 118,An attractive used example with bright colours on fresh paper, sharp grill impression, and neat cork cancellation, F-VF
Cat. $900
USA 119,A well centered example with deep rich colours, segmented cork cancel, VF; 2007 PF cert.
Cat. $200
USA 498f,Mint booklet pane of thirty showing "W.McA." imprint at bottom of tab margin at left, Fine H (Cat. for pane without imprint)
Cat. $1,050
USA 498f,American Expeditionary Forces mint booklet pane of 30, reasonably centered, rich colour, couple minor gum thins from hinging, nevertheless F-VF OG (Scott cat. $1,050)
Est. $200+
USA In mounts on Scott pages with strong coverage of classics, mainly in sound condition and overall in better condition than normally seen; many with nice cancels. About 50 different pre-1870 issues, then from Banknotes 1870-1888 to Washington-Franklins well represented, also airmails. A nice used collection, effort was placed on acquiring sound, often well centered examples; F-VF and worth a close look.
Est. $2,000+
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Several binders noting mint and used Australian and States, Great Britain QEII era including Machins & Regionals, Iceland, New Zealand, Pitcairn Is., QEII 25th Anniversary of Coronation, Royal Silver Wedding; thematic worldwide collections on Boy Scouts, Disney, etc. Inspect.
Est. $500+
WORLDWIDE Housed in two binders with about 900 items ranging from the crude to well executed. One binder with various countries of South Central America. Second binder focused on Brazil, especially the first three classic series (Numeral Issues) noting myriad forgeries including four Spiro Brothers lithographed sheets of 25. Excellent coverage, mounted on small cards with identified name of the forger. A great source of material for the student researching the forgeries of classic Latin America.
Est. $1,250+
BRITISH COLUMBIA 1,Envelope somewhat tatty at edges mailed from Nanaimo to New Westminster, British Columbia Mainland, bearing a superb, boldly struck oval Post Office / NANAIMO / Vancouver Island (R. Lowe HS-6; very rare) provisional handstamp frank in red denoting 5 cents colonial postage had been paid, docketing at top "Received Aug 30 / 64". A rarely seen Nanaimo frank, all of the ones we have seen were faulty to some degree; a Fine cover with VF+ strike
Provenance: Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer LLC, May 2004; Lot 164
Provenance: Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer LLC, May 2004; Lot 164
Est. $1,000+
BRITISH COLUMBIA 4,An impressive used example surrounded by large margins with part sheet margin at right, oval cancellation of Victoria in blue, couple minute thin specks, XF appearance.
Cat. $1,600
BRITISH COLUMBIA 6,A bright, fresh mint block with wing margin at left, tiny natural inclusion on top left stamp and a few split perfs reinforced by small hinge; quite well centered for the issue with unusually clean, fresh large part dull streaky original gum, Fine+ (Unitrade cat. as singles)
Provenance: Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer LLC (New York), May 2004; Lot 48
Provenance: Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer LLC (New York), May 2004; Lot 48
Cat. $5,000+
BRITISH COLUMBIA 10,An exceptionally fresh mint single of this scarce classic stamp, typical centering for the issue, fresh full dull streaky original gum, relatively lightly hinged, Fine
Cat. $3,200
BRITISH COLUMBIA 12,An imperforate single on gummed watermarked paper, ample to large margins for the issue, part OG, rarely seen, VF; 2012 BPA certificate
Provenance: Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer LLC, May 2004; Lot 65
Provenance: Dale-Lichtenstein, H.R. Harmer LLC, May 2004; Lot 65
Est. $1,000+
BRITISH COLUMBIA 13,A nice mint example of this elusive stamp, distinctive bright delicate colour, above average centering with perforations clear on three sides, small hinging and pencil number on back, large part dull streaky original gum characteristic of the issue, Fine+ OG
Cat. $2,800
BRITISH COLUMBIA 14,The key value of the perf 12½ issues, a brilliant fresh mint example with full, dull, streaky original gum, characteristic of early De La Rue printings, relatively lightly hinged. Noticeably nicer than we are accustomed to seeing, Fine+ LH
Only 4,800 stamps (20 sheets) were issued to two post offices in March - April 1869 and were used over a period of only two months. In May 1869, the 5 cent perf 14 came into circulation.
Only 4,800 stamps (20 sheets) were issued to two post offices in March - April 1869 and were used over a period of only two months. In May 1869, the 5 cent perf 14 came into circulation.
Cat. $3,200
BRITISH COLUMBIA 15,A quite well centered unused (trace of gum) example, perforations well clear of design on three sides, with bright colour and intact perforations, VF
Cat. $1,600
BRITISH COLUMBIA FAKES AND FORGERIES Spiro Brothers lithographed forgeries; a rare lot of five complete sheets of 25, perf 11 and uncancelled of the 3p slate blue, 10c on 3p rose, 25c on 3p yellow, 50c on 3p dull violet and $1 on 3p green; minor staining the 10c sheet. Uncommonly seen in sheet as observed in accompanying copy of letter from Gerald Wellburn to Carl Walske, a forgery expert.
Est. $1,000
BRITISH COLUMBIA FAKES AND FORGERIES Over 100 on stockpages, singles and some in multiples, crude to dangerous, noting some bogus 3p in different colours, Spiro Brothers 2c on 3p block of 25, etc. Useful reference.
Est. $500
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Trans-Atlantic partial folded cover to the Commander in Chief of New Brunswick, "Bishop" mark with legible year date "87" and faint circular Post Paid both applied in the UK; bearing a superb strike of the very rare St. John, (N. B.) / AU 16 double circle postmark - different than the documented Jephcott Greene & Young Type 19 marking with blank centre. An unlisted marking clearly showing the month and year within the double circle. Cover faults restored in places, nevertheless the remarkable Saint John marking is well clear of these imperfections. An extremely early postmarked cover ideal for an advanced Maritimes & BNA postal history exhibit.
Provenance: J. Grant Glassco, Robson Lowe, London, November 1969; Lot 162
J.R. Saint, June 2000; Lot 180
Provenance: J. Grant Glassco, Robson Lowe, London, November 1969; Lot 162
J.R. Saint, June 2000; Lot 180
Est. $1,500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1794 (July 5) Folded entire from Wm. Knox, N.B. Provincial Agent from London to New Brunswick with red POST PAID JY 5 94 octagonal handstamp, rated "2/-" prepaid plus "1/6" currency to collect; some small edge tears and slight ageing, Fine (transcript of letter accompanies)
Fascinating content, which reads in part: "... raising a Corps of 600 men... what terms vessels can be procured to carry letters once a month from St. John to Barbados and along Windward Islands to Cape Nichola Noll and from thence return to Bermuda and so on to St. Johns...".
Fascinating content, which reads in part: "... raising a Corps of 600 men... what terms vessels can be procured to carry letters once a month from St. John to Barbados and along Windward Islands to Cape Nichola Noll and from thence return to Bermuda and so on to St. Johns...".
Est. $600+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Folded entire datelined "London 4th March 1795" written by William Robinson to his brother Lieutenant Colonel Robinson at Fredericton endorsed "pr packet via Halifax Nova Scotia", London "Bishop" mark dated MR 4 95, transatlantic postage had to be prepaid (not done initially) opened and sealed by Post Office for senders address and endorsed "Returned to MWR at Mess's Woodman & Butts Horse Guards for 1/- packet postage", resealed with Inland Letter Office "Crown" wax seal, double circular PAID MAR 9 1795 in red, double circle Halifax / N.Scotia / MAY 3 95 datestamp (Macdonald Type 4b) in transit and rated "11" with overland postage Halifax to Fredericton, F-VF
Est. $350+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1795 (November 4) and 1796 (January 9) Folded entires to St. John, New Brunswick, former from Wm Knox N.B. Provincial Agent to St. John, rated 1/-" prepaid, double circle PAID NO 6 1795 plus "9" pence currency to collect, two file folds. Carried by Packet via New York and Halifax, backstamped with double-line boxed "Charles / Street", letter discusses the unlikelihood of a larger grant to N.B. from London; the other from Under Secretary King, rated "1/-", double circle PAID JA 9 1796 on Winter Packet via New York, letter mentions the rejection of a proposal to make St. John a Winter Packet Port. A very scarce duo of early letters, VF
Provenance: Jack Arnell Collection, The Transatlantic Mails 1686-1875, Firby Auctions, February 1997; Lot 429
Provenance: Jack Arnell Collection, The Transatlantic Mails 1686-1875, Firby Auctions, February 1997; Lot 429
Est. $750+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1796 Folded cover in excellent state of preservation, displaying a superb and unusually well-struck straightline St. John, N* B* / Aprile. 1 '96 (JGY Type 13a) rated "N7" addressed to Isaac Hedden at Fredericton. As nice as they come for this very early and rare straightline marking, XF; ex. J. Grant Glassco (November 1969; Lot 166 - describing strike as "magnificent")
Est. $500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1799 (February 9) Folded lettersheet datelined "Ducktrap February the 9 1799", mailed to St. John River, ageing and edge wear, rated "States N10 + 8" for total "1N6", well-struck "Ship letter." straightline attributed to St. John (JGY Type 140) predating the recorded date of 1810 by more than ten years. Backstamped with two-line St. John, N*B* / April. 1799 (JGY Type 13a), a Fine, remarkably early and rare Ship Letter cover.
Est. $500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1812 (September 7) Folded entire datelined "Gibraltar 7 Sept 1812", carried by favour from Gibraltar to avoid being taken by either American or British ships as they were at war. Notation inside flap "Cadiz 19 Sp 1812" and "Received & forwarded by y. Obt Servt J.C. Murdock", an attractive incoming letter sent during a time of turmoil in North America, VF
Est. $300+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1816 (September 18) Folded entire datelined "Gibraltar 15th Sept 1816" with disinfection slits, rated "2/2" red in red prepaid to Halifax via England by Falmouth Packet, PAID 14 MR 1817 CDS and "11" pence postage to collect for rate from Halifax to Fredericton. Letter reads in part: "You must not expect to hear regularly from this, as it is only when the Governor chooses a mail to be sent that we have an opportunity." A very rare instance of disinfected mail to New Brunswick, F-VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1492
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1492
Est. $750+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1826 (June 1) Folded lettersheet with rare straightline "STJOHNS N.B." handstamp in black (JGY Type 16 - RF "8") endorsed "P. Congress" and carried by private ship to Dublin where it entered the mails, Crown Ship Letter Dublin and rated "3/6" for double inward ship letter to London, changed single rate "1/9" sterling collect with 21 AU 1826 receiver backstamp, VF and appealing; ex. Allan Steinhart Collection (May 2005; Lot 1230)
Est. $500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1827 (May 5) Immaculate fresh folded lettersheet, bearing equally impressive and rarely seen postal markings with two-line "St. Andrews / New Brunswk" (JGY 39 - RF "8") handstamp IN RED with manuscript date "5 May 1827" between and same-ink, unusual negative boxed PAID handstamp, rated "9" to Fredericton. An extraordinary cover in all respects - an absolute showpiece of New Brunswick postal history, XF
This is likely the earliest recorded date of use for this very scarce straightline, which is normally struck in black; furthermore the negative "PAID" handstamp is unlisted in the Jephcott, Greene and Young handbook.
This is likely the earliest recorded date of use for this very scarce straightline, which is normally struck in black; furthermore the negative "PAID" handstamp is unlisted in the Jephcott, Greene and Young handbook.
Est. $1,500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1827 (May 26) Clean, fresh folded entire from St. John to Windsor, Nova Scotia via Digby, with unusually well-struck ST.JOHNS N.B straightline (JGY Type 16 - RF "8"), rated "9" and "1" for local delivery upon arrival at Windsor, boldly struck in transit with POST OFFICE DIGBY (Macdonald Type 46; no inner circle) postmark with filled-in May 28 1827 date. A very pretty cover, XF
Est. $750+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Partly legible large Miramichi "Star" cancel (JGY Type 58) with filled-in "3 April 1832" date, addressed to Fredericton and mailed back to P.M. Bathurst, double rated "3N2" and same for return trip for total "6n4" due from the sender; small sealed tears at top and on backflap, clear Fredericton rimless AP 1832 (JGY Type 29) receiver; an unusually high rate cover, Fine
Est. $200+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1835 (August 28) Folded cover prepaid "3N4½" from St. Stephen to Fredericton with very fine strikes St. Stephen N.B. and St. Andrews N.S. "Star" postmarks, the latter in blue (JGY Type 60), both with manuscript date "28 Aug 35" inside, light file folds and edge wear, otherwise a clean and fresh cover unusually struck with two different "Star" postmarks, F-VF
Est. $200+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1837 (August 3) On His Majesty's Service, Commander in Chief's Office in Whitehall printed envelope with letter enclosure, "Crown" FREE 3 AU 1837 datestamp in red and partly legible black Foreign Branch "A" Inspector's mark at right, sent free to St. John, New Brunswick. Letter concerns payment of arrears of a military pension. A very scarce early official mail from overseas to New Brunswick, F-VF
Est. $500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Folded entire with handwritten "Welsh Pool Campobello / 4th July 1838" dateline to Vice Admiral Edward Owen, Surrey, original rate crossed out and re-rated "1/8", red receiver "AU 7" and LIVERPOOL / SHIP LETTER framed handstamp on reverse. A very interesting cover sent to the Admiral's son, original settler of Campobello Island, a very rare early cover originating from this small, remote island, VF
Est. $750+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1840 (October 6) Missionary letter datelined "Tracadie 6 Oct 1840" (a trapper's village) and carried privately to France, entering the mail with Outre-Mer Granville 10 Avril 41, rated "6" (décimes) and light oval "1d" for rural tax, three different French receivers on back, VF
Est. $300+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1843 (July 27) Folded cover datelined "South Flatt July 27th 1843" and backstamped Barnard Castle JY 29 via London to Saint John, New Brunswick, rated "1/2" stg (1/4 cy), "1/8" cy Halifax to Quebec, St. John AU 11 receiver, forwarded to Québec and then to Montreal with SEP 27 and SEP 28 receiver in red, instructional FORWARDED straightline in red, rated "2/10"; an interesting and unusual routing, Fine
Est. $350+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1844 (May 26) Folded cover rated "11½" pence currency (between 201-300 miles) to Quebec, bearing on reverse an extremely fine strike of double circle Grand Falls, N.Bk. (JGY Type 72) with filled-in date "26 May 44" inside, Quebec MAY 30 1844 double arc receiver in red, a Fine cover with XF strike
Est. $300+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1844 (August 11) Folded entire from Sgt. Callaghan, Station Umballah, India, countersigned by his commanding officer and sent to St. John, New Brunswick, endorsed "via Bombay & Southampton", superb oval "INDIA" in red, handstamped "2" charge in London with oval "L" OC 8 transit. St. John double arc NO 13 1844 receiver; reverse re-addressed in St. John to Ireland, rated "1/2 for transatlantic charge, British NO 30 transit and light Cork (Ireland) DE 1 double arc receiver in blue; old paper mount along edges and minor wear in no way detract from this fabulous, well-travelled cover, Fine
Est. $1,500+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Folded letter datelined "Dorchester March 28th 1850", rated "2/9" for long distance to Port Stanley, Upper Canada, its final destination; six backstamps, five are clear to superb - Dorchester, St. John, Woodstock, Brantford, London and Port Stanley AP 10, F-VF
Est. $200+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS 1854 Superb folded lettersheet datelined "Saint John 1st Dec 1854", circular "Express Mail St. John DEC 6" and rate handstamp "10" (cents) to collect in New York; a lovely cover, XF; ex. Allan Steinhart Collection (May 2005; Lot 1254)
Est. $300+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Five covers displayed on nicely written up quadrilled pages, mailed between 1852 and 1855, four are rated "10" (cents) prepaid or collect. One cover placed on ship "Eastern City" handstamped "SHIP 7", F-VF
Est. $350+
NEW BRUNSWICK STAMPLESS COVERS Five "Way" Letters: dated 1819 rated "7", 1824 rated "1N6", 1840 rated "7" 1849 prepaid "4½cy" and 1850 rated "9". First cover addressed to Saint John, others to Fredericton; four have "Way" in manuscript and 1840 cover with unusual Fredericton New Brunsk / Receivd Way (similar to JGY Type 115 without "WAY"; unlisted as such). A very scarce group, F-VF
Est. $300+
NEW BRUNSWICK 3,An appealing mint single of this great rarity, displaying exceptional colour with the unmistakable impression associated with this classic stamp, surrounded by well clear to ample margins and remarkably retaining FULL ORIGINAL GUM; only a small number of examples can match these highly select physical traits, F-VF LH
Expertization: 1990 RPS of London certificate
Provenance: Claude Cartier Part One, Stanley Gibbons Auctions, April 1977; Lot 53 - aptly described as a "superb example in a beautiful bright shade, even margins, fresh unused, perfection for this stamp and probably the finest of the few known"
Expertization: 1990 RPS of London certificate
Provenance: Claude Cartier Part One, Stanley Gibbons Auctions, April 1977; Lot 53 - aptly described as a "superb example in a beautiful bright shade, even margins, fresh unused, perfection for this stamp and probably the finest of the few known"
Cat. $45,000
NEW BRUNSWICK 8Pii, iii, iv,Plate proof sheet of 100 in the issued colour on card mounted india paper, displaying the three different types of SPECIMEN overprint in red (Type B on 50 proofs, Type C on 40 and the elusive Type D on 10), no plate imprints as on the issued stamps, VF (Unitrade cat. $5,750 as single proofs)
Est. $1,000+
NEW BRUNSWICK Well-executed engraved forgeries on thick cream coloured paper, attributed to Argenti Forger 'A', includes 3p, 6p and two different colours of the 1sh; a quite deceiving set without the usual "FAC-SIMILE" overprint.
Est. $350
NEW BRUNSWICK Set of three engraved Oneglia forgeries with added oval grid '8' cancels in blue, and an extra 6p with grid '8' in black. Also engraved forgeries - Argenti Forger 'A' 3p & 6p with grid cancels.
Est. $300
NEW BRUNSWICK Displayed on pages with write-up, includes blocks of four or larger of 1c (3), 2c (7), 5c (6; one on cover fragment), 10c (3; plus faulty block of four not tied to reduced cover, ex. Wilkinson), 12½c (5, including a block of 8) and 17c (3). Some cancels posthumous; overall condition is mixed; also a 5c Connell plate proof block with perforations added. Needs checking.
Est. $1,000+
NEW BRUNSWICK Original printed reports for fiscal years 1856, the "First Report of the Postmaster General of New Brunswick" to 1866 "Eleventh Annual Report of the Post Office Department of New Brunswick" (only missing 1865). A rare group containing a wealth of information for the postal historian.
Est. $300+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1776 (July 12) Folded entire written at Halifax, 8 days after the American Declaration of Independence, from Private Gray to his cousin in Islington, London, circular Penny Post Not Paid and backstamped with London Bishop mark "14 / AV" (August) on arrival. Edge wear and tears inconsequential for a letter enclosure of great historical interest, an eye-witness account of the early development of the War. Fine
Content of the 4-page letter includes "as many of my former letters appear to have miscarried ... I did not write you on our Evacuating Boston, but that affair appeared to me so unaccountable, that I was unwilling to say anything about it... all the Force of America could not have driven us from it... (there follows detail of the events leading up to the evacuation on 17th March)... On the 19th March Castle Williams was blown up & a few days after, the Fleet sailed for Halifax... on the 1st April I went with my Captain 50 miles into the country to proved quarters for our Regt... (news of Highlander & Hessian forces' ships being taken / lost follow)... General Clinton is gaining ground in the Carolinas... The accounts from Canada are still more favourable. The Yankees have been obliged to raise the Siege of Quebec... The Indians are daily rising in our favour... The Congress have at last thrown off the mask, & set up for Independence, which makes many people desert them... The (British) Army in high Spirits."
Content of the 4-page letter includes "as many of my former letters appear to have miscarried ... I did not write you on our Evacuating Boston, but that affair appeared to me so unaccountable, that I was unwilling to say anything about it... all the Force of America could not have driven us from it... (there follows detail of the events leading up to the evacuation on 17th March)... On the 19th March Castle Williams was blown up & a few days after, the Fleet sailed for Halifax... on the 1st April I went with my Captain 50 miles into the country to proved quarters for our Regt... (news of Highlander & Hessian forces' ships being taken / lost follow)... General Clinton is gaining ground in the Carolinas... The accounts from Canada are still more favourable. The Yankees have been obliged to raise the Siege of Quebec... The Indians are daily rising in our favour... The Congress have at last thrown off the mask, & set up for Independence, which makes many people desert them... The (British) Army in high Spirits."
Est. $3,000+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS Folded entire with intact red wax seal, written by William Lyon, datelined "Halifax 19th Dec 1789" and endorsed "p. Snow Turner, Capt. Emslin" addressed to Rothsay Manse (Isle of Bute), Scotland. Entering the mail at Greenock with clear straightline GREENOCK handstamp on back and same-ink "SHIP" handstamp on front, rated "3" due. In an excellent state of preservation, VF
Est. $300+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1827 (January 21) Folded entire nicely struck by "POST OFFICE / DIGBY" (Type 46; no inner circle) with filled-in date "22nd Jany '27", Halifax "Fleuron" cancel JA 16 827 (Macdonald Type HAL-11) wrong month type, the monthly Falmouth packet arrived in Halifax on February 19 before heading back, rated "9" for Nova Scotia inland charge and "2/4" for packet and inland rate to Hull, England. A very scarce Digby marking and especially so with such a nice strike, VF
Est. $350+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1827 (October 2) Folded entire claim from pensioner who recently emigrated to Great Indique, Cape Breton to have his pension paid to him in America; mailed at Antigonish with double circle POST OFFICE / ANTIGONISH (Macdonald Type 43) IN RED with filled-in date "Oct 10 27", via Halifax with light "Fleuron" transit, received Free in London with official "Crown" Free 16 NO 1827 datestamp in red. Antigonish Colonial markings are rarely seen struck in red, attractive, VF
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1837 (September 6) Folded cover with letter addressed to a doctor on board H.M.S. Cornwallis, Halifax, Nova Scotia, endorsed "H.M.S. Sheldrake", oval Paid Ship Letter / London "Crown" 6 SP 1837 handstamp in red, rated "1/", New York Ship OCT 20" rated 52 cents collect (2c ship plus 2 x 25c to New Brunswick border), faint St. Andrews NB handstamp in blue, plus 1/6 for total of 5/7½ currency to collect, F-VF; ex. Jack Arnell Transatlantic Mail 1686-1875 (February 1997; Lot 497)
Est. $300+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS Folded mourning entire lettersheet datelined "Gibraltar 11 Nov 1841" to Blue Berry (near Liverpool, NS) Nova Scotia, small stain at top. Carried by private ship from Gibraltar to Halifax, where it entered the mail with quite clear double circle "Crown" Ship Letter/ Halifax. N.S. handstamp struck in red (Macdonald Type 237 - rare), light Halifax JAN 17 1942 double arc datestamp, rated in manuscript "11½" pence to collect. An attractive cover to Nova Scotia from a rarely seen point of origin and bearing the very elusive Halifax "Crown" Ship Letter handstamp marking, the Earliest Known Usage; reported in Macdonald handbook, VF
Provenance: Vincent G. Greene Collection, Sissons Sale 353, July 1975; Lot 378 - stated as "ex. Jephcott"
Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1493
Provenance: Vincent G. Greene Collection, Sissons Sale 353, July 1975; Lot 378 - stated as "ex. Jephcott"
Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1493
Est. $2,000+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS Folded cover mailed to St. Mary's, Halifax, slight soiling, shows quite clear Port Hood, N.S. "Crown" double circle (Macdonald Type 75) cancel in black, manuscript rates "2" (way letter charge), "10" Port Hood to Halifax, plus delivery charge in Halifax for total "1/1" currency. A very scarce marking, Fine cover with VF strike
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1845 (November 17) Clean folded entire from Halifax with clear dispatch CDS on back, endorsed "p. Steamer via Liverpool" rerated three times for "5/2" and red boxed "No. Detained for Postage", British Paid 2 DE 1845 transit in red, Oporto receiver in blue with same-ink "560" (reis to collect), an appealing cover to an unusual destination, VF; ex. Allan Steinhart (May 2005; Lot 1369)
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS Folded entire datelined "Vienna 7th October 1846" endorsed "p Halifax Steamer 19 October", red cross "PAID L.S. 10 OC 19 1846". Carried privately from Vienna to London, rated "1/-" sterling prepaid to Halifax, Nova Scotia, "H" (Halifax) NO 5 1846 receiver backstamp, Fine; ex. Allan Steinhart (May 2005; Lot 1460)
Est. $250+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1848 (October 4) Folded letter from Halifax to New York, unframed "tombstone" Halifax PAID OCT 4 1848 Nova Scotia, British Cunard Steamer to Boston and prepaid "1/-" sterling packet rate, Boston Ship OCT 6 cancel, charged extra "29" (cents) for US packet rate, plus 5c inland postage to New York. Mailed during the Retaliatory Rate period which lasted 6 months between June and December 1848, a very scarce, Fine cover with VF strikes; ex. Allan Steinhart (May 2005; Lot 1354)
Est. $350+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1850 (June 27) Folded cover carried by the Dublin & Glasgow Steam Packet Company 'Viceroy' on her maiden voyage from New York to Galway, written from the shore (on board the wreck) with content giving a graphic description of the wreckage in a fog off Cape Puerto (Shag Harbour, NS), her Captain believing she was off Cape Sable. Mailed from Barrington with double arc Paid handstamp rated "11½" with JU 27 1850 dispatch on back, Digby, St. John and St. Andrews transits. Only 2 or 3 letters recorded from the 'Viceroy", wrecked on her maiden voyage, VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1355
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1355
Est. $1,250+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1854 (May 4) Folded entire from Halifax prepaid to Saint John, New Brunswick, manuscript "Money" denoting special attention - a procedure that was changed to the registration system in July 1851. Unframed "tombstone" Halifax PAID MAY 4 1854 datestamp in red, rated "3" for 3 pence letter rate, plus "6" for registration (or in this case "money" letter) fee for total "9" pence interprovincial rate. An unusual usage of "Money" service during the current registration system period, VF
Est. $300+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS 1871 (March 27) Green official printed form wrapper from Postmaster at Caledonia Mills to Postmaster at Antigonish, transit and receiver backstamps; minor foxing. An interesting form of registered mail, only a small number survive intact, Fine
Est. $250+
NOVA SCOTIA STAMPLESS COVERS Five covers on nicely written up quadrilled pages, mailed from Jamaica with forwarding agent endorsements or handstamps, three to New Brunswick 1811, 1821, 1850 and two to Nova Scotia 1826, 1841; plus another 1843 cover sent from Nova Scotia to Jamaica. An unusual group, F-VF
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA - 1 PENCE 1P,Perkins Bacon plate proof in black on card, sheet margin at left and unusually large margins on other sides, VF
Cat. $650
NOVA SCOTIA - 1 PENCE 1,A marvelous, rarely seen mint pair, sheet margin at left with ample to large margins on other sides, lovely rich colour on the distinctive blue wove paper; in flawless condition and quite remarkably retains original gum. A fabulous mint multiple of this timeless classic stamp, VF H
Expertization: 1990 BPA certificate
Provenance: Claude Cartier Part One, SG Auctions, April 1977; Lot 89
Expertization: 1990 BPA certificate
Provenance: Claude Cartier Part One, SG Auctions, April 1977; Lot 89
Cat. $12,000
NOVA SCOTIA - 1 PENCE 1857 (February 28) Folded cover from Sherbrook St. Mary's, NS to Pictou, bearing a superb pair of 3p dark blue on deeply blued paper, exceptionally tied by sharp oval grids, pays double letter rate, three clear backstamps of Sherbrook St. Mary's, Antigonish and Pictou; envelope with couple light file folds and small tears, Fine with an XF used 3p pair. (Unitrade 3)
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA - 1 PENCE 4,An attractive used example with ample to large margins, bright colour, central oval mute grid cancellation, VF
Cat. $1,200
NOVA SCOTIA - 2 CENTS 8c,An unusually well centered mint pair imperforate vertically in error, sheet margin at top, VF OG
Cat. $500
NOVA SCOTIA - 2 CENTS 10,"Goodall" Die Proof in brownish red on india paper 23 x 28mm, rare, VF (Minuse & Pratt 10TC2g)
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA - 2 CENTS 11,Engraved Die Proof printed in green, colour of issue, on india paper 40 x 40mm, minor natural india unevenness at top, a sound and very scarce die proof in the issued colour, VF (Minuse & Pratt 11TC2 unlisted in this colour)
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA Includes 1c/12½c mint blocks on white and / or yellowish paper (no 5c), range of mint singles noting 5c blue part OG, also used examples with Halifax grids, corks, etc., 1c strip of five on a front; also 3 pence with two single franking covers (faults) and two 3p sound used singles. Condition mixed to Fine
Est. $500+
NOVA SCOTIA Four mint sheets of 100 in nice condition with 1c black on white paper NH, 2c lilac on yellowish, hinged along edges, minor perf separation, 10c vermilion on white paper, LH on a few, small marginal fault at left and 12½c green on yellowish, NH, marginal faults in lower corners. A scarce group and ideal for studying plate varieties.
Est. $1,000+
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1871 (January) Yellow cover franked with a diagonally bisected 6 pence yellow green on soft yellowish paper perf 11½-12 tied by grid cancel; minute surface scuff; pays the 3 pence Interprovincial letter rate to Armstrong Brook Way Office, Restigouche County, very clear Dalhousie JA 11 1871 double arc transit datestamp at left. An exceedingly rare bisect usage to New Brunswick, VF (Unitrade 7c; cat. $9,000)
Expertization: 1995 BPA certificate
Provenance: Highlands Part Three, June 2019; Lot 78
The great rarity of the single 6 pence bisect is clearly explained by its absence (none recorded) in "Table 9-1 Number of Known P.E.I. Covers with Single or Multiple Usage of Same Stamp" in James Lehr "The Postage Stamps and Cancellations of Prince Edward Island 1814-1873", page 69.
Expertization: 1995 BPA certificate
Provenance: Highlands Part Three, June 2019; Lot 78
The great rarity of the single 6 pence bisect is clearly explained by its absence (none recorded) in "Table 9-1 Number of Known P.E.I. Covers with Single or Multiple Usage of Same Stamp" in James Lehr "The Postage Stamps and Cancellations of Prince Edward Island 1814-1873", page 69.
Est. $6,000+
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND An attractive lot of 27 blocks, mostly mint and of four stamps, noted better 6p green lower pair NH, 9p violet LR corner block of ten (5x2) lower row NH, 4½p brown unused block of six with wide gutter margin between, 3c rose block in an unusual "aniline" ink, etc. Mainly Fine or better; not often seen.
Est. $500+
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Set of nine "Tilleard" die proofs in black, reprinted in 1890s from the Original Dies to illustrate an article in the London Philatelist, plus two die essays vignettes and a small group of reprint plate proofs, a couple are contemporary - 2p grey and 1c black on wove. Attractive and mainly VF
Est. $500+
PROVINCES Over 60 proofs with a few duplicates, displayed on two stockpages, noting New Brunswick #2P, 6Pii, 6TCi, Nova Scotia 4P, 11TCvii, 12TC, 12TCxi, 12TCxii; some Cents issue in pairs or blocks. Mainly sound and VF throughout
Est. $750+
PROVINCES In mounts on quadrilled pages with British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island; about 60 stamps, somewhat mixed condition but with many sound, better valued stamps such as B.C. mint #5, 6, 12, 16, 18 (light toning, a few shorter perfs); N.B. 5c Connell plate proof, #10 mint NH; N.S. #10 mint; PEI 1861 Perf 9 #1-3 mint (6p deceivingly rebacked), plus shade of 2p unused.
Est. $1,500+
PROVINCES In mounts on quadrilled pages with British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island; a valiant effort was made acquiring sound examples, small flaws typically seen on these difficult stamps; around 70 in all noting BC #4, 14, 15, 17, 18 (genuine, fake cancel); NB #3 1sh margin added otherwise Fine, #4 1sh dull violet, sound, just in frame to large margins, light pen and oval grid '8' cancels: NS #6 two with great colour, cut in to small margins, one sound; PEI 1861 Perf 9 #1-3, etc.
Est. $1,500+
PROVINCES British Columbia: #2 mint block with creases on three stamps, #7 unused block and #11 mint block, bottom pair with faults. New Brunswick: small range noting two 3p red single-franking covers, Douglastown to Moncton and St. John to Hopewell. Prince Edward Island: a #1 fine used example, various 1c orange (shades), multiples including #11v imperf bottom margin in a vertical pair. Mixed to Fine; needs checking.
Est. $750+
PROVINCES Five covers: includes New Brunswick 1847 Incoming mail from the US rated "20" (cents) and "2/2" collect at Fredericton letter outlines a proposed book on the adventures of whaling ships, 1848 (June) a Retaliatory period rated cover from Campbellton to London; 1856 prepaid cover from St. John to Marseilles, France; Nova Scotia 1845 cover from Halifax to Perkins, Bacon Engravers, London, Prince Edward Island 1845 (April) Charlottetown to London, Upper Canada, rated "3/-" collect, Fine
Est. $750+
PROVINCES Close to 200 forgeries of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island on stockpages, noting crude to engraved Oneglia forgeries, latter includes not often seen NS Decimals (5), similitude & reprints of Nova Scotia, a few bogus stamps of PEI, a fake NS 6p dark green bisect cover, etc.
Est. $500
NEWFOUNDLAND 1P/9P,Six different Perkins Bacon plate proofs printed in black on white card, a few with slight toning from old mounts, negligible for these scarce proofs; the 2 pence from upper left corner of the sheet with some card thinning. A nice group, F-VF (Unitrade cat. $6,350)
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND 1P/9P,Six different Perkins Bacon plate proofs printed in black on white card, a few with slight toning from old mounts, negligible for these scarce proofs; the 2 pence from upper left corner of the sheet with some card thinning. A nice group, F-VF (Unitrade cat. $6,350)
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND 1P/9P,Six different Perkins Bacon plate proofs printed in black on white card, a few with slight toning from old mounts, negligible for these scarce proofs; the 2 pence from upper left corner of the sheet with some card thinning. A nice group, F-VF (Unitrade cat. $6,350)
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND 1P/9P,Six different Perkins Bacon plate proofs printed in black on white card, a few with slight toning from old mounts, negligible for these scarce proofs; the 2 pence from upper left corner of the sheet with some card thinning. A nice group, F-VF (Unitrade cat. $6,350)
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Only one plate proof sheet of each denomination was printed, resulting in the following quantities: 1p (120), 3p (80), 5p (40) and other values (20). Some multiples, making the 2p, 8p & 1sh proofs very scarce indeed, in any condition.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 1 PENCE 3,A choice mint example of this difficult stamp with well clear to large margins, characteristic colour and full dull white original gum, difficult to find, VF LH
Cat. $1,400
NEWFOUNDLAND - 1 PENCE 11,A brilliant mint single with large margins all around, light owner's stamp on reverse, displaying exceptionally, bright vivid colour, a beautiful stamp, VF H
Cat. $1,200
NEWFOUNDLAND - 1 PENCE 11ii,A remarkable mint pair with fabulous colour on fresh paper, well clear to very large margins including part sheet margin at right - both stamps clearly show the line through bottom "2s" constant variety (Positions 9 & 10 in the sheet of 20 subjects), large part original gum. A rare positional mint multiple especially desirable in such choice condition, VF OG
Cat. $3,200+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 1 PENCE 11A,A fresh mint pair with lovely radiant colour and full original gum, VF NH
Cat. $720
NEWFOUNDLAND - 1 PENCE 18,An unused example showing the elusive diagonal SPECIMEN handstamp overprint in black, very few exist, VF
According to Pratt, the 4 pence and other known denominations were sent to the Postmaster General of the United States for identification purposes, as confirmation of which stamps would be appearing at post offices in Boston, New York and Washington, which handled the bulk of mail from Newfoundland.
According to Pratt, the 4 pence and other known denominations were sent to the Postmaster General of the United States for identification purposes, as confirmation of which stamps would be appearing at post offices in Boston, New York and Washington, which handled the bulk of mail from Newfoundland.
Est. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 25Piii,Left margin plate proof strip of three on card mounted india paper displaying full ABNC imprint , choice, VF (Unitrade cat. as singles)
Cat. $360
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 25,An attractive, selected used example of this challenging stamp, well centered for issue and showing part ABNC imprint along top perforations, ideal light grid cancel, F-VF
Cat. $450+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 26,A very scarce mint block of four in flawless condition, unused with typical centering for the issue, fabulous colour on bright fresh paper, a desirable block, Fine+
Cat. $1,200
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 27,Engraved Die Essay in dark blue with unissued "CANADA RECEIPT" in top panel and "TWO CENTS" in lower panel - intended for a proposed revenue stamp, on card mounted india paper 24 x 31mm, rare. Subsequently reworked by ABNC in stages, ultimately modifying top and lower panels to the issued "NEWFOUNDLAND" and "TEN CENTS", VF (Minuse & Pratt similar to 24E-B)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 27,Mint block of four with large margins, full original gum, minor gum wrinkles as often seen on this particular stamp, hinged at top with trivial perf tones, lower pair is VLH; above average centering for this, Fine+ OG
Cat. $1,600
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 29,A well centered mint single with full pristine original gum, XF NH
Cat. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 30,A brilliant fresh mint block of six with above average centering for the issue, in an excellent state of preservation with full original gum hinged on four stamps, the lower right pair with pristine original gum NEVER HINGED. Multiples larger than a block of four are very seldom encountered, F-VF
Cat. $1,980
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 30,A well centered mint block for this notoriously difficult stamp, large part original gum, VF hinged
Cat. $1,200
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 32A,"Goodall" Engraved Die Proof printed in black on india paper 29 x 30mm die sunk on slightly larger card 29 x 40mm; light impression of die number "386" and ABNC imprint visible below design, superb, XF (Minuse & Pratt 32A-TC2g)
Provenance: Robert H. Pratt (private sale), his "RP" monogram is visible under ultra-violet lamp.
Provenance: Robert H. Pratt (private sale), his "RP" monogram is visible under ultra-violet lamp.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 32A,"Goodall" Engraved Die Proof in dull greenish blue on india paper 26 x 35mm, die sunk on slightly larger card 28 x 41mm, characteristic lighter impression of
die "386" number and ABNC imprint visible below design; a beautiful and choice proof, XF and rare. (Minuse & Pratt 32ATC2g)
Provenance: Robert H. Pratt (private sale), his "RP" monogram is visible under ultra-violet lamp.
die "386" number and ABNC imprint visible below design; a beautiful and choice proof, XF and rare. (Minuse & Pratt 32ATC2g)
Provenance: Robert H. Pratt (private sale), his "RP" monogram is visible under ultra-violet lamp.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 36,A post office fresh mint block, nicely centered with full unblemished original gum, VF NH
Cat. $840
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 37-40,A rarely encountered complete set of fresh mint blocks of four, the three cent is particularly scarce, each with intact rouletting all around and original gum, an exceptional set, F-VF H
Cat. $4,300
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 38,A fabulous top margin mint block of six with full ABNC imprint at top, bright colour on fresh paper, hinged in the margin and faintly on top left stamp, others with full original gum NEVER HINGED. One of the very few surviving plate multiples of the 2c rouletted - a great exhibition piece, F-VF
Cat. $4,150
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 39,A rare mint block of six, severed between first and second columns (essentially a pair and a block) with bright colour on fresh paper, lower left stamp with sealed tears. The right block is sound with large part original gum and lower right stamp NEVER HINGED. Among the roulette issues of 1876-1879 the 3 cent is the hardest to find in a multiple, Fine+
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 40,An impressive corner margin mint block of eight with full ABNC imprint, unusually well centered for such a large multiple with gorgeous fresh colour, minor separation in margin only, top row and lower row centre pair are hinged, lower left and right stamps are NEVER HINGED. A very scarce and most attractive plate block, VF
Cat. $4,800
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 40,A choice used block of four, tiny portion of ABNC imprint at lower right, segmented cork cancels, used multiples of this stamp are very scarce, VF
Est. $350+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 47,A well centered mint block with full BABN imprint (Boggs Type V) in top margin, faint natural gum skips on top pair and a few split perfs, full original gum; a scarce plate block of this popular stamp, F-VF NH
Est. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 48b,A beautiful, post office fresh mint block with exceptional colour - the best you ever hope for to find on this stamp, precisely centered full pristine original gum, XF NH, a beautiful block
Cat. $720+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 49b,A scarce mint block of four showing nearly complete BABN imprint (Boggs Type V) in lower margin, hinged on top pair, lower pair NH, very fresh and Fine
Est. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 1893 (February 10) Large envelope mailed registered to the Colombia Consulate in Jersey, Channel Islands, bearing multiple franking of two 2c orange Codfish and two singles and a block of 5c blue Harp Seal, tied by mute grids, oval Registered / St. John's 10 FE 93 datestamp at left, Registered London 2 MAR 93 transit in red further ties 5c, partly legible Jersey MR 3 receiver on back; envelope somewhat reduced at right and opened on three sides, fold at left away from stamps. Pays six times the 5c UPU letter rate, plus 4c registration, F-VF (Unitrade 48, 55)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 56TCii,Trial colour proof in dark brown on wove paper, large margin with part sheet margin at left, light crease, a very scarce proof of VF appearance.
Cat. $750
NEWFOUNDLAND - 2 CENTS 56TCiii,Trial colour proof in light green on wove paper, in unusually select quality as these are often found with flaws to some degree. Very scarce, VF
Cat. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 61P-74P,A beautiful plate proof set in issued colours on card mounted india, full to very large margins, also includes 2c stamp with Major Re-entry (Pos. 76; Unitrade #62ii), VF
Cat. $825+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 61-74,Complete set of 14 with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint red, fresh colours and full original gum, F-VF NH
Cat. $1,500
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 61-74,The complete set of fourteen used blocks of four, quite well centered and not often seen, F-VF
Cat. $815
NEWFOUNDLAND - 3 1897 PROVISIONALS 76, 76i essay,An extraordinary used pair with rare trial colour of the surcharge in red, Type B showing the distinctive and very rare wide spacing variety on the left stamp (Position 41) which is only be found once in the setting of 50 subjects, light grid cancels, typical centering for the issue, small thin at right perfs of right stamp. An immensely rare Provisional Surcharge multiple IN RED, Fine
We know of a mint single with faulty left sheet margin and a corner mint strip of three holding the wide spacing variety, the latter being ex. Hewitt, "Zurich", Baillie, St. Aylott.
We know of a mint single with faulty left sheet margin and a corner mint strip of three holding the wide spacing variety, the latter being ex. Hewitt, "Zurich", Baillie, St. Aylott.
Est. $4,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78-85,The Original set of six Large Die Proofs, printed in issued colours on india paper die sunk on large cards 150-152 x 226-230mm, each displaying respective die number below design. Extremely rare set and an ideal cornerstone for a serious exhibit of this popular series, VF-XF
A FABULOUS SET OF GREAT RARITY, only 2 or 3 original sets of large die proofs in issued colours are known. The 1c & 2c are the engraver's working proof with characteristic tool marks around the outer card, the 3c proof has printer's pencil control number "26288" at lower right.
A FABULOUS SET OF GREAT RARITY, only 2 or 3 original sets of large die proofs in issued colours are known. The 1c & 2c are the engraver's working proof with characteristic tool marks around the outer card, the 3c proof has printer's pencil control number "26288" at lower right.
Est. $10,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78P-85P, 84Pi,The original set of six plate proof pairs on card mounted india paper, also a proof pair of the 4c in slate violet shade, VF-XF
Cat. $1,050
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78P-85P,The original set of six in plate proof pairs on india paper, some card mounted, deep rich colours and mostly large margined; choice VF-XF
Cat. $900
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78P-86P,A choice, large margined plate proof set of seven in issued colours on card mounted india, XF
Cat. $550
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78-85,The set of forty-four in blocks of four, each with ABNC security punch and specimen overprint of various types and colours. Only lacking the three 2c Map printing orders to complete all known printing orders from this series, which was in circulation for over a decade, representing shades, paper and gums used; the 2c vermilion last printing order (January 1908) being a full top margin strip of twenty. For many of the printings, only one sheet was prepared, this series in blocks rare indeed, F-VF NH (Unitrade cat. $7,000+)
One of the 5c blocks has the upper left stamp double punched, very unusual.
One of the 5c blocks has the upper left stamp double punched, very unusual.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78-86,The complete set of forty-seven, each with ABNC security punch and specimen overprint (various types and colours). All known printing orders are represented with shades, papers and gums employed from 1897 and 1918. Generally one or two sheets of each printing order were prepared. seven of the eight 2c vermilion are UL corner margin singles; also a dozen extra singles, F-VF NH; detailed listing of printing orders enclosed.
Cat. $1,850+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78,Large Die Proof in the issued colour on india paper 61 x 72mm, die sunk on full-size card measuring 150 x 225mm, showing the die number "C-374" below design. A very rare proof - being the ABNC engraver's working proof with characteristic tool marks around the outer card. It is believed that fewer than 6 exist, VF (Unitrade 78)
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78,The five known printing orders in top margin strips of twenty, rare - only two sets can possibly exist, each stamp with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint (three different types), all five show printer's handstamp along with date (ink, handstamp or in pencil). Minor perf separation, crease on two stamps in PO 3 strip, F-VF NH
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 78a,A large margined imperforate pair with sheet margin at left, tied to piece by double ring Post Office / St. John's East NF DE 16 1900 postmark, very rare, VF; 2022 Greene Foundation cert. (Unitrade unpriced as used)
Literature: Norris Dyer recorded five imperforate pairs of the half cent, one of which is used. See BNA Topics, Vol. 60, Number 2, April-June 2003, pages 41-43.
Literature: Norris Dyer recorded five imperforate pairs of the half cent, one of which is used. See BNA Topics, Vol. 60, Number 2, April-June 2003, pages 41-43.
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1907 (June 27) Picture postcard showing an elusive single-franking of the half cent stamp, tied by St. John's CDS, addressed to Nice, France; French Marine cruiser "Kleber" backstamp, without written message or due markings. The special half cent rate allowed postcards to be sent without message, VF (Unitrade 78)
Est. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1899 (October 4) Clean unsealed envelope endorsed "Printed Matter", Henry Snow Stamp Dealer and Collector, St. John's oval handstamp, bearing well centered ½c olive green pair grid cancelled, clear St. John's dispatch CDS, sent to Worcester, Massachusetts, paying an unsealed 1c circular rate, neat OCT 9 receiver backstamp, VF (Unitrade 78)
Est. $250+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1901 (July 23) Registered cover from Placentia to St. John's, bearing an impressive franking - ½c olive green pair and Inland Revenue Queen Victoria 5c red, all tied by circular grids and split ring dispatch, the revenue further tied by oval "R" registry handstamp; next-day arrival backstamp; a scarce and unusual way to pay the 3c domestic letter rate plus 3c registration, VF (Unitrade 78; Van Dam NFR1)
Est. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 79,A superb Large Die Proof in the issued colour on india paper 50 x 77mm die sunk on full-size card 150 x 226mm, showing die number "C-394" below design, penciled control number "26286" at lower right. In immaculate condition and very rare, XF
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 79,An impressive top margin strip of twenty, well centered and fresh, each with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint in blue, with printer's date and instructional handstamps, minor perf separation in the selvedge, stamps are VF NH; a rare intact specimen strip from the sole printing order made for this stamp.
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND 79 variety,Lower left mint strip of twenty with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint in blue, displaying eight vertical pairs WITH AND WITHOUT ABNC SECURITY PUNCH, perforation partly severed between seventh and eighth columns, couple hinges reinforcing perfs entirely in the selvedge, stamps with full original gum VF NH (Walsh 79c - with and without security punch, 8 known, cat. $6,800)
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND 79 variety,Lower left mint strip of twenty with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint in blue, displaying eight vertical pairs WITH AND WITHOUT ABNC SECURITY PUNCH, perforation partly severed between seventh and eighth columns, couple hinges reinforcing perfs entirely in the selvedge, stamps with full original gum VF NH (Walsh 79c - with and without security punch, 8 known, cat. $6,800)
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND 79 variety,Lower left mint strip of twenty with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint in blue, displaying eight vertical pairs WITH AND WITHOUT ABNC SECURITY PUNCH, perforation partly severed between seventh and eighth columns, couple hinges reinforcing perfs entirely in the selvedge, stamps with full original gum VF NH (Walsh 79c - with and without security punch, 8 known, cat. $6,800)
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND 79 variety,Lower left mint strip of twenty with diagonal SPECIMEN overprint in blue, displaying eight vertical pairs WITH AND WITHOUT ABNC SECURITY PUNCH, perforation partly severed between seventh and eighth columns, couple hinges reinforcing perfs entirely in the selvedge, stamps with full original gum VF NH (Walsh 79c - with and without security punch, 8 known, cat. $6,800)
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Only one printing order was made in October 1897; three sheets (300 stamps) were overprinted with a large type SPECIMEN overprint in blue and every stamp manually hand-punched. The only instance we recall seeing specimen stamps of the Royal Family series escaping the security punching.
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 79i,An upper left corner margin mint single on the distinctive thick paper, well centered and hinged in the selvedge only, stamp VF NH; 2006 Greene Foundation cert.
Cat. $600
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1897 (December 7) A fresh registered cover to the US bearing horizontal strip of four of 1c carmine rose, and a pair and single 2c orange, all light grid cancelled, oval "R" handstamp at left, Harbour Grace DE 7 97 split ring dispatch, St. John's precursor squared circle on back along with US transit and arrival markings - purportedly the First Date of Issue of these stamps. An important cover, VF (Unitrade 79, 82)
Both stamps were delivered to Newfoundland from ABNC on December 4, 1897; general consensus is that December 7, 1897 is the day of issue.
Both stamps were delivered to Newfoundland from ABNC on December 4, 1897; general consensus is that December 7, 1897 is the day of issue.
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1897 (December 7) Legal size envelope with side seams, folded at left for presentation, bearing Discovery of Newfoundland 1897 5c violet alongside Royal Family horizontal strip of five of 1c rose carmine tied by light grid cancels, St. John's DE 7 97 - purportedly the Earliest (First) Day of Usage of the One cent rose carmine stamp, pays 5c letter rate to the U.S. plus 5c registration with U.S. receiver backstamp. A significant December 7 dated cover, especially attractive with the mixed-issue franking, VF (Unitrade 65, 79)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 80,An impressive lot of nineteen specimen overprinted multiples, representing ALL ELEVEN PRINTING ORDERS, each stamp with ABNC security punch and specimen overprint (with one exception - see below). Four types of specimen overprints are shown as well as shades ranging from yellow green to dark green; fifteen of these multiples have additional ABNC handstamps. Stamps appear to be all mint F-VF NH, minor natural gum bends or wrinkles to be expected on these. All are strips of twenty, unless noted, as follows:
PO 1 - March 1898 - UL and UR; PO 2 - January 1900 - UL and UR; PO 3 - June 1901 - UL and UR; PO 4 - October 1902 - UL; PO 5 - August 1905 - UL and a block of eight UR showing trace of reversed plate "2" number; PO 6 - June 1906 - UL, both stamps from third column WITHOUT specimen (Walsh 71k; cat. $1,850); PO 7 - August 1906 - UL and LR; PO 8 - October 1907 - UL; PO 9 - May 1908 - UL; PO 10 - November 1908 - UL and UR; PO 11 - October 1909 - UR, LL and LR.
As only one specimen sheet of 200 (divided or guillotined into two panes of 100) was printed for ten of the eleven printing orders of the One cent yellow green; most of these strips are UNIQUE. A wonderful opportunity for the specialist.
PO 1 - March 1898 - UL and UR; PO 2 - January 1900 - UL and UR; PO 3 - June 1901 - UL and UR; PO 4 - October 1902 - UL; PO 5 - August 1905 - UL and a block of eight UR showing trace of reversed plate "2" number; PO 6 - June 1906 - UL, both stamps from third column WITHOUT specimen (Walsh 71k; cat. $1,850); PO 7 - August 1906 - UL and LR; PO 8 - October 1907 - UL; PO 9 - May 1908 - UL; PO 10 - November 1908 - UL and UR; PO 11 - October 1909 - UR, LL and LR.
As only one specimen sheet of 200 (divided or guillotined into two panes of 100) was printed for ten of the eleven printing orders of the One cent yellow green; most of these strips are UNIQUE. A wonderful opportunity for the specialist.
Est. $5,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 80,An upper right mint block of twelve (plus a block of four rejoined), ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprinted in red, large "RETURN TO / ISSUE ROOM / To be held for reference" boxed handstamp at top and the very rare plate "2" (reversed) number; one of only three known multiples, ten stamps NH including the key plate block, F-VF; ex. John Walsh Collection, private sale (Walsh 71h cat. $2,400)
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 80,A nicely centered, fresh top left corner block, ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint in red with "F2230" red control number and the very rare plate "3" (reversed) number; one of only three known, VF NH; ex. John Walsh Collection, private sale (Walsh 71j cat. $2,400)
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 80,Right-hand pane of 100 (two blocks of 50 rejoined), each stamp with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint in red - from the last Printing Order (October 1909) with order number "F2230" and datestamp in margin. Most stamps are NH, VF
Printing Order 11 - October 1909, two sheets (400 stamps) divided into four panes of 100. This may well be the only surviving specimen pane from the last printing order of the One cent green.
Printing Order 11 - October 1909, two sheets (400 stamps) divided into four panes of 100. This may well be the only surviving specimen pane from the last printing order of the One cent green.
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1898 Cover endorsed "From PW Fitz CC" (Chief Carpenter) "HMS Rambler red Bay Labrador" countersigned "CE Monro" to Middlesex bearing two 1c green Queen Victoria singles tied by light grids, Coastal TPO North SP 13 98 split ring at left, neat Liverpool / Ship CDS in red, London SP 30 98 and Paddington W SP 30 98 backstamps, redirected to Shepherds Bush. A fabulous and very rare maritime mail cover from Labrador - we know of only one other Royal Family franked Concessionary Rate cover, Fine (Unitrade 80)
Provenance: Neville Clifford-Jones, Newfoundland, Christie's, March 1993; Lot 1148
Gerald Elliott Collection of Royal Navy Mail, Prestige Auctions, December 2011
Red Bay is on the south coast of Labrador. Since 1550 it has been home to Basque whalers.
Provenance: Neville Clifford-Jones, Newfoundland, Christie's, March 1993; Lot 1148
Gerald Elliott Collection of Royal Navy Mail, Prestige Auctions, December 2011
Red Bay is on the south coast of Labrador. Since 1550 it has been home to Basque whalers.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 81,Trial Colour Large Die Proof printed in black on india paper about 40 by 72mm, showing die number "C-395" below design and two engraver's guidelines. An extremely rare proof in choice condition, VF+
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 81,A well centered and fresh UR corner block of six, each stamp with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint in blue, additional handstamp in margin; a few split perfs in right margin, stamps are VF NH; a very rare positional specimen block.
Only one printing order was made for the Two cent orange, in October 1897; a single sheet of 100 received the specimen overprint.
Only one printing order was made for the Two cent orange, in October 1897; a single sheet of 100 received the specimen overprint.
Est. $350+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 82,A remarkable lot of fourteen positional blocks, all nine printing orders are represented, mainly in corner margin blocks of ten or larger, each stamp with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint (seven different types), nearly all with additional printer's handstamp and / or datestamp, F-VF
All UR corner margin blocks of ten (otherwise mentioned) as follows:
Printing 1 to 9, plus extra PO 8 & 9 UL blocks of ten and top margin strips of twenty; also PO 9 lower margin mint block of 12, top centre stamp shows double security punch.
All UR corner margin blocks of ten (otherwise mentioned) as follows:
Printing 1 to 9, plus extra PO 8 & 9 UL blocks of ten and top margin strips of twenty; also PO 9 lower margin mint block of 12, top centre stamp shows double security punch.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 82a,A remarkable large margined mint imperforate pair (imperforate pairs we have seen invariably come with small margins), making this pair quite impressive and scarcer than catalogue value indicates, VF+ hinged
Cat. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1903 (December 23) Blue cover addressed locally and franked with an imperforate pair of 2c vermilion, King Edward VII tied by large oval Registered St. John's 23 DEC 03 datestamp and oval "R" registry, same-day receiver on back, VF (Unitrade 82a)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1902 (February 10) Bank of Montreal cover addressed to Krippner, bearing a right margin pair with dramatic perforation shift, tied by light oval Registered St. John's datestamp, grid and oval "R" registry; slightly reduced at right. Pays the correct 1c local letter rate plus 3c registration, F-VF (Unitrade 82 variety)
Est. $350+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1902 (August 26) Clean cover to Avondale franked with horizontal bisect of the 2c vermilion se-tenant with a normal stamp for 3c domestic letter rate, tied by C.B. Railway T.P.O. split ring dispatch with additional strike at left, cancelled by large "3" numeral; Avondale receiver backstamp, seldom seen, VF (Unitrade 82)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83,Large Die Proof printed in orange, colour of issue, on india paper 61 x 85mm, die sunk on full-size card 150 x 229mm; the hardened die with die number "C-372" below design. A very rare proof, being the engraver's working proof showing characteristic tool marks at edges of the card, VF
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83P,Plate proof block of eight in issued colour on card mounted india, showing complete ABNC imprint at foot, scarce, VF
Est. $350+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83,A neat lot of eleven specimen overprinted multiples, representing ALL EIGHT PRINTING ORDERS, each stamp with ABNC security punch and specimen overprint. Six types of specimen overprints are shown; seven multiples have additional ABNC handstamps. Some multiples are hinged in selvedge only, otherwise F-VF NH
Printing orders (PO) as follows:
PO 1 - May 1898 - UR strip of five; PO 2 - October 1899 - UR block of 6; PO 3 - March 1901 - UR block of 6; PO 4 - April 1902 - UR block of 6; PO 5 - December 1903 - lower plate imprint block of eight; PO 6 - November 1905 - top margin strip of 20; PO 7 - issued in 1918 - UL & LL (imprint) strips of 20, and lower imprint block of 8, PO 8 - issued in 1918 - LR imprint strip of 20.
Only one specimen sheet of 100 was produced for each of the first five printing orders of the Three cent stamp.
Printing orders (PO) as follows:
PO 1 - May 1898 - UR strip of five; PO 2 - October 1899 - UR block of 6; PO 3 - March 1901 - UR block of 6; PO 4 - April 1902 - UR block of 6; PO 5 - December 1903 - lower plate imprint block of eight; PO 6 - November 1905 - top margin strip of 20; PO 7 - issued in 1918 - UL & LL (imprint) strips of 20, and lower imprint block of 8, PO 8 - issued in 1918 - LR imprint strip of 20.
Only one specimen sheet of 100 was produced for each of the first five printing orders of the Three cent stamp.
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83,A choice mint upper left plate "3" (reversed) block, LH in ungummed part of margin only, otherwise VF NH, very scarce
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83a,An unusually well centered mint vertical pair imperforate horizontally in error, sheet margin at top, VF+ VLH
Cat. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83a,A well centered mint vertical strip of three imperforate horizontally in error, scarce, VF hinged (Cat. as pair)
Cat. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 83 variety,Lower margin used block of four displaying a major perforation shift of the horizontal perforations (6mm up) for a most dramatic effect, light grid cancelled, VF
Est. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 84,A remarkable duo of Progressive Die Proofs showing the central portrait in black and in red brown, both sunk on india paper measuring 95 x 116mm and 101 x 111mm respectively and showing full die sinkage area; slight india thinning as normally encountered, extremely rare, VF (Unlisted in Minuse & Pratt)
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 84,Engraved Trial Colour Die Proof in black on yellowish glazed-surfaced wove paper 43 x 55mm, die number "C-502" below design; trivial creasing, an extremely rare die proof believed to be the only one existing in black on glazed paper, VF; ex. Dr. Alan Selby (September 1993; Lot 187)
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 84,Top margin mint strip of twenty, each stamp with ABNC security punch and vertical SPECIMEN overprint in red reading up along left side, additional ABNC handstamp at top; small margin faults well away from stamps, F-VF NH
Only one printing order was made for the four cent - August 1901. Three sheets of 100 received the specimen overprint, two were overprinted on the left side of the stamps; the third sheet reads down on right side.
Only one printing order was made for the four cent - August 1901. Three sheets of 100 received the specimen overprint, two were overprinted on the left side of the stamps; the third sheet reads down on right side.
Est. $350+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 84a,An impressive top left corner margin imperforate block on wove paper, brown original gum which is correct for and seldom seen on this, relatively lightly hinged, a rare multiple, VF
Provenance: Robert H. Pratt Collection (private sale)
Sir Gawaine Baillie, Volume VII - BNA, Sotheby's, May 2006; Lot 444
Literature: Norris Dyer recorded only seven imperforate pairs of the four cent, with no mention of a block of four. See BNA Topics, Vol. 60, Number 2, April-June 2003, pages 41-43.
Provenance: Robert H. Pratt Collection (private sale)
Sir Gawaine Baillie, Volume VII - BNA, Sotheby's, May 2006; Lot 444
Literature: Norris Dyer recorded only seven imperforate pairs of the four cent, with no mention of a block of four. See BNA Topics, Vol. 60, Number 2, April-June 2003, pages 41-43.
Cat. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 84a,A choice imperforate pair with large margins, bright shade on distinctive wove paper, ungummed as usual, very scarce, VF
Literature: Norris Dyer recorded only seven imperforate pairs of the four cent. See BNA Topics, Vol. 60, Number 2, April-June 2003, pages 41-43.
Literature: Norris Dyer recorded only seven imperforate pairs of the four cent. See BNA Topics, Vol. 60, Number 2, April-June 2003, pages 41-43.
Cat. $1,000
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1901 (October 21) Cover mailed locally registered, paying the 1c local rate + 3c registration with a single 4c violet tied on First Day of Issue with grid and oval Registered St. John's 21 OC 01 cancels in red, oval "R" registry handstamp at left; an attractive and most elusive usage, VF (Unitrade 84)
Est. $250+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 85,Lot of four specimen overprinted multiples from three different printing orders, each stamp with ABNC security punch and specimen overprint, stamps are mint F-VF NH; includes: PO 3 - June 1906 - UR strip of four with additional ABNC boxed handstamp and lower imprint strip of four, PO 4 - April 1907 - lower imprint block of eight, PO 5 - 1908 - top margin strip of twenty showing Misplaced Entry variety at Position 1.
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 85, 85i,A remarkable full sheet of 100, each stamp with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint in red - from Printing Order 6 (ordered June, printed in July 1908), ABNC imprint at foot, minor perf separation in margin only, in an excellent state of preservation - two specimen sheets from PO 6 was printed, this is the only one surviving, VF NH
Position 1 shows the Misplaced Entry variety - only found on Printing Orders 5 & 6.
Position 1 shows the Misplaced Entry variety - only found on Printing Orders 5 & 6.
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 1901 (December 7) Cover mailed registered to Hungary bearing three different values of the Royal Family series with 1c yellow green, 4c violet an 5c blue tied by mute grids, oval "R" registry handstamp at left, St. John's East split ring dispatch, 1c & 4c further tied in transit by hooded Registered London 23 DE 01 datestamp in red, Registered Liverpool 22 DE 01 transit, Hungarian Koszeg DEC 25 CDS backstamp. A rare and appealing franking / destination combination, VF (Unitrade 80, 84, 85)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES Three letters to the US short-paying the required 5c per ounce rate: includes 1c green (pair) and 2c vermilion franked covers, both short 3c + 3c penalty with 1c & 5c US postage dues; and mourning cover with 3c + 5c, triple weight short 7c + 7c penalty with 2c (2) & 10c US dues, unusually seen, F-VF (Unitrade 80, 82, 83, 85)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 86,The three printing orders in blocks of four in different shades of carmine, each stamp with ABNC security punch and SPECIMEN overprint (two different types), F-VF NH
Est. $250+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 86P, 86Pi + shade,Three different interpanneau plate proof gutter margin strips of four - printed in carmine on india paper, in deep carmine on card and in brown carmine on card. Vertical fold in gutter margin as do all known; the latter strip partially severed at foot. Only ten strips of each exist, VF
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 86P, 86Pi,Interpanneau gutter margin plate proof pairs in carmine and in brown carmine, on india and card mounted india respectively; fold in gutters as do all known, former with small faults and latter partly split and supported by a hinge. Only ten of each exist, VF
Est. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 92, 92A,Both types in lovely used blocks of four with Grand Falls & Sandy Point split ring postmarks respectively, VF and scarce
Cat. $560
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 98,A fresh mint block of four with full original gum, VF NH
Cat. $600
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 115-126,An elusive used set of blocks of four; minor flaws on 2c-4c blocks, otherwise sound and F-VF
Est. $350+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 131-144,Set of fourteen used blocks of four; tiny flaw on 2c and 10c, the key 9c & 24c with split ring postmarks, seldom encountered, F-VF
Est. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 133,A wonderful lot of eight different Engraved Trial Colour Die Proofs on white wove paper with horizontal or vertical mesh, printed in dark blue, dark green, carmine, orange brown, brown, red, violet and blue. An attractive and rare group, VF (Minuse & Pratt 133TC2a)
Cat. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 135,Large Die Proof printed in orange on white wove vertical mesh paper 52 x 65mm, showing the full die sinkage, very scarce and most attractive, VF
Est. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 135,Large Die Proof printed in red brown on white wove horizontal mesh paper 51 x 56mm, attractive, choice VF
Est. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 5 1932-1938 RESOURCES 194,Large Die Proof in black, colour of issue, on unwatermarked wove paper 75 x 53mm; the Approved Die with engraver's guideline above design and no die number, VF
Est. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 212-225,The set of fourteen in mint blocks, all comb perf 13½, fresh and F-VF NH
Cat. $1,215
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 212-225,The set of fourteen in used blocks of four, 1c and 24c (small perf flaw) with Victoria split ring postmarks, others tied to individual pieces by St. John's 3 AU 33 first day postmarks, comb perf 13½ except 24c is line perf, VF
Cat. $670
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 237,Trial Colour Large Die Proof printed in black on yellowish unwatermarked paper 80 x 54mm; the final die with engraver's cross guidelines at sides and reverse die number "1218" at top left; VF (Minuse & Pratt 237TC1a)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 238a,Imperforate pair on watermarked wove paper, ungummed as issued, choice, VF
Cat. $500
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 239a,A superbly centered mint vertical strip of four, centre pair imperforate horizontally between, hinged at top leaving the key pair with pristine original gum, never hinged. A superior example of this challenging perforation variety, XF
Cat. $5,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 241a,A rare mint vertical pair imperforate horizontally between, very well centered for this - most known examples are noticeably off center, bright and fresh with full pristine original gum, a major King George VI rarity missing from even the most advanced collections, VF NH
Cat. $12,000
NEWFOUNDLAND - 6 1941-1944 RESOURCES Dark blue morocco covers with gold embossed "NEWFOUNDLAND / INTERNATIONAL POSTAL UNION CONGRESS / PARIS / May 1947", contains 1941-1944 Resources set of fourteen plus 30c University and 7c airmail affixed inside, glassine interleave, scarce, VF (Unitrade 253-266, 267, C19)
Est. $200+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 6 1941-1944 RESOURCES 253a,An unusually choice mint imperforate pair, VF+ NH
Cat. $300
NEWFOUNDLAND - 6 1941-1944 RESOURCES 263i,Lower left plate "41796" block, displaying a remarkably strong full reverse offset variety on the gum side including the plate number; in immaculate condition and rarely seen as a positional plate multiple, VF NH (Cat. as four singles)
Cat. $1,800+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 1897-1947 ISSUES 269iv,A mint lower left plate "43359" block displaying a remarkable full reverse offset variety on the gum side including the plate number. Very rare, F-VF NH (Cat. as Fine NH singles)
Cat. $2,100
NEWFOUNDLAND 269v + variety,Imperforate plate "43359" gutter margin block of eight, customary Waterlow security punch; vertical file fold at centre and light wrinkles as always. Rare - only two or three such blocks exist, VF OG; 2011 Greene Foundation cert. (Walsh 252s $2,875)
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND 269v + variety,Imperforate plate "43359" gutter margin block of eight, customary Waterlow security punch; vertical file fold at centre and light wrinkles as always. Rare - only two or three such blocks exist, VF OG; 2011 Greene Foundation cert. (Walsh 252s $2,875)
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND 269v + variety,Imperforate plate "43359" gutter margin block of eight, customary Waterlow security punch; vertical file fold at centre and light wrinkles as always. Rare - only two or three such blocks exist, VF OG; 2011 Greene Foundation cert. (Walsh 252s $2,875)
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND 269v + variety,Imperforate plate "43359" gutter margin block of eight, customary Waterlow security punch; vertical file fold at centre and light wrinkles as always. Rare - only two or three such blocks exist, VF OG; 2011 Greene Foundation cert. (Walsh 252s $2,875)
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 7 AIRMAIL C3a,An attractive mint single with INVERTED OVERPRINT ERROR, showing wide spacing (2¼mm) between "AIR" and "MAIL" and no period after "1921", large part original gum, signed / backstamped by airmail experts Sanabria, A. Diena and Giulio Bolaffi, VF OG
Expertization: 1963 Giulio Bolaffi certificate
Dalwick and Harmer reported four panes received the inverted overprint in error. The example offered here is allocated to the first pane with overprint well centered vertically and horizontally one of ten possible examples originating from this first sheet showing this overprint type.
Expertization: 1963 Giulio Bolaffi certificate
Dalwick and Harmer reported four panes received the inverted overprint in error. The example offered here is allocated to the first pane with overprint well centered vertically and horizontally one of ten possible examples originating from this first sheet showing this overprint type.
Cat. $7,500
NEWFOUNDLAND - 7 AIRMAIL C3c,A nicely centered mint single of the INVERTED OVERPRINT ERROR, showing wide spacing (2¼mm) between "AIR" and "MAIL" and period after "1921", bright fresh colour and large part original gum; pencil signed by Enzo Diena, VF H
Expertization: 1983 Enzo Diena certificate
Dalwick and Harmer reported four panes received the inverted overprint in error. The example offered here is allocated to the first pane; overprint is well centered vertically and horizontally, one of a mere seven examples from this pane of 25 that received this type of overprint.
Expertization: 1983 Enzo Diena certificate
Dalwick and Harmer reported four panes received the inverted overprint in error. The example offered here is allocated to the first pane; overprint is well centered vertically and horizontally, one of a mere seven examples from this pane of 25 that received this type of overprint.
Cat. $10,000
NEWFOUNDLAND - 7 AIRMAIL C12a,A beautiful, post office fresh mint example of the famous INVERTED SURCHARGE error, nicely centered with bright colour on pristine fresh paper, intact perforations all around, full unblemished original gum, VF NH
Expertization: 2002 BPA certificate for a block of four from which it originates, being the upper left stamp.
Census: It has been reported in Dalwick & Harmer in "Newfoundland Air Mails 1919-1939" handbook that forty examples (ten panes of four) may have had the inverted surcharge applied in error. We would also like to point out, from that small number considerably fewer are found in mint never hinged condition.
Expertization: 2002 BPA certificate for a block of four from which it originates, being the upper left stamp.
Census: It has been reported in Dalwick & Harmer in "Newfoundland Air Mails 1919-1939" handbook that forty examples (ten panes of four) may have had the inverted surcharge applied in error. We would also like to point out, from that small number considerably fewer are found in mint never hinged condition.
Cat. $60,000
NEWFOUNDLAND - 7 AIRMAIL C18b,A post office fresh, well centered mint single, Position 3 in the setting, full immaculate original gum, VF NH
Cat. $1,000
NEWFOUNDLAND - 7 AIRMAIL 1933 (July 26) Clean cacheted flight cover from St. John's to Rome, Italy bearing well centered $4.50 on 75c bistre, perf 13.8, Position 2 in the setting of four, tied by clear dispatch CDS; Shoal Harbour JUL 27 33 departure split ring and two different Italian receiver backstamps. A lovely Trans-Atlantic flight cover, XF (Unitrade C18b)
Cat. $1,200
NEWFOUNDLAND - 8 BACK-OF-BOOK American Bank Note postal card Die Essay, engraved, printed in grey violet on india paper die sunk on larger card measuring 174 x 109mm; the unadopted design with no shading in background around "N" of "NEWFOUNDLAND", rarely seen and in pristine fresh condition, XF(Webb cat. $1,200)
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND - 8 BACK-OF-BOOK American Bank Note postal card Die Essay, engraved, printed in dull red on india 133 x 84mm, die sunk on nearly full-size card measuring 228 x 149mm; the unadopted design with no shading lines in background around "N" of "NEWFOUNDLAND". An appealing and very rare die essay, XF (Webb P-E2g)
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Printed card folder from the BPA, London, 1954, numbered "21" in pencil, a limited edition sold by subscription with "Lowell Ragatz" name printed on inside front cover; a known expert and scholar on worldwide forgeries. Contains two quadrilled pages displaying a selection of Sperati Reproductions with pencil signed 4p die proof in black, then scarlet vermilion 4p Reproduction 'B' (3; two have added cancels), 6½p 'A', 1sh 'C' (3; one with partial CDS and two with grids), 4p orange 'B" unused and 'C' with grid, 1sh orange 'B' with grid. All have BPA handstamp numbered "21" on reverse. Second page shows six photo proofs 4p (3), 6p, 6½p and 1sh plus 14 of grid / datestamps. A rarely seen intact folio of the work of this infamous forger of Newfoundland Pence stamps. A fabulous reference lot.
Est. $2,500
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'A', signed Jean de Sperati with added barred cancel; BPA cachet and numbered "61" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B' with added barred cancel; BPA cachet and numbered "138" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B' with added centrally struck barred cancel; BPA
cachet and numbered "150" on reverse.
cachet and numbered "150" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'A' with centrally struck barred cancel added; BPA cachet and numbered "150" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B' with added barred cancellation and gummed; BPA cachet numbered "377" on reverse. A dangerous forgery.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'C' pencil signed by Jean de Sperati, portion of CDS and grid cancels; BPA cachet handstamp on reverse. A very well executed forgery.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'C' in scarlet vermilion with added barred cancel; BPA cachet and numbered "138" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'C' with centrally struck barred cancel; BPA cachet and numbered "150" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B' with added barred cancellation, without BPA cachet on reverse. Quite deceiving.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B' with added barred cancel on thin crisp paper (similar to 1861-1862 issue); BPA cachet and numbered "150" on reverse. Quite deceptive.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'C' with barred cancel added; BPA cachet and numbered "114" on reverse.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction (second state - retouched), without BPA cachet on reverse. Ideal for reference; 2013 Greene Foundation cert.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B', added barred cancellation on paper closely resembling that used for the issue; without the usual BPA cachet. Deceiving.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Sperati Reproduction 'B', added barred cancellation and gummed on paper closely resembling that used for the issue; BPA cachet and numbered "150" on reverse. Ideal for reference.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Genuine stamps with fake cancels: 5p with grid 'N35'; 6p rose block watermarked with fake double ring "... ENGLAND PER AACHEN" cancel in blue and additional grids; and a 6½p rose block with posthumous St. John's 1864 double arc cancel and grids.
Est. $250
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Genuine block of four with posthumous King's Cove 1864 double arc datestamps and barred grids.
Est. $200
NEWFOUNDLAND FAKES AND FORGERIES Displayed on stockpages and leaves, about 500 forgeries from the crude to the deceiving with focus on Pence & Cents issues, some fake airmails, etc. Noted three different Oneglia se-tenant 2p/1sh sheets of 36 - in orange on ungummed paper, deep rose on watermarked and unwatermarked thin gummed paper, six Sperati forgeries (plus additional photo-reproductions in black of the stamps & barred cancels), etc. Various forgers represented. Not often seen this comprehensive; an excellent reference lot for the student.
Est. $1,500
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS In mounts in a specialized Newfoundland album, very well represented - only lacking some of the pence classics and pioneer airmails, includes Pence (18) and Cents (50) in noticeably above condition, then from 1897 onward regular issues are virtually complete, also some airmails, etc. A useful lot.
Est. $1,250+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS In mounts on album pages and blank leaves, begins with Pence (20) and Cents (over 50) with shades and printings, usual mixed condition, then condition improves with quite complete to 1947 noting #77 (light crease), #128, various sets, airmails, etc.
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Lot of 48 blocks of four, mint and / or used from First ABN to late BABN printings, noting mint #29, 30, 31, 35 plate block of eight, #42, 57, 59 plate block of six (hinged supported) with line in "C" variety on one, used #24, 30, 34, etc. Also Pence blocks with mint #11A, 18, 20, 23, first three with crease between stamps, 1sh block NH. Minor flaws as to be expected on these difficult stamps, generally Fine or better
Est. $2,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Plate proofs in issued colours with ½c top half sheet of 50, 3c block of 30 (10x3), 5c block of 20 (10x2), 2c Map left & right pane lower margin blocks of eight; also 4c pair left stamp underinked, mainly VF (Unitrade cat. $8,700 as single proofs)
Est. $750+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS On pages with write-up, includes ½c-5c set of 44 ABNC specimen / printing order mint NH singles (complete ex 2c Map), 1897 1c carmine rose Specimen overprint LR corner block of eight, 3c Specimen top margin strip of twenty (November 1905), 4c Specimen UR corner block of eight (Sept 1901), 5c Specimen UR corner strip of five (May 1898); also ½c & 2c orange NH sheets of 100, latter sheet with some faults, 1c yellow green pair and block imperforate horizontally, 2c vermilion imperforate pair with small margins, 2c vermilion bisect se-tenant with single on piece, 3c plate imprint block, 3c imperf strip of 3, various mint blocks, etc.
Est. $1,250+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Various multiples plus a few varieties, noting 1c yellow green mint block imperforate horizontally, 2c vermilion imperforate pair usual small margins, 3c orange rebacked imperf pair, 3c UR imprint "F-5610" mint block from 1918 printing, 4c lower imprint LH block, 2c Map UR mint NH block, etc. Also 1910 John Guy lithographed set of 12.
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS An impressive assembly of about 100 covers / cards displayed on exhibit pages with write-up on rates, dates, frankings, etc., from half cent multiples to 2c Map frankings, noting inland rates, Canada, U.S. or U.K. (also a single 5c addressed to Holland, one mixed-issue to Germany), several non-letter mail, small towns, TPO markings, registered mail, etc. Condition is mixed; a solid nucleus for someone wanting to get a head start on a specialized postal history collection of this series.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS About 100 covers, for the most part 3 cent rates, all addressed to St. John's from various outports and most with various railway post office markings. Mixed condition.
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Starts with various Cents issues, several values of 1897 Cabot & Royal Family, 1938 Resources proof pairs, a 1922 Vickers-Vimy essay, 1940-1945 Cigarettes Excise tax 20c Caribou proof pair and red brown (large size) single with security punch, 1903-1904 1c KEVII & 2c Queen Mary postal card proofs in issued colours on india, latter card mounted, etc. An interesting and useful lot, mainly VF
Est. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Organized on stockpages starting with 1897 Discovery of Newfoundland, well represented to Publicity series of 1929-1931. Noted John Guy issues including 15c engraved mint and used blocks, 1919 Trail of the Caribou mint set in blocks (some VF), 1923-1924 Pictorial mint set in blocks (most NH), etc. Also a few covers franked with multiples. Overall condition is quite nice for these, especially the used blocks which are hard to find. A useful lot.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS On stockpages with emphasis on 1932 Resources, 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1937 Long Coronation and 1941-1944 2nd Resources, mint or used blocks (often both), light duplication noting perforation varieties, shades, cancels, a few covers, etc. Seldom seen this comprehensive; a great lot for studying printings, watermarks, perforations, etc. Generally F-VF
Est. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Five mint BABN imprint blocks of eight (unless noted); ½c rose red top margin, key ½c orange lower margin and top margin (part imprint) block of four, ½c black top & lower margin blocks; also a ½c black nicely centered mint NH block of ten; two covers - ½c black + 2c orange Codfish on 1897 cover to New Brunswick, a faulty OHMS GPO legal size 1895 cover with pair of ½c black + Scott 29, 48, 59 for 25 cent registered rate to Baltimore, USA, plus uprated 1c green postal card with ½c black (2) to Montenegro, F-VF
Est. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Displayed on leaves with write-up plus two stockpages, shows the 14c Dog from 1932-1940s Perkins Bacon and Waterlow printings and 1937 Long Coronation series. Noted 1932 14c plate proof pair in black on bond paper, 1937 14c LL block, with and without watermark, UR corner block of ten showing five re-entries, 1944 14c vertical pair imperforate horizontally, Waterlow punch imperforate block, single with strong offset on gum side, mint multiples and eight covers; mainly NH, F-VF
Est. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS An amazing lot in two thick stockbooks, covering the set of fourteen 1c to 48c plus the 4c Princess Elizabeth and 5c Cabot, all printed by Waterlow & Sons. A fabulous lot of about 670 imperforate blocks (plus many pairs not counted), also nine gutter margin blocks of eight; often supplemented with photocopied notes and illustrations of the plates. All with Waterlow security punches, usual wrinkling, mount marks, etc., many with sheet margins annotated in ink by the printer noting requisition numbers, marginal notes, markings on stamps pointing out corrections to designs, etc. Many show engraver's guidelines; about thirty with plate numbers. A "gold-mine" of 1941-1944 Waterlow Second Resources archival proofs. Enormous catalogue value.
Est. $15,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND LARGE LOTS Includes mint blocks of Halifax Airmail with three different overprint types (C3, b, f, h), C6-C8, 1933 Labrador 10c, 30c & 60c blocks of four used on individual registered covers to USA; Postage Dues 1939-1949 1c-10c with perforation varieties, much NH, etc. Clean condition throughout, F-VF
Est. $600+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR5,Fresh mint single, reasonably centered with full original gum, F-VF LH
Cat. $400+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR9,An unusually choice, well centered, used single of this high value, neat cancel in violet, XF
Cat. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR10-NFR14,Used singles, light crease on $1 green (not counted), manuscript or handstamp cancels, fresh colours, F-VF
Cat. $1,410
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR16,Large Die Proof, engraved, printed in black and die sunk directly to white card 70 x 100mm showing full die sinkage, small BABN imprint below the stamp. A beautiful proof of utmost rarity, VF
Est. $500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR25,Plate essay in rose red on bond paper, prepared by Whitehead, Morris & Co., never issued, VF (Walsh RTE 2)
Est. $200+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES Navy blue morocco leather case with gold embossed "NEWFOUNDLAND / STAMPS" on front cover and "THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO LTD. LONDON" twice inside, measuring 120 x 137mm and encasing two handpainted Die Essays for the intended King George VI issue of 1937, separated by a blue nylon cloth inside. Left side is a $100 essay in carmine and right is a 10cts essay in olive green - both with Chinese white paint throughout the design, beveled on thick grey cards, measuring 100 x 118mm each. Without a doubt, the most beautiful and visually striking Printer's proof display ever prepared for any British North America revenue. UNIQUE and exceptional in all respects. ex. John G. Butt collection
Est. $5,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES An exceptional trio of handpainted & engraved Perkins, Bacon & Co. Die Essays: 1) KGVI vignette (smaller size) photographic essay affixed to background with the frame handpainted & engraved in violet - lilac colour; 2) KGVI vignette (larger size) photographic essay partly painted in rose carmine ink, affixed to background with hand-drawn frame in same-coloured ink and slightly touched up with Chinese White; and 3) similar to previous but KGVI vignette touched up in rose carmine and black (uniform) with overall sharper impression than second essay. Last two essays with similar surrounding frame; all three essays encased in thick large size cards. A UNIQUE and spectacular offering.
Est. $2,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES Two spectacular Perkins Bacon & Co. Die Essays of KGVI vignette with front and with three-quarter left profiles, both affixed on handpainted layered background with surrounding third layer frame, handpainted in Chinese White with deep ultramarine and deep carmine paint respectively. Both on beveled greyish brown large card. An exceptional duo. UNIQUE.
Est. $2,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES De La Rue & Co. Limited Die Essays, a pair two-layered photographic essays: 1) KGVI in full right profile of vignette surrounded by blue wash, penciled "Surface" - the printing method to be used; and 2) KGVI portrait in three quarter left profile, penciled "Recess" as printing method to be used. Both on thick beveled grey cards measuring about 100 x 115mm and showing DLR oval handstamp on back. UNIQUE.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES Two De La Rue & Co. Limited two-layered photographic essays including frame: 1) KGVI portrait in full right profile slightly touched up with grey paint above and below vignette, penciled "Surface" as printing method to be used; 2) KGVI portrait in three quarter left profile, slightly touched up with grey paint below and at left of vignette, penciled "Recess" - the printing method to be used. Both on thick beveled grey cards measuring about 98 x 115mm and showing DLR oval handstamp on back. UNIQUE.
Est. $1,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES Photographic essays, four different on glossy surfaced paper measuring about 33-35 x 45mm; includes the 10c & $100 KGVI portrait facing right profile and pencil annotated on back "Surface"; and same denominations KGVI portrait in three-quarter left profile, annotated on back "Recess", a one-of-a-kind quartet, VF
Est. $1,000+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES Two fabulous Die Essays prepared by Harrison & Sons Limited, consisting of impressive layered photographic essays of the KGVI vignette in full front profile and of the surrounding frame, the latter with handpainted details to emulate the issued 1910 KGV Inland revenues, on thick beveled card measuring 128 x 156mm; plus a second essay of KGVI in three-quarter left profile affixed to thick archival card; both with Harrison & Sons printed address label affixed on back. UNIQUE.
Est. $1,250+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR34,A nicely centered used single with CDS cancel in black, VF
Cat. $400
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUES NFR46b, 47b, 48b,Set of three complete sheets of 50 with gutter margin between panes of 25; the 10c with marginal creasing at lower left corner. Not often seen in sheets, F-VF NH
Est. $300+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUE DOCUMENTS Lot of 21 documents dated from mid-November 1898 to late October 1899, typed or handwritten with headline Supreme Court of Newfoundland or St. John's to Wit, each bearing a single 25c blue Queen Victoria, Inland Revenue stamp punch cancelled by Geometric "Snowflake" to document; three have fold through stamp, one has minor ageing, otherwise nice condition with shades of blue, dark blue and slate blue noted. An opportunity to acquire a large number of a relatively small existing number of the "Snowflake" punch cancellation on document, F-VF; other values are very scarce to non-existent. (Van Dam NFR3; Walsh R3b cat. for a 25c document with "Snowflake" $1,750 = total $43,050)
Est. $2,500+
NEWFOUNDLAND REVENUE DOCUMENTS Lot 13 items including 1912 mixed-issued franking 10c Queen Victoria pair and KGV 5c and $1 (3) on Mortgage Indenture, 1919 Conveyance with KGV $1 and 50c (2), 1932 Boiler Certificate with KGV $1 (no imprint) strip of three punch "PAID" cancels, ten documents bearing Caribou Inland revenue stamps dated between 1944/1964. All in archival sleeves for protection; mainly F-VF
Est. $200+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1692 (April) A legal document re land at St. Michel signed by a lawyer of L'Isle de Montreal to M. Nicolas Perrot, Commander at Saint Augustin(?) near Quebec. No postal marking as there were no postal arrangements during this period. A fascinating letter handwritten in old French, which ranks among the few surviving 17th Century covers (and one of the earliest) of New France during the French Regime.
Provenance: Dorothy Sanderson, Cavendish Auctions, June 2006; Lot 112
Nicolas Perrot (d. 1717), explorer, fur trader, interpreter for the Western tribes and a diplomat later in his life. He was known as "The Man of the Iron Legs" by the Amerindians. Perrot was one of the first European to travel to the Upper Mississippi Valley (now Wisconsin and Minnesota).
Provenance: Dorothy Sanderson, Cavendish Auctions, June 2006; Lot 112
Nicolas Perrot (d. 1717), explorer, fur trader, interpreter for the Western tribes and a diplomat later in his life. He was known as "The Man of the Iron Legs" by the Amerindians. Perrot was one of the first European to travel to the Upper Mississippi Valley (now Wisconsin and Minnesota).
Est. $2,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1743 (May 14) Superb folded entire letter / invoice from Quebec to merchant Robert du Gard, Rouen, France; carried by private ship with clearly struck at top right "LA ROCHELLE" straightline at port of entry in France, rated "7" sols due for single letter rate (80 to 100 lieues) to Rouen. One of the very first covers in private hands that originated from Canada to France, bearing a postal handstamp, XF
The Allan Steinhart collection had a 1749 cover from Quebec to France, with a Bordeaux fleur-de-lis "B" postmark; although stained it sold in 2005 (Lot 1005) for an impressive 25,000 Swiss francs hammer against a pre-sale estimate of 4000 to 6000, described as one of the earliest covers from Canada to France with a postal handstamp.
The Allan Steinhart collection had a 1749 cover from Quebec to France, with a Bordeaux fleur-de-lis "B" postmark; although stained it sold in 2005 (Lot 1005) for an impressive 25,000 Swiss francs hammer against a pre-sale estimate of 4000 to 6000, described as one of the earliest covers from Canada to France with a postal handstamp.
Est. $5,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1750 (June 22) Folded lettersheet written in French at Québec with dateline inside, sent from Girls Convent, showing Ursuline Convent albino crest on white wax seal; small repair inside, otherwise in an excellent state of preservation for such an early item mailed during the French period, a beautiful cover, VF
Provenance: Gerald Wellburn, Sissons Sale 423, December 1982; Lot 1044
Aaron Ain, Pre-Stamp & Stampless Quebec Postal History, Firby, October 1998; Lot 650
Jacques Charron, Firby, January 2002; Lot 465
Provenance: Gerald Wellburn, Sissons Sale 423, December 1982; Lot 1044
Aaron Ain, Pre-Stamp & Stampless Quebec Postal History, Firby, October 1998; Lot 650
Jacques Charron, Firby, January 2002; Lot 465
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1769 (May 20) Folded cover probably from Paris, France, with London Forwarding Agents initials on reverse, placed on private vessel to Quebec where it entered the mails, rated "SH" (ship) "3.8" collect (3 penny weights plus 8 grains of silver) for the incoming postage, horizontal fold. In an excellent state of preservation and a rare letter to Canada - less than 7 years after New France (French Regime) was ceded to the British, VF
Provenance: Unknown provenance, Maresch Sale 188, May 1986; Lot 479 - where it realized $2,700 hammer, by far the highest realization among an impressive offering of 19 lots of covers dated between 1728 and 1798.
Provenance: Unknown provenance, Maresch Sale 188, May 1986; Lot 479 - where it realized $2,700 hammer, by far the highest realization among an impressive offering of 19 lots of covers dated between 1728 and 1798.
Est. $3,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1778 Folded entire letter with "Beauport 31th August, 1778" dateline (near Quebec), endorsed "p Favor of Capt. Aikins of the Hero" addressed to Spanish Town, Jamaica. Received at Kingston with two-line rare "KING/STON" handstamp and light manuscript "7½" for inland postage. Letter mentions Loyalists going north to Canada and South to the Caribbean as a result of the American Revolutionary war, VF
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1782 Folded entire written (in French) to the Cours des Comptes (Court of Auditors) at Aix-en-Provence, signed "La Boyère" from "22 8bre 1792, en amérique septentrionale" (North America), intact red wax seal. Carried privately to France, fancy Bordeaux fleur-de-lis "B" postmark at right, where the cover was marked on arrival "15" for due 15 decimes to collect from the recipient; slight ageing along file fold, otherwise is bright fresh and in an excellent state of preservation. An attractive and rare trans-Atlantic letter originating from Canada during the 18th Century, VF
Est. $2,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1782 (November 4) Large folded cover endorsed "On His Majesty's Service", rated "6N" (6 shillings currency) pays an eight-fold 9 penny currency rate from Montreal to Quebec, neat straightline "MONTREAL" handstamp (40 x 4.5mm) in capital letters, without date (used 1777 to 1784) unusually struck on observe; light wrinkles to cover, otherwise in an excellent state of preservation considering its age and the heavy weight it once carried. A very impressive cover and a major rarity; no doubt ranking among the highest rates one could possibly find on early Domestic Mail, F-VF (R. Lowe unlisted type)
Est. $1,250+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1784 Folded letter sheet datelined "La Rochelle le 10 mars 1784" France to a merchant in Montreal, light ageing, underinked small "SHIP" handstamp at top right and rated "11½"; reverse with early double circle Quebec handstamp with "triangle" at base, Bishop mark "5 / IY" (July 5) struck alongside - unusual as it is generally struck within the Quebec double circle. A rare, early incoming letter to Canada with the rare Quebec datestamp - the only city in Canada to use a Bishop mark, Fine (R. Lowe HS-5 variety, RF "E" - rare)
Provenance: Unknown provenance, Maresch Sale 188, May 1986; Lot 483
Provenance: Unknown provenance, Maresch Sale 188, May 1986; Lot 483
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1786 (April 24) Folded cover in unusually clean condition addressed to Honorable Samuel Holland, Surveyor General at Quebec, rated "9" (currency - for distance between 101 and 200 miles), on reverse well struck, complete two-line "Montreal / APRIL:24." datestamp, VF (R.Lowe HS-24a RF "E" - rare)
Provenance: Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 193
Samuel Holland joined the British Army in 1756 and served during the Seven Years War -he was with Wolfe when he died on the Plains of Abraham. Appointed Surveyor General of Quebec in 1764. He later mapped the British possessions of what was to become Prince Edward Island, Magdalen Islands and Cape Breton, among others.
Provenance: Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 193
Samuel Holland joined the British Army in 1756 and served during the Seven Years War -he was with Wolfe when he died on the Plains of Abraham. Appointed Surveyor General of Quebec in 1764. He later mapped the British possessions of what was to become Prince Edward Island, Magdalen Islands and Cape Breton, among others.
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Folded lettersheet written in French datelined "Québec 10 juin 1793" addressed to Cap la Magdeleine (Cap-de-la-Madeleine), prepaid "7" (currency) and bold strike of boxed "PAID" and an absolutely superb double circle Quebec Canada with Bishop mark "17 IV" (17 June) at centre struck on backflap. A wonderful cover in excellent condition with extraordinary postal markings, VF (R. Lowe HS-20)
Provenance: Charles deVolpi, Sissons Sale 242, January 1966; Lot 225
Gerald Wellburn, Sissons Sale 423, December 1982; Lot 1082
Provenance: Charles deVolpi, Sissons Sale 242, January 1966; Lot 225
Gerald Wellburn, Sissons Sale 423, December 1982; Lot 1082
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1794 (June 26) Folded entire from Quebec to Montreal, rated "1N6", backstamped with superb Quebec / Canada double ring with "Bishop" mark dated "26 IV" (for June) - the only city in Canada to use a Bishop mark; central file fold. Historic content reads in part: "We are hourly waiting for the fleet from the banks of Newfoundland... it looks like war... The fleet sailed from Chesapeake consists etc..." VF (R.Lowe HS-20 RF "E" - rare)
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Three entires to France dated 1795 or 1802 (June & August), displayed on quadrilled pages, carried by favour to France to Monsieur Chilcuisneau, Vendôme from a "brother" at Montreal, the 1795 letter rated "10" (centimes) collect from Paris - Vendôme fee. Scarce. F-VF
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1797 (November 1) Receipt for the amount of £1,000 given by Robert Prescott covering his salary from May 1st to October 31, 1797 as Captain General & Govenor in Chief of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. In excellent condition. ex. Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History Collection (June 1996; Lot 201)
Prescott had a distinguished Military Career, serving in the Seven Years War, The American War of Independence, the expedition against Louisbourg in 1758, among other military exploits. He was later Governor in Chief of the Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Prescott had a distinguished Military Career, serving in the Seven Years War, The American War of Independence, the expedition against Louisbourg in 1758, among other military exploits. He was later Governor in Chief of the Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Est. $250+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Folded lettersheet with "York 9th June 1798" dateline, addressed to Captain Hugh McDonell, Royal Canadian Volunteer, carried by Military Courier to Fort George, small tear at top but in nice shape considering its age, VF; a very rare cover sent during the building of Fort George.
Provenance: Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History Collection, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 202
The British moved across the Niagara River after giving up Fort Niagara to the US in 1796. At that time of this letter, Fort George was under construction. Completed in 1802, it was mostly destroyed during the War of 1812.
Provenance: Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History Collection, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 202
The British moved across the Niagara River after giving up Fort Niagara to the US in 1796. At that time of this letter, Fort George was under construction. Completed in 1802, it was mostly destroyed during the War of 1812.
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1801 (May 11) An exceptionally fresh folded entire written in French to Captain McDonnell, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Volunteers, Montreal, rated "9" (currency for distance between 101 and 200 miles), on reverse superbly struck two-line QUEBEC / 11 MAY 1801 datestamp in black, XF (R. Lowe HS-32)
Provenance: Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History Collection, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 206
Provenance: Sam Nickle Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History Collection, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 206
Est. $400+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1805 (May 25) Folded letter from London, England to Fort St. John, Canada (Fort Saint-Jean), manuscript "2N1", "2/" and "1N8" all in red, light Paid MY 25 1805 CDS of London; on reverse two quite well struck straightlines - HALIFAX / JUL 18" (Macdonald Type HAL-10) and QUEBEC 5 AUG 1805 (R. Lowe HS-32). A very early incoming letter to this famed army fortress, F-VF
Provenance: Sam Nickle, Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 209
Fort St. John (Fort Saint-Jean) was a French outpost in the Seven Years War, only to be set on fire by French soldiers in 1760. Re-erected by the British in 1775, Fort Saint-Jean played a crucial role in the British defending Quebec (especially at Montreal & Quebec) from General Montgomery's army, before falling in the Fall of 1775, only to retreat from a weakened army in the Spring of 1776.
Provenance: Sam Nickle, Pre 1838 Canadian Documents & Military Postal History, Firby Auctions, June 1996; Lot 209
Fort St. John (Fort Saint-Jean) was a French outpost in the Seven Years War, only to be set on fire by French soldiers in 1760. Re-erected by the British in 1775, Fort Saint-Jean played a crucial role in the British defending Quebec (especially at Montreal & Quebec) from General Montgomery's army, before falling in the Fall of 1775, only to retreat from a weakened army in the Spring of 1776.
Est. $1,250+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1815 Folded lettersheet from Liverpool, England to Montreal, on reverse a quite clear strike of the scarce double circle Post Paid Withdrawn Ship Letter "Crown" Liverpool 7 JU 7 1815 datestamp in red, prepaid 3/- sterling (one third the 9/- Stg packet rate), carried on "Royal Yeoman" from Liverpool, the letter was prepaid 9d Stg (one third the 2/2 Stg packet rate combining Inland and Packet rate, effective October 10, 1814), entering mails at Quebec with oval Ship Letter "Crown" Quebec, light strike as always, rated "3/2½" pence at Montreal to include inland postage. The Withdrawn Ship Letter scheme ended July 11, 1815, Fine (R. Lowe Type 680; HS-45)
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1819 (March 25) A remarkably clean, fresh folded entire with intact red wax seal, quite clear double oval NIAGARA / U.CANADA / MAR 25 1819 datestamp in black - the latest reported date (only in use about 2 years), same-ink small "PAID." and rated "3N6" for triple rate to Montreal (14 pence currency 301-400 miles times three), a very attractive prepaid cover with the elusive Niagara postmark, VF (R. Lowe HS-104 RF "D" - very scarce) ex. Sanderson (June 2006; Lot 201)
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1820 (October 31) Folded entire written on board a steamer sailing down the St. Lawrence to Quebec, datelined "River St. Lawrence... 31 Oct 1820" charged "1/2" sterling (6 pence ship, 2 pence captain's fee & 6 pence inland postage) to Catrine, Scotland, displaying an unusual boxed "AIR / SHIP LETTER" - a known misspelling of "AYR" where it entered the mails, very scarce. The contents mentions "I intend to send a Barrel of Apples with the Brig Jane bound for Ayr, hope they arrive safely." Fine
Comically, when this letter was mailed in 1820, one would need to wait more than a hundred years before the word "air ship" became part of the population lexicon.
Comically, when this letter was mailed in 1820, one would need to wait more than a hundred years before the word "air ship" became part of the population lexicon.
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1826 (January 31) Folded cover from the Postmaster (and Collector of Customs) Alpheus Jones at Prescott, contained £50 currency representing duties collected to December 31, 1825, initialed by Postmaster at left, endorsed "Free" and "Money Letter", very scarce and one of the earliest covers marked "Money Letter", VF
Est. $250+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1828 (January 29) Folded cover mailed at CORNWALL with straightline on back and manuscript "29th Jan", endorsed "Custom House Cornwall", manuscript "Money Letter" and double rated "1N10"; letter contained £10-15 pence currency from John Crysler, Collector of Customs at Cornwall for duties collected to January 1st, 1828. One of the earliest letters marked "Money Letter", very scarce, F-VF
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1829 (June 4) Folded cover in superior condition bearing two very fine dispatch markings - Quebec "Fleuron" JU 4 29 datestamp on back and Quebec Paid, prepaid rated "9" in manuscript, addressed to Baie du Febvre, Missent to Drummondville showing a superb strike of broken circle Drummond Ville with manuscript filled-in "9 June 29" date - the earliest reported date, a beautiful "Missent" cover displaying three choice strikes, XF (R.Lowe HS-38, 41, 63)
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS A superb folded lettersheet sent by Edward Hale to Earle Amherst in London, showing three exceptional and aesthetically appealing handstamps with two different rated Quebec Paid "1/-" (currency; Canadian postage) and "18¾" (cents; U.S. postage) respectively along with Quebec "Fleuron" APR 3 30 dispatch. Endorsed "pd to N.Y. E. Hale" at left. Carried to England where it entered the mail, manuscript "1/7" rate with boxed SHIP LETTER / LIVERPOOL handstamp and 17 MY 1830 receiver backstamps, XF (R. Lowe HS-38, HS-41a, the latter RF "F" - very rare)
Inside the letter is a beautiful original ink wash drawing used as a letterhead, entitled "view from our window". The letter was written by Edward Hale, former secretary to Lord Amherst in India and later member of the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council in Lower Canada.
A fabulous cover of great eye-appeal and without a doubt, one of the most attractive covers of Canada's stampless period.
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1050
Inside the letter is a beautiful original ink wash drawing used as a letterhead, entitled "view from our window". The letter was written by Edward Hale, former secretary to Lord Amherst in India and later member of the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council in Lower Canada.
A fabulous cover of great eye-appeal and without a doubt, one of the most attractive covers of Canada's stampless period.
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1050
Est. $2,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1830 (July 25) On His Majesty's Service printed wrapper for Chelsea Hospital, Whitehall, London mailed from Petite Nation free of charge with 1829 type Petite Nation cancel in red with filled-in "July 25th 1830" date, unusually clear Quebec "Fleuron" AUG 3 30 in red, Halifax "Fleuron" 14 AU transit, British boxed "FREE" and "Crown" Free 6 SE 1830 official marking in red. Most unusual, as incoming Official Free covers mailed from Canada to the United Kingdom are rare, this one being particularly nice, VF Illustrated in "Franking System in the Post Office" (1988) by Frank Bottomley on page 145.
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1831 (August 1) Printed entire from Royal Hospital, Chelsea sent free to a pensioner at Grenville, some edge wear. Boldly struck "Crown" Free 1 AU 1831 official marking in red, Halifax "Fleuron" SE 19 transit, superb 1829 type Grenville CDS IN RED with filled-in "1 Oct 1831" date, redirected to Québec with unusual (similar to 1829 type) CDS with printed OC 4 1831 date inside, endorsed on back "Quebec Advertised / in January 1832"; a Fine trans-Atlantic official mail with VF strikes
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1831 Folded cover datelined "Abaco 26th December 1831" carried as a ship letter to Liverpool with boxed "Liverpool / Ship Letter" handstamp on back, various rates - "2/11", "3/3" for packet rate to Halifax, plus "1/8" to Quebec, plus forwarded fee "9" for total "5/8", Halifax "Fleuron", Quebec MY 1 1832 double arc transit; some soiling and ageing. A very early cover from the Bahamas to Canada, Fine
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1833 (March 18) Folded lettersheet written at Niagara Falls two days earlier, mailed "Free" to the Postmaster at Sandwich, superb bold strike of DRUMMONDVILLE U.C. (italic letters) double circle postmark with date "18th March 1833" inside, an attractive and clean cover, VF (R. Lowe HS-95)
Est. $150+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1834 (September 6) Folded cover with superbly struck double circle Rawdon, L.C. dispatch in red with filled-in date inside, to the Secrety of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea and endorsed "Free" in red manuscript, boxed LIVERPOOL / SHIP LETTER, superb oval T.P. OC 22 1834 backstamps and "Crown" FREE 22 OC 22 1834 handstamp in red on arrival. A rarely seen early "free" mail from Canada to the UK, Fine Illustrated in "Franking System in the Post Office" (1988) by Frank Bottomley on page 150.
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1835 (August 28) Clean folded letter with superb double circle Queenston AU 28 1835 datestamp IN GREEN from Lewiston, USA Exchange Office, from Postmaster requesting the Postmaster at Queenston, to which it is addressed, to forward an enclosed $5 money letter to Delaware, U.C. and have the Postmaster there acknowledge receipt to Lewiston; the letter was endorsed received by the Delaware Postmaster on August 31st and returned to Lewiston. Canadian Return receipts were initiated in February of 1831; this is one of the earliest known. A letter addressed to Postmaster at Queenston was entitled to franking privileges, hence no postage was charged. A desirable Money-Letter cover, VF
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1836 (February 2) Folded entire from Québec to Toronto endorsed "O.H.M.S.", straightline "FREE" and double circle Quebec dispatch datestamp in red, same-ink "MONEY LETTER" - the first produced money letter handstamp, some staining at top and light diagonal fold, Fine with VF strike of the very rare "MONEY LETTER" handstamp.
This cover is mentioned in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" on page 9. Described as very rare. Of the six examples reported, five of the strikes are known in black and only one in red (this cover).
This cover is mentioned in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" on page 9. Described as very rare. Of the six examples reported, five of the strikes are known in black and only one in red (this cover).
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1836 (July 18) Clean folded entire endorsed "4 single paid to New York" mailed from Québec to Bridgetown, Barbados, double circle Quebec JY 19 1836 datestamp in red and PAID "1/-" (currency and PAID "18¾" US cents prepaid to New York, on reverse large oval "Forwarded By Hedson's News, Room Foreign Ship Letter Office New York" forwarding agent handstamp in black. A beautiful early prepaid cover to a British Caribbean island, VF
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1836 Folded entire in remarkably fresh condition, "Moose Factory 29th Aug 1836" dateline, intact red wax seal, signed and written by George Keith (1779-1859) the Chief Factor in Charge of the English River District Lake Superior & Moose. Carried on Hudson Bay Co. annual ship back to England, delivered to British ship with boxed "DEAL / SHIP LETTER" and rated "1/4" stg collect, London 31 OC 1836 receiver in red on reverse. A rare and very early Fur Trade cover originating from Rupert's Land, VF
The letter mentions several employees died by drowning and 1000 Natives from influenza.
The letter mentions several employees died by drowning and 1000 Natives from influenza.
Est. $2,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1837 (August 27) Folded entire in an excellent state of preservation, with intact red wax seal, written at "Norway House 27 August 1837" signed by Donald Ross (1797-1852), the Chief Trader at Norway House, addressed to John Stuart, chief factor of Hudson Bay House at London. Carried by Hudson Bay Co. canoe express to York Factory, then by HBC supply ship back to England where it entered the mails with boxed "DEAL / SHIP LETTER" handstamp and rated "1/4" stg due on delivery, London 25 OC 1837 circular backstamp receiver in red. A rare and appealing Fur Trade cover from Rupert's Land, an ideal showpiece for an advanced collection, VF
An interesting letter concerning the Fur Trade indicating that the demand had gone from Musquash to Beaver, Lynx and Otter.
An interesting letter concerning the Fur Trade indicating that the demand had gone from Musquash to Beaver, Lynx and Otter.
Est. $2,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Three covers with 1837 Montreal to London, rated "1/8" pence & "18¾" cents paid to New York, plus "1/8" due in the U.K.; 1838 Toronto to Quebec, redirected to Boston, rerated paid "11d" and "18¾" cents; and 1839 Montreal to Ayrshire, rated "4½" pence & "18¾" cents pair, "1/2" for transatlantic rate with additional "1/2" tax.
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1837 (July 7) Folded cover from New Ireland, Lower Canada rated "1/10½" currency, mistakenly sent to London, Upper Canada with instructional marking "Missent to London U.C. forwarded", sent instead by private trader to Liverpool where it entered mail with boxed Liverpool Ship Letter backstamp, rated "1/7" stg collection to London, England with London handstamp filled-in "28 July" date. An attractive missent cover, VF; ex. Jack Arnell (February 1997; Lot 80)
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1837 (December 1) Folded lettersheet in immaculate condition from Canada Company correspondence with intact "Arms" red wax seal on reverse, endorsed "via New York", lovely strike of double circle "City of Toronto U.C. DE 1 1837 datestamp in red, straightline "PAID 7 & 25" prepaid 7 pence rate to the border and 25 cents US postage, boxed Liverpool Ship Letter and 5 JA 1838 arrival backstamps, XF
Est. $400+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1838 (June 29) Folded entire to Lieut. & Adjutant Paget, 43th Light Infantry, Drummondville - defending Lake Erie shore against raiders crossing the lake in support of William Lyon Mackenzie (1795-1861) during the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837-1838, endorsed "Private Ship Letter via Liverpool", sent from Chelsea, oval Ship Letter London 30 JU 1838, New York Ship JUL 25, Montreal JY 30 double circle transit in red, forwarded "1/5½" currency (1/1 + 4½p - no charge for forwarding soldier letters). An attractive Upper Canada Rebellion cover to a soldier, VF
Provenance: Sam Nickle, Collection of 19th Century Mail to Canada, Firby Auctions, May 1996; Lot 844
Provenance: Sam Nickle, Collection of 19th Century Mail to Canada, Firby Auctions, May 1996; Lot 844
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1839 (February 18) Folded entire from William Murray to his father Captain James Murray R.N. in Kilmun near Greenock, Scotland. Endorsed "New York & Liverpool", double circle Montreal FE 18 1839 datestamp in red, prepaid "18¾" and "4½", New York FEB 23 circular transit in red, Liverpool Ship Letter backstamp, two-line Greenock / Penny Post along with Scottish "1/2d" border fee, VF
An intriguing account which reads in part: "... you have heard of the suppression of the Rebellion in Lower Canada. The American Pirates and Brigands along the frontier still however continue to commit outrages on the persons and properties of the Loyalists who are settled near the lines... the general opinion has it that A WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES is now inevitable and we are all very anxious to hear what measures may be expected on the opening of the Imperial Parliament... the repeated aggressions of our sympathizing neighbours... the prisoners taken in Upper Canada have been tried by court martial and most of those found guilty have been hanged. The same course has been pursued in this province but owing to the number of prisoners taken the court is still in operation... yesterday morning five were executed..."
An intriguing account which reads in part: "... you have heard of the suppression of the Rebellion in Lower Canada. The American Pirates and Brigands along the frontier still however continue to commit outrages on the persons and properties of the Loyalists who are settled near the lines... the general opinion has it that A WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES is now inevitable and we are all very anxious to hear what measures may be expected on the opening of the Imperial Parliament... the repeated aggressions of our sympathizing neighbours... the prisoners taken in Upper Canada have been tried by court martial and most of those found guilty have been hanged. The same course has been pursued in this province but owing to the number of prisoners taken the court is still in operation... yesterday morning five were executed..."
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1839 (August 17) Folded entire written at Berthier, rated "7" and "Paid to the Lines", legible double circle Montreal AUG 22 1839 CDS in red, rerated at the US border "12½" (cents) from there to destination Burtland, Vermont; Highgate Vt AUG 24 transit in red.
Provenance: Sam Nickle Military Postal History Collection (January 1996; Lot 318)
A highly interesting letter concerning Canada's operation of political prisoners of the Rebellion of 1837, handwritten by James Cuthbert, 1st English seignoir of Berthier, President of special council of Lower Canada to administer affairs after 1838 suspension of Constitution, which reads in part:
"The Buffalo council ship arrived in Quebec and will sail in about 10 days for Van Diemen's Land with 70 political convicts of Upper Canada and about 62 from this Province, ten or twelve of the poor deluded prisoners will be pardoned on bail, eleven or twelve will be banished for life giving bail not to return. The American citizens will be liberated and thus ends the second insurrection - A third, should it occur will prove far more disastrous."
Provenance: Sam Nickle Military Postal History Collection (January 1996; Lot 318)
A highly interesting letter concerning Canada's operation of political prisoners of the Rebellion of 1837, handwritten by James Cuthbert, 1st English seignoir of Berthier, President of special council of Lower Canada to administer affairs after 1838 suspension of Constitution, which reads in part:
"The Buffalo council ship arrived in Quebec and will sail in about 10 days for Van Diemen's Land with 70 political convicts of Upper Canada and about 62 from this Province, ten or twelve of the poor deluded prisoners will be pardoned on bail, eleven or twelve will be banished for life giving bail not to return. The American citizens will be liberated and thus ends the second insurrection - A third, should it occur will prove far more disastrous."
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1839 (August 13) Large folded OHMS Money Letter mailed "TOO LATE" from Niagara to Toronto, double circle NIAGARA U.C. in red with filled-in date "13th Augt 1839", quadruple rate "1/6", four times the 4½ pence for 33 miles across the lake by steamboat; the earliest reported of the large (American made) type "MONEY LETTER" (63x6mm) handstamp according to Harrison, VF
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 10 (Figure 18 - Rarity Factor "RRR")
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 10 (Figure 18 - Rarity Factor "RRR")
Est. $400+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1840 (January 21) Folded letter endorsed "Via Liverpool and New York" from Leogan, St. James, Jamaica to Hartfield near Québec; perhaps travelling more directly as the only datestamps are Halifax double arc transit (unclear date) and Quebec JUN 11 1840 receiver, redirected to Holland Landing, UC. Rated "5N1 Ship" and "4" for total "9/1" - an unusually seen high postal rate. Letter reads in part: "... he lost the whole of the ginger crop of last year in consequence of the ... getting their freedom." An interesting ship route with an unusually high postage rate, VF
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1840 (February 4) Superb, clean and fresh folded lettersheet endorsed "Money Letter", sharp double Montreal FE 4 1840 CDS in red, same-ink "MONEY LETTER" boxed handstamp (the earliest usage of this), rated "2/9" to Picton, very attractive, XF
Literature: Illustrated in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 12 (Figure 19 - with rarity factor "RRR")
Literature: Illustrated in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 12 (Figure 19 - with rarity factor "RRR")
Est. $200+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1840 (June 24) Folded cover endorsed "P Great Western Post Paid to New York", three PAID handstamps denoting "1/10" currency for double weight (twice 11 pence), U.S. border to New York "37½" (cents), freight money fee "50 cents", Quebec, New York transits, carried on steamer Great Western to England where it entered the mail, two-line BRISTOL / SHIP LETTER handstamp in red, rated "8" pence sterling collect for ship letter rate, Fine
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers, Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1070
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers, Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1070
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1840 (November 17) Folded entire from Alexander Hunter Murray (1818-1874) who later joined Hudson Bay Company and was one of the first to arrive in the Yukon, built in 1847 Fort Yukon, a four-page letter (although endorsed "single sheet"), rated "A.P. 25, Steam 25, BR 9, Paid handstamp and "3/3" from London, U.C. to Greenock, Scotland, some ageing and wear at sides. Ship Letter handstamp and 22 DE 1840 arrival backstamp.
An historically interesting, detailed account on A.H. Murray's voyage and immigration from August 31 to October 2, and in even greater detail his overland journal from Quebec via many stagecoaches and steamboats and his impressions on arrival.
The writer joined the Hudson Bay Company in 1845 and became a key figure in the Yukon and of HBC history; in charge of establishing Fort Yukon in an area he and HBC exploited, until 1869 when HBC was ejected from Fort Yukon by the US following their purchase of Alaska.
An historically interesting, detailed account on A.H. Murray's voyage and immigration from August 31 to October 2, and in even greater detail his overland journal from Quebec via many stagecoaches and steamboats and his impressions on arrival.
The writer joined the Hudson Bay Company in 1845 and became a key figure in the Yukon and of HBC history; in charge of establishing Fort Yukon in an area he and HBC exploited, until 1869 when HBC was ejected from Fort Yukon by the US following their purchase of Alaska.
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1842 (October 8) Folded lettersheet mailed to New York, rated "11" pence to border and "18¾" (cents) to New York, double arc Quebec dispatch and well-struck British Crowned Paid at Quebec, L.C. handstamp in red - the first year of usage of this, VF (SG CC1; R. Lowe HS-99)
Est. $250+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1842 (November 24) Folded letter from Montreal prepaid to England, double arc dispatch and paid handstamps, prepaid to England where forwarding Agents Coutts & Co. crossed out address and paid a 1/- sterling forwarding charge to Corfu, Ionian Islands; British paid dispatch datestamps and forwarding agents handstamp on backflap. One of only two recorded stampless covers from Canada to the Ionian Islands, VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1504
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1504
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1843 (March 24) Folded cover prepaid from Québec to a soldier's wife, rated "1/4" currency, "1/2" sterling, well-struck British Crowned Paid Circle Paid at Quebec, L.C. in red with same-ink Quebec MR 24 1843 double arc dispatch, travelling overland during the winter to Halifax for the Cunard Line steamer to Liverpool; sealed tear on flap, unusually clear strike of the Crowned Paid Circle, VF (SG CC1; R Lowe HS-99)
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1843 (May 26) Clean folded cover from Newmarket, UC to Toronto, endorsed "Money Letter" and assigned Letter Bill No. "332" at left, neat MONEY-LETTER and PAID handstamps in red, manuscript "1/1½" prepaid triple rate (less than 60 miles) with same-ink Newmarket MY 26 1843 double arc dispatch; couple light folds. According to Horace Harrison this is the EARLIEST MONEY LETTER known to have been assigned a Letter Bill number, which enabled the receiving postmaster to check them against the bill. This eventually evolved into the use of registered letter numbers. A significant cover perfect for a serious registered mail collection, VF
Provenance: Horace Harrison, R. Lee Auctions, October 2003; Lot 113
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on pages 17-19 (Figure 34).
Provenance: Horace Harrison, R. Lee Auctions, October 2003; Lot 113
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on pages 17-19 (Figure 34).
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1846 (March 10) Soldier's letter inscribed "From Staff Sgt Bartlett 14th Regiment" and countersigned by commanding officer Major James Watson, mailed from Québec to Warden, Provincial Penitentiary at Kingston, British "Crown" PAID at Quebec handstamp, rated "1" and double arc dispatch in red; tiny cover repair at left, otherwise sound neat Kingston MR 15 1846 receiver in red on reverse. A beautiful Soldier's rate cover unusually sent domestically - a high percentage of known Concessionary rate covers are addressed to the UK; a great cover for an advanced collection, VF
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1846 (May 13) Folded lettersheet from Montreal prepaid to Bordeaux, endorsed "per steamer from Boston to Liverpool on the 16th May", Cunard Line with Anglo-French Accountancy mark boxed "CANADA &c ART.12." handstamp in red, British 29 MY 1846 transit and three different French transit / receiver postmarks. Includes a lovely engraving of Montreal from the St. Lawrence 182 x 127mm (circa. 1840), VF
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1846 (July 9) Folded entire datelined "Perth Western Australia July 9th 1846", addressed to a Royal Artillery officer in the garrison at Montreal, showing nice "Paid / Freemantle" red octagonal with filled-in "10/7/46" date, rated "6d" and oval "L / JA 10 C", rated "8, "1/10" and "2/0½"; on reverse SHIP LETTER straightline in red, double circle JA 9 1847 British transit. Letter in part reads: "Your letter of 29th October I only received in this out of the world place on the 8th June". A rare early cover from Western Australia to Canada, VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1457
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1457
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1846 (November 16) A very rare Money Letter to England, clear Niagara double arc dispatch in red, two different MONEY LETTER handstamps and large red manuscript "m", rated "1/2"; on reverse Launceston, Toronto and Montreal backstamps. No apparent extra charges levied as a Money Letter either in Canada or England; light edge wrinkles and couple light folds, F-VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1080
Horace Harrison mentions in an article titled: "Money Letters: Forerunners of the Registry System - Part 2" PHSC Journal No. 51, that "In the original articles published nearly 20 years ago in the American Philatelist, it was stated that no such letters were known. Since then, only seven have uncovered and recorded." At least two of the seven have "Money" in manuscript as opposed to being handstamped MONEY LETTER as the one offered here. A very rare example to the UK, perhaps the most attractive of the few that exist.
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1080
Horace Harrison mentions in an article titled: "Money Letters: Forerunners of the Registry System - Part 2" PHSC Journal No. 51, that "In the original articles published nearly 20 years ago in the American Philatelist, it was stated that no such letters were known. Since then, only seven have uncovered and recorded." At least two of the seven have "Money" in manuscript as opposed to being handstamped MONEY LETTER as the one offered here. A very rare example to the UK, perhaps the most attractive of the few that exist.
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1847 (May 27) Folded entire in clean, fresh condition, addressed to New York, Montreal including double arc dispatch, unframed "tombstone" and the very short-lived, rarely seen circular U.States / Postage / Paid instructional marking - which denotes collection of U.S. postage by the Canadian Post Office for the U.S. Post Office, all attractively struck in red. Rated "4½" and "10" (US cents) "paid to N. York Box 160"
This handstamp was only in use in 1847 (only in Montreal); the practice was abolished following order on November 16, 1847
Provenance: Dr. John Robertson Collection of U.S.-B.N.A. Cross-Border Postal History, Matthew Bennett, April 2004; Lot 100
This handstamp was only in use in 1847 (only in Montreal); the practice was abolished following order on November 16, 1847
Provenance: Dr. John Robertson Collection of U.S.-B.N.A. Cross-Border Postal History, Matthew Bennett, April 2004; Lot 100
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1847 (August 29) Folded entire of historical interest - contains gruesome accounts of many deaths from "Emigrant Fever", endorsed "Paid by Boston Steamer Ship", Montreal double arc dispatch prepaid "1/2" stg & "1/4" currency Cunard rate to England, F-VF; ex. Jack Arnell, Transatlantic Mails 1686-1875 Collection (February 1997; Lot 156)
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1847 (September 15) Folded cover endorsed "Money Letter, no postal device at origin but docketing "Eboulements 15th Sept 1847" at left, rated "7" (distance between 61-100 miles), with manuscript bill number "885" (early usage of the letter bill number system), MONEY LETTER handstamp in red and same-ink Quebec SEP 17 double arc dispatch on back, F-VF
Est. $200+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1849 (February 2) Folded letter from Sgt John Strong serving in Quebec, countersigned by Commanding Officer, rated "1" for Soldier's concession rate to the UK, Quebec double arc dispatch and British "Crowned" Circle Paid at Quebec, L.C., small tear at foot. Glasgow FE 20 1849 backstamp, F-VF (R. Lowe HS-99; SG CC1)
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1849 (October 12) Folded entire written in French with "Ste Croix Grand Manitouline 12 9bre 1849" (Holy Cross, Manitoulin Island) (as no post office established), hand delivered to Penetanguishene, U.C. post office with clear NOV 20 1849 unframed CDS, addressed to Epizon, France; backstamped Holland Landing and Montreal transits, two different red boxed Colonies Art 12 handstamps, rated "2/5" collect for British and Foreign Fees converted to "19" (décimes) collect, French transit Calais 10 DEC 49 and two others on back. A very rare early letter from Manitoulin Island, VF
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1849 (December 11) Folded entire from Duglad MacTavish to William MacTavish (involved in exploration and fur trade) at Hudson Bay House, Sault Ste Marie, mailed from Kilchrist, Scotland with circular "1s/4dcy", manuscript "1/2"; on reverse Liverpool DE 14 double arc in blue, clear Holland Landing JA 7 1850 transit in red and Penetanguishene JAN 8 transit in blue; from there travelling BY SNOWSHOE to Sault Ste. Marie, which at that time was the most Westerly Post Office in Canada, VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1143
An interesting early pioneer mail to Western Canada, partly transported on foot by snowshoe.
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1143
An interesting early pioneer mail to Western Canada, partly transported on foot by snowshoe.
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1851 (January 29) Cover from Niagara Falls to Jordan, Upper Canada and endorsed "Money", Niagara JAN 29 CDS in blue and same-ink "Paid 10" handstamp for double rate, Queenston JAN 29 1851 transit on arrival across the river with straightline MONEY LETTER" and rated in error "4½" as single weight; partial Jordan receiver backstamp. A very rare Money Letter from the United States - according to Harrison (PHSC Number 51, page 24) one of only three known, F-VF
Literature: Illustrated in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 29 (figure 53 with rarity factor "RR")
Literature: Illustrated in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 29 (figure 53 with rarity factor "RR")
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1853 (April 25) Blue folded entire from Ingersoll to Toronto handstamped "3D" to collect, attractively postmarked IN GREEN INK Ingersoll AP 25 1853 double arc dispatch and MONEY-LETTER handstamp - very scarce coloured cancels. Discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail" on page 26. A lovely cover with great eye appeal, VF
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1854 (September 14) Legal envelope mailed from Montreal addressed to George Norris Trent of the Royal Navy "to be left at the post office Drummondville Eastern Township until called for", straightline "MONEY-LETTER" in red and unusual block type "MONEY" handstamps in black in upper corners possibly applied by the sender, rated unpaid "6" for double weight same-ink Montreal double arc dispatch in black, same-day receiver backstamp in red, light fold and slight soiling, an interesting and scarce Money Letter, Fine
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1855 (April 8) Bluish envelope mailed prepaid from Quebec to Dublin, Ireland, clear cursive, very scarce "8d Stg. Paid 10 Cy." handstamp in red, Paid / Quebec 9 1855 datestamp, via Boston by Cunard Line to the UK with tombstone Pkt Letter Paid Liverpool 22 AP 1855, Blackrock, Ireland receiver backstamp. A scarce route & rate cover mailed during the Crimean War Period (January 1855 - January 1856), Fine; ex. Jack Arnell (February 1997; Lot 175)
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1855 (May 22) Registered cover sent prepaid from Montreal to New York, bearing (all in red ink) unframed "tombstone" Montreal PAID MY 22 1855 datestamp, boxed "REGISTERED", two different "PAID" handstamps and circular PAID 6D, for letter rate to the US, registration fee of 1p paid in cash. The Registration System replaced Money Letters on March 31, 1855, no formal agreement with the US was made until August 8, 1856 (registration fee: 3 pence). In the meantime, the 1p charge paid for service to the border, then continued as a courtesy. One of the very few known covers from this "interim" period, VF
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1855 (July 19) Blue folded cover from Brant to Southampton, handstamped PAID and "RERISTERED" in red, the latter misspelled - believed to be the only post office among nearly 1,300 that received this error handstamp. Rated "3" with Brant double arc dispatch with filled-in date, three different backstamps. A very scarce handstamp error, VF
Provenance: Horace Harrison Collection of Canadian Postal History, Matthew Bennett, February 2003; Lot 31
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 47 (Figure 84).
Provenance: Horace Harrison Collection of Canadian Postal History, Matthew Bennett, February 2003; Lot 31
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on page 47 (Figure 84).
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (March 11) Blue envelope in clean condition, embossed albino "Young, James & Co. Montreal crest on backflap, postmarked with unframed "tombstone" Montreal PAID MR 11 datestamp in red, dark red "By Grand Trunk Railway" private handstamp and same-ink Paid Drawer 14 Y.J. & Co. oval handstamp and rated "6" in manuscript denoting postage was levied to Bryant's Pond, one of the train stations on the US section of the G.T.R. An attractive cover in an excellent state of preservation - the few we have seen had faults to some degree, XF
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (March 17) Folded letter datelined "Montreal 14 March 1856", prepaid "6" pence to New York, straightline "REGISTERED" denoting the current 1 penny registration fee (prepayment mandatory) in cash for service to the border as registration was not formally recognized to the US until August 8, 1856. One of the few covers mailed during this interim period, VF
Provenance: Horace Harrison Collection of Canadian Postal History, Matthew Bennett, February 2003; Lot 84
Provenance: Horace Harrison Collection of Canadian Postal History, Matthew Bennett, February 2003; Lot 84
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (April 12) Blue folded cover locally mailed to Crown Lands, Toronto, large circular APR 12 CDS, same-ink "FREE" handstamp for the ½p drop letter free franking privilege, the registration fee of 1p had to be prepaid, REGISTERED handstamped in red. Unusually clean, a very scarce combination of postal markings, VF
Provenance: Warren Wilkinson Gold Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859, Firby Auctions, June 2007; Lot 34
Provenance: Warren Wilkinson Gold Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859, Firby Auctions, June 2007; Lot 34
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (June 9) Large blue cover sent registered from Galt to Toronto, somewhat reduced at left and light fold, rated "1/1" for the quadruple 3p rate (12p) plus 1p registration to be collected - a procedure against postal regulations that required mandatory prepayment of the 1p registration fee. Believed to be the only recorded example (according to Harrison) showing both postage and registration fees as collect. An important registered cover for an advanced collection, VF
Provenance: Warren Wilkinson Gold-Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859, Firby, June 2007; Lot 107
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on pages 48-49 (Figure 87) - assigned rarity factor of "RRR"
Provenance: Warren Wilkinson Gold-Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859, Firby, June 2007; Lot 107
Literature: Illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909" handbook on pages 48-49 (Figure 87) - assigned rarity factor of "RRR"
Est. $1,500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (July 9) Red Brown envelope, portion of Ashton, U.C. "Crown" wax seal on reverse, to Ogdensburg, NY via Ottawa & Prescott, double arc Ashton dispatch in red with filled-in "9 July 1856" date, light boxed REGISTERED and PAID handstamps in red, rated "6" for prepaid letter to the US and 1p registration fee paid in cash. Registration to the US was not formally recognized until August 8, 1856 - the then current 1p prepaid registration fee was until the border, onward the service of registration in the US not available. One of the few covers that exist from this pre-agreement period, Fine
Provenance: Harry Lussey Canadian Registration Collection, R. Lee Auction No. 94, May 1999; Lot 466 - illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail" handbook on page 91-92 (Figure 161).
Warren Wilkinson Gold-Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859, Firby, June 2007; Lot 187
Provenance: Harry Lussey Canadian Registration Collection, R. Lee Auction No. 94, May 1999; Lot 466 - illustrated and discussed in Harrison, Arfken & Lussey "Canada's Registered Mail" handbook on page 91-92 (Figure 161).
Warren Wilkinson Gold-Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859, Firby, June 2007; Lot 187
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (July 14) Small envelope sent prepaid from Montreal to London, showing three different postmarks in red - unframed tombstone Montreal Paid JY 14 1856, a very scarce straightline "8dStg PAID 10dCy." and British "PAID 28 JY 1856" CDS; minor wrinkling, a very appealing cover with VF strikes
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (August 18) Small envelope prepaid to London, struck in red with unframed tombstone Montreal PAID AU 18 1856 and very scarce "8dStg PAID 10dCy." straightline for the Cunard Line rate via the US; minor wrinkling, a pretty cover, Fine with VF strikes
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1856 (November 19) Clean, fresh folded cover from Québec to Dublin, Paid Quebec .. 19 1856 double arc dispatch (no month) in red and same-ink very scarce cursive straightline "6dStg Paid 7½Cy." handstamp, tombstone Pck Letter Paid Liverpool DE 2 58 transit in red and superb two-line "BY-CANADIAN / PACKET" handstamp applied at Liverpool alongside Dublin DE 3 1856 CDS receivers; an attractive Allan Line rate cover to Ireland, VF
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1100
Provenance: Allan Steinhart Collection, Harmers of Switzerland, May 2005; Lot 1100
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1857 (July 23) Mourning cover with intact black wax seal, prepaid to Navan, Ireland, endorsed "by Boston", Peterboro double arc dispatch and a very scarce cursive "PAID 8d.Stg. 10d.Cy." straightline for Cunard Line rate via the US, Pkt Letter Paid Liverpool AU 10 57 transit in red, Navan AU 12 receiver, VF
Est. $250+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1858 (May 5) Mourning cover sent free from Toronto to Crown Lands, large unframed Legislative Assembly Canada MAY 5 1858 CDS in blue (Davis LA-2), VF (CS LA-2)
Est. $200+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1858 (July 22) Small cover mailed free from Toronto to Berlin, struck with unusually clear Legislative Assembly Shield & Crown Canada July 22 1858 handstamp in red (Davis LA-4) and straightline "FREE" in black, initialed at left, Berlin JY 23 receiver on back. An attractive, early usage of the "Shield", VF (CS LA-4) ex. Sam Nickle Canadian 19th Century Postal History (October 1996; Lot 737)
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1858 (August 23) An appealing small cover from Québec to Dublin, large CDS dispatch in red and same-ink, clearly struck straightline "PAID 6dStg", tombstone Pkt Letter PAID Liverpool SP 9 58 transit and also struck at Liverpool two-line "BY-CANADIAN / PACKET" in red on back alongside Dublin SE 1858 CDS receiver. A beautifully postmarked Allan Line rate cover to Ireland, VF
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1858 (October 1) Cover from St. Croix, L.C. to Québec, rated "6" for double weight letter rate, plus carrier fee "1" of one penny for total of "7" pence to be collected, next-day Quebec receiver backstamp; further annotated "Pd by Me L.B." Carrier letters are most unusual - according to Firby no cover bearing stamps prepaying such a rate has been reported. During the Pence era, only four stampless covers are recorded, VF; ex. Warren Wilkinson Collection (June 2007; Lot 97)
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1859 (February 11) Intricate, embossed Valentine with gold multi-coloured card enclosed, superb large circular City of Ottawa, C.W. 11 FEB 1859 CDS, rated as a drop letter with "1/2" penny rate, pretty and in an excellent state of preservation, VF and scarce
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1859 (February 28) Thompson's "Mirror of Parliament 1859 No. 1" circular sent free from Quebec to Lacolle, C.E. light ageing and edge wear, superb large unframed Legislative Assembly Canada handstamp IN RED (Davis LA-2 unlisted in red, no date). A great item related to Government official postal markings and quite likely one-of-a-kind, Fine with VF+ strike
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1863 (March 19) Clean folded lettersheet from Liverpool on Allan Line to Montreal, dispatch CDS, endorsed "per North American via Derry", British Claim "5" stg. on a double unpaid letter, rated "37" to collect (2 x 12½c postage plus half-fine of 12½c), Montreal AP 6 63, VF and unusual; ex. Jack Arnell Transatlantic Mails Collection (February 1997; Lot 585)
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1864 (March 10) Immaculate cover bearing the rare Legislative Council Canada (serifed letters) "Crown" handstamp in red - quite clear for this (Davis LC-4) mailed free to Whitby, C.W. with light same-ink FREE "Crown" (italic; Davis FH-1ii), initialed at left, light Whitby split ring in blue on reverse, VF (CS LC-4 + Boggs "Free" type HS-04) ex. Sam Nickle (October 1996; Lot 738)
Est. $350+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1864 (November 12) Cover from George Brown, a Fathers of Confederation, prepaid to Scotland, endorsed "Free Geo Brown Prest Ex Council" at left, Paid Québec NO 12 1864 double arc dispatch in red and same-ink very scarce and late use of "6Stg Paid 7½dCy" handstamp, couple small tears at top; on reverse clear Edinburgh NO 23 64 CDS receiver, F-VF; ex. Allan Steinhart (May 2005; Lot 1001) Illustrated and discussed in Arfken & Leggett "Canada's Decimal Era" handbook on page 134 (Figure 7).
Est. $400+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1865 (May 16) Orange cover delivered by favour from Toronto to Henry Morgan in Quebec, with letter signed by James Ross (1835-1871) and four-page autobiographical sketch, a former Postmaster at the Red River Settlement, who was to become Chief Justice under the Provisional Government of Louis Riel in 1870. An important document related to Red River Settlement, Fine
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1871 (August) Yellow cover to Henry Morgan, Secretary of State, Ottawa with three letter enclosures from the Canadian Pacific Railway Survey Crew from Camp 13 sent following the disaster of July 1871 and carried by Indians to Great Lakes Steamers, then onward to Ottawa. Light, quite legible "Crown" Chief Engineers Office I.C.R. SEP 11 PAID Railway handstamp, Ottawa SP 11 split ring. The letter reads in part: "The Gunboat had not arrived and had it not been the H.B. Post (Hudson Bay Post) supplying us with provisions... starvation". "The H.B. Co charge us double prices for everything. Indian Couriers have not brought any Mail since Collingwood." An interesting letter carried by Indians and by river post, Fine
Provenance: Sam Nickle Canadian 19th Century Postal History, Firby, October 1996; Lot 461
The Gunboat mentioned is the "Rescue" commissioned at the time of the first Riel Rebellion 1869-1870 and considered the first boat in the Canadian Navy. See Eastern Auctions April 2021 sale Lot 372 for another "disaster" cover from the same correspondence; franked with 3c Small Queen - sold for $1,700 hammer.
Provenance: Sam Nickle Canadian 19th Century Postal History, Firby, October 1996; Lot 461
The Gunboat mentioned is the "Rescue" commissioned at the time of the first Riel Rebellion 1869-1870 and considered the first boat in the Canadian Navy. See Eastern Auctions April 2021 sale Lot 372 for another "disaster" cover from the same correspondence; franked with 3c Small Queen - sold for $1,700 hammer.
Est. $1,000+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1875 (February 24) An appealing small folded cover mailed free from Ottawa to London, Ontario, unframed House of Commons Canada with "24" indicia date only with Free below postmark in blue (Davis CP-6ii), same-ink REGISTERED used at the House of Commons (unlisted in Davis) visible at left, countersigned with Ottawa split ring dispatch and straightline REGISTERED on arrival at main post office, VF (CS HC-4a + unlisted H of C Registered blue handstamp)
Provenance: Horace Harrison (with portion of his original album page)
"Libra" Collections - Government Official Mail, Eastern Auctions, October 2012; Lot 1174
Provenance: Horace Harrison (with portion of his original album page)
"Libra" Collections - Government Official Mail, Eastern Auctions, October 2012; Lot 1174
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1878 (March 25) Incoming Mail - Yellow cover in immaculate condition from Brome, C.E. split ring dispatch and "FREE" marking, well struck Montreal MAR 25 transit on back plus superb strike of the extremely rare double ring House of Commons Canada MAR 26 1878 postmark (without "Crown" nor Free) in blue (Davis CP-9i with highest rarity factor of "5") as a receiver. A very small number exist, no doubt this is the finest and most desirable example, XF (CS HC9) This strike is the same one depicted in the Canada Specialized and Davis catalogues; ex. "Libra" Official Mail Collection (October 2012; Lot 1180)
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS 1878 (April 3) Small envelope endorsed "O.H.M.S." and "Free", very clear South Bolton, L.C. double arc dispatch with filled-in "April 3 1878" date; on reverse a light but complete, legible strike of the extremely rare double ring House of Commons / Canada APR 4 1878 postmark (without "Crown" nor Free) in blue (Davis CP-9i RF "5" - the highest rarity factor allocated by Davis). Very few exist, VF (Canada Specialized HC-9)
Est. $300+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Nine covers of various rates, some with instructional markings, noted St. Jean Port Joly manuscript dispatch on 1833 "4½" prepaid to Quebec; two attractively colour cancelled Berthier Money Letter handstamped covers 1846 & 1847 to Montreal; 1835 superb double circle Brighton, U.C. dispatch to Toronto; also 1838 (Dec. 14) printed Sermon titled "National Judgments provoked by National Sins" preached at Cobourg, as a day of public fasting and humiliation in consequence of the present conspiracies against the peace of the province.
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Eleven covers 1854-1858 nicely written up on quadrilled pages, prepaid or unpaid to the United States from various towns, noting 1855 (6 pence) postage charged to account on GWR envelope, 1857 "Advertised" and returned letter from the US, 1857 double unpaid rated "20" (cents) to collect at Vermont. Border exchange office handstamps in red or black, etc.
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Nine covers to or from Canada 1840s-1860s, various handstamps, instructional markings and rates, eight to or from the UK, one incoming from France 1865 and rated "21" cents collect. Also an 1852 letter to Scotland with insightful information on how to emigrate to Canada (transcript enclosed), etc.
Est. $750+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Five 1834 to 1837 covers written up on quadrilled pages with letters from Scottish emigrants telling of their experiences and lives in Canada. Insightful. Fine or better
Est. $500+
CANADA STAMPLESS COVERS Nine covers nicely written up on quadrilled pages, dated 1801 to 1837; from eight different Forwarding Agents. Two 1801 covers from Quebec to Scotland with double oval Ship Ltr "Crown" Liverpool handstamp, 1814 Montreal to London with two different Ship Letter handstamps, 1821 & 1827 two covers from different agents mailed from Halifax to Philadelphia, 1835 St. John, NB to London, 1836 Scotland to Montreal, 1837 Calcutta, India to Guelph, Canada with nice oval Forwarded By Goodhue & Co. New York agent handstamp in red. Seldom seen items from the Allan Steinhart Collection (May 2005; part of Lot 1554), F-VF
Est. $1,500+
CANADA - 1 ESSAYS A very seldom seen plate essay block of four, engraved and printed in dim brown on bond paper, superb in all respects, only a handful of blocks exists, XF (Minuse & Pratt E-Aa)
Provenance: “Carrington” Collection of Province of Canada, Matthew Bennett Auctions, June 2002; Lot 3001
Provenance: “Carrington” Collection of Province of Canada, Matthew Bennett Auctions, June 2002; Lot 3001
Est. $2,000+
CANADA - 2 PENCE Engraved plate essay single in green on white wove paper (0.004" thick), bright colour and large margins, VF+
Est. $500+
CANADA - 1 ESSAYS Engraved plate essay in violet brown on white bond paper (0.004" thick), choice, VF
Est. $400+
CANADA - 2 PENCE 1TCiii,Trial colour plate proof in black on india, horizontal SPECIMEN overprint in carmine, part sheet margin at top, choice, VF
Cat. $400
CANADA - 2 PENCE 1,A used example with adequate to large margins, great colour a